Part Source |
The source of the part, Buy, Make, or Consigned
Part Number |
The internally assigned number of the part.
(Rev) |
The revision number assigned to the part. |
Customer's Part Number |
The customer's number of the part. This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned) |
(Rev) |
The customer's revision assigned to the part. This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned) |
Customer |
The Name of the Customer. This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned) |
If this button is displayed in RED depressing this button will reveal any notes about the part that have been entered in the item master.
Part Class |
The classification to which the part number belongs. |
Part Type |
The type within the classification to which the part number belongs. |
Description |
The description of the part number. |
Manufacturer |
The name of the manufacturer of the part. |
Manufacturer’s Part Number |
The number the Manufacturer has assigned to the part.
From Warehouse |
The name of the Warehouse.
From Location |
The location within the warehouse where the part transferred will be pulled from. |
In-Store Supplier |
The name of the In-Store supplier. (this field will only be displayed if the warehouse selected is an In-Store warehouse)
To Warehouse |
The name of the Warehouse.
To Location |
The location within the warehouse where the part transferred will be placed. |
Qty Available |
The on hand quantity.
Quantity to Transfer |
The quantity transferred. See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.
The Unit of Measure for the part.
Reason |
The reason for the Transfer.
Reference |
The reference for the Transfer.