1. Inventory Handling
1.1. Prerequisites for Inventory Handling

After activation, "Inventory Handling" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Inventory Master Each part to be received, issued or transferred must be set up in  Inventory Control Mgmt .
GL Defaults The Inventory Handling GL Defaults must be setup. 
Reason Codes The Inventory Handling Reason Codes must be setup. 
MRB Warehouse

A MRB (Material Review Board) Warehouse must be setup in Warehouse Setup

1.2. Introduction for Inventory Handling

The Inventory Handling module is for receiving without a purchase order, issuing without a packing list, transferring inventory items from one warehouse location to another and to transfer discrepant materials into the MRB (Material Review Board) Warehouse.


Receiving is particularly useful in setting up the initial inventory when first launching ManEx. 


Issuing is useful to expense Inventory Items.


This module can also be used to adjust the Inventory Master to the actual count after taking a physical inventory, if the user does NOT have the ManEx Physical Inventory module.

If the user has in-store items, which they want to return to Vendor without any impact on accounting or PO (like obsolete parts), within the Issue page users will see a check box "Return In-store 2 Vendor".  This field will only be visible if the In-Store warehouse is selected, and if check-marked no purchase order will be created and there will also be no impact on the GL values.

Buy Part Serialization Feature:  The users will be able to properly assign Serial numbers to Buy parts through the Receiving screen.  Within the other remaining Inventory Handling screens (Issue, Transfer, & MRB) Serial number selection boxes will appear.

When receiving a part with no Warehouse or location setup within the Inventory Control AVL, and that specific part/warehouse has been marked as "Allow Auto Creation", users will be able to set warehouse and location directly from the Inventory Handling Receipt.
These transactions are recorded and tracked in the "Transaction Detail Log Report" and "Part Transaction Log with Balance Report" located in the Inventory Control Mgmt module.


1.3. Fields & Definitions for Inventory Handling
1.3.1. Receiving Tab

The main screen

Receiving tab field definitions

Part Source The source of the part, Buy, Make, or Consigned
Part Number The internally assigned number of the part.
(Rev) The revision assigned to the part.
Customer's Part Number The customers number of the part.  This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)
(Rev) The customers revision assigned to the part. This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)
Customer Name The Name of the Customer.  This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)

Depressing this button will reveal any notes about the part that have been entered in the item master.

Received Qty The quantity received. See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.

The Unit of Measure for the part.

Receiving Account Description

The description (and its related General Ledger account) pertaining to the receipt.

Manufacturer The name of the manufacturer of the part.
Manufacturer’s Part Number

The number the Manufacturer has assigned to the part.

Warehouse The name of the Warehouse.

The location within the warehouse where the part received will be placed.

This button will ONLY be displayed if the "Allow Auto Creating Location at Receiving" box is checked in the Mfgr/AVL  Quantity Info tab within the ICM module.
Part Class

The classification to which the part number belongs.

Part Type The type within the classification to which the part number belongs.

The description of the part number.


The reason for the receipt.


The reference for the receipt.

1.3.2. Issue Tab

Issue tab field definitions

 Part Source

The source of the part, Buy, Make, or Consigned 

 Part Number

The internally assigned number of the part.

 (Rev) The revision number assigned to the part.
Customer's Part Number The customer's number of the part.  This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)
(Rev) The customer's revision assigned to the part. This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)
Customer Name The Name of the Customer.  This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)

If this button is shown in RED, depressing this button will reveal any notes about the part that have been entered in the item master.

 Issued Qty

The quantity issued. See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.

 UOM The Unit of Measure for the part.
 Issue Account Description

The description (and its related General Ledger account) pertaining to the issue.

 Issued To The name of the project, etc.

The name of the manufacturer of the part.

Manufacturer’s Part Number The number the Manufacturer has assigned to the part.

The name of the Warehouse.

 Location The location within the warehouse where the part issued will be pulled from.
 Qty Available

The on hand quantity.

 Part Number

The internal number assigned to the part.


The quantity issued.

In-Store Supplier If an In-Store warehouse is selected the In-Store Supplier will be displayed within this field. 
In-Store Return 2 Vendor Check this box If the user has in-store items, which they want to return to the Vendor without any impact on accounting or PO (like obsolete parts). (This field will only be visible if the In-store warehouse is selected).  If check-marked no purchase order will be created and there will also be no impact on the Gl values.
 Part Class

The classification to which the part number belongs.

 Part Type

The type within the classification to which the part number belongs.


The description of the part number.


The user defined reference for this issue.


1.3.3. Transfer Tab

Transfer tab field definitions

Part Source

The source of the part, Buy, Make, or Consigned 

Part Number

The internally assigned number of the part.

(Rev) The revision number assigned to the part.
Customer's Part Number The customer's number of the part.  This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)
(Rev) The customer's revision assigned to the part. This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)
Customer The Name of the Customer.  This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)

If this button is displayed in RED depressing this button will reveal any notes about the part that have been entered in the item master.

Part Class The classification to which the part number belongs.
Part Type The type within the classification to which the part number belongs.
Description The description of the part number.
Manufacturer The name of the manufacturer of the part.
Manufacturer’s Part Number

The number the Manufacturer has assigned to the part.

From Warehouse

The name of the Warehouse.

From Location The location within the warehouse where the part transferred will be pulled from.
 In-Store Supplier

The name of the In-Store supplier.  (this field will only be displayed if the warehouse selected is an In-Store warehouse)

 To Warehouse

The name of the Warehouse.

 To Location The location within the warehouse where the part transferred will be placed.
 Qty Available

The on hand quantity.

 Quantity to Transfer

The quantity transferred.  See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.


The Unit of Measure for the part.


The reason for the Transfer.


The reference for the Transfer.



1.3.4. MRB Tab

MRB (Material Review Board) tab field definitions

 Part Source

The source of the part, Buy, Make, or Consigned 

 Part Number

The internally assigned number of the part.


The revision number assigned to the part.

Customer's Part Number The customer's number of the part.  This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)
(Rev) The customer's revision assigned to the part. This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)

Depressing this button will reveal any notes about the part that have been entered in the item master.

 Part Class

The classification to which the part number belongs.

 Part Type

The type within the classification to which the part number belongs.

Customer The Name of the Customer.  This field will only be displayed if the Part Source selected is (Consigned)

The description of the part number.


The name of the manufacturer of the part.

Manufacturer’s Part Number

The number the Manufacturer has assigned to the part.

 Part Number The internal number assigned to the part.
 Quantity The quantity transferred.
 From Warehouse

The name of the Warehouse.

 From Location

The location within the warehouse where the part transferred will be pulled from.

 To Warehouse

The name of the Warehouse.

 To Location

The location within the warehouse where the part transferred will be placed.

 Qty Available The on hand quantity.
 Quantity to Transfer

The quantity transferred. See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.


The Unit of Measure for the part.

 Reason The reason for the Transfer.

The reference pertaining to the Transfer.


1.4. How To ..... for Inventory Handling
1.4.1. Receiving Tab

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Management/Inventory Control Management/Inventory Handling 


The main screen will be displayed:

Inventory Handling is used for receipt of non-purchase order receipts.

To add inventory, depress the Receiving tab.

  1. Depress the Add button.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Select the Part Source from the pull down menu (BUY, MAKE, or CONSG).
  4. Enter a Part Number, if Part Source is "CONSG" you will need to enter Customer Name from pull down, then you will have a choice to enter in customer PN or Internal PN.
  5. Part type, class, and description will default in.
  6. Enter the Received quantity.
  7. Select the Receiving Account Description from the pull down menu.
  8. Select the Manufacturer & manufacturer part number from the pull down list.
  9. The warehouse will default in. If the default is not the warehouse you want you may select a dffferent warehouse from the pull down list.
  10. Select the reason for the receipt from the pull down list.
  11. Enter in a Reference (Optional).
  12. Depress the Save button.

This message is a general message that is displayed in Inventory Handling if all locations/AVL's for a part are flagged in a Cycle Count or Physical Inventory and the part has ONLY one WHSE and AVL setup. 
User must reconcile and post the cycle count or physical inventory for this part and then you will be able to process the records within Inventory Handling.  
If the part has more than one WHSE and/or AVL setup and the part number is flagged in a Cycle Count or Physical Inventory the warning is NOT displayed,  but the warehouse drop down is not available for selection within the issuing, receiving, transferring, and MRB screens after you select the AVL.   As shown in the screen below.  
If there are multiple revisions for the same part number a screen will appear for user to select the correct part number from:

The completed screen will look like this for a Buy, or Make part.

The completed screen will look like this for a Consigned part.

The completed screen will look like this for a Serialized part.  Note:  Users are allowed to receive in once issued out SN(s) back into stock, if  the SN is for the same part number, and was issued out through inventory handling, then the system will re-link it to its old history.  If the SN has been shipped out of the system via a packing list, then the user will be required to receive it back in through the RMA Process.   

If user enters a SN that already exists for this PN they will recevie the following message:
Depress OK, then delete or remove the SN(s) being displayed in Red by depressing the Delete button and the following confirmation message will be displayed  

Depress Yes to continue, then user must re-enter new serial numbers and save changes.
The completed screen will look like this for a Lot Coded part.

If the "Allow Auto Creating Location at Receiving" box has been selected for a specific AVL in the ICM module the "New Location" button will appear on the Receiving screen as shown below.  
Depress the New Location button and the following screen will appear, giving the user the option to create a new Warehouse/Location for this part: 
Depress "Yes" and the following screen will appear, listing the Warehouse(s) that have the "Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving" box selected in the Warehouse Setup module.  
If user selects InStore a Supplier selection will appear in the screen:
When all the information has been entered the New Warehouse/Location will appear in the Quantity Info screen within the ICM module.

1.4.2. Issue Tab

Issuing or Expensing Inventory Items with no Work Order

The following types of items would be covered in the Issue screen:

1.  Issuing to Cost of Goods Sold (Usually Non-taxable)

Such as: Tems with no Bills of Material; Prototypes and Pilot Products for Resale; Items not classified as “Used in Kit”

2. Expensing for In-House Consumption (Usually Taxable)

Such as: Items consumed in the production process but not shipped as a part of product for resale; Items used for calibration or testing of the production process; Items used for samples or prototypes which are not resold.

3.  Return In-store 2 Vendor

If the user has in-store items, which they want to return to the Vendor without any impact on accounting or PO (like obsolete parts) there is a check box available within the issue page  "Return In-store 2 Vendor". (This field will only be visible if the In-store warehouse is selected).  If check-marked no purchase order will be created and there will also be no impact on the GL values.

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Management/Inventory Control Management/Inventory Control Management

The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Issue tab and the following screen will be displayed:

To issue inventory items follow these steps.
  1. Depress the Add button.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Select the Part Source from the pull down menu. (BUY, MAKE, or CONSG).
  4. Enter a Part Number, if Part Source is "CONSG" you will need to enter Customer Name from pull down, then you will have a choice to enter in customer PN or Internal PN.
  5. Part type, class, and description will default in.
  6. Enter the Issued quantity.
  7. Select the Issue Account Description from the pull down menu.
  8. Enter the Issued To.
  9. Select the Manufacturer & manufacturer part number from the pull down list.
  10. The warehouse will default in. If the default is not the warehouse you want you may select a different warehouse from the pull down list.
  11. Enter the Reference if applicable.
  12. Depress the Save button.

This message is a general message that is displayed in Inventory Handling if all locations/AVL's for a part are flagged in a Cycle Count or Physical Inventory and the part has one WHSE and AVL setup. 

User must reconcile and post the cycle count or physical inventory for this part and then you will be able to process the records within Inventory Handling.  


If the part has more than one WHSE and/or AVL setup and the part number is flagged in a Cycle Count or Physical Inventory the warning is NOT displayed,  but the warehouse drop down is not avaiable for selection within the issuing, receiving, transferring, and MRB screens after you select the AVL.   As shown in the screen below.  

The completed screen will look like this.
If issuing parts with Serial Numbers once user has entered the Part number info, etc. Users have the option of selecting the Serial Numbers to be issued two different ways:
By highlighting and using the arrows. Select the proper radial "Single Entry" or "Range" and enter in the From and To SN's:
Depress the Save button and the SN's will transfer over into the Inventory Handling issue screen. 
Below is how the screen will appear If issuing Lot Coded parts: 
Depress the Save button to save changes, or the Abandon changes button the abandon changes.
1.4.3. Transfer Tab

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Management/Inventory Control Management/Inventory Handling

The following screen will be displayed:
Depress the Transfer tab and the following screen will be displayed:

To transfer inventory from one warehouse to another follow these steps.

  1. Depress the Add button.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Select the Part Source from the pull down menu. (BUY, MAKE, or CONSG)
  4. Enter the Part Number, if Part Source is "CONSG" you will need to enter Customer Name from pull down, then you will have a choice to enter in customer PN or Internal PN.
  5. Part type, class, and description will default in.
  6. Select the Manufacturer & Manufacturer part number from the pull down list.
  7. Select the  "From"  warehouse from the pull down list.
  8. Then select the   "To"  warehouse from the pull down list.
  9. Enter quantity to transfer.
  10. Select the reason from the pull down list.
  11. Enter the reference if applicable
  12. Depress the Save button. 


For this feature to work properly, the Inventory Part Number MUST have two warehouse locations assigned to it within the ICM module.  The  "From"   Location MUST have quantity on hand..   If user attempts to transfer parts that do NOT have two warehouse locations, or from regular inventory location to MRB, the following message will be displayed.   This screen is used to move parts from a regular warehouse to another regular warehouse,  or to move parts that are already located in MRB back into regular stock.    (Note:  System will NOT allow users to transfer parts out of MRB location to regular inventory if parts were transfered into the MRB warehouse through PO Receiving). To move parts from stock to MRB you will need to use the Inventory Handling MRB screen


This message is a general message that is displayed in Inventory Handling if all locations/AVL's for a part are flagged in a Cycle Count or Physical Inventory and the part has ONLY one WHSE and AVL setup. 

User must reconcile and post the cycle count or physical inventory for this part and then you will be able to process the records within Inventory Handling.   

 NOT displayed,  but the warehouse drop down is not avaiable for selection within the issuing, receiving, transferring, and MRB screens after you select the AVL.   As shown in the screen below. 


The completed screen will look like this.

If transfering qty from an In-Store warehouse to an Internal warehouse an accounting transaction will be created in Inventory Transfer upon saving the transfer.  Then user will then need to create the In-Store PO within the PO module. 


1.4.4. MRB Tab
MRB (Material Review Board) Warehouse Overview
The MRB (Material Review Board) Warehouse is where rejected material found at time of PO receiving or in production is transferred through inventory handling into the WHSE so management has time to determine whether to return discrepant material to the Supplier. It is a non-netable account meaning qty's residing in this WHSE are not consider as available inventory for MRP demands or production needs.

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Management/Inventory Control Management/Inventory Handling

The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the MRB tab.  The following screen will be displayed.

To Transfer Inventory Items from Inventory to MRB follow these steps.

  1. Depress the Add button.
  2. Enter in your password.
  3. Select the Part Source from the pull down menu. (BUY, MAKE, or CONSG)
  4. Enter the Part Number, if Part Source is "CONSG" you will need to enter Customer Name from pull down, then you will have a choice to enter in customer PN or Internal PN.
  5. Part type, class, and description will default in.
  6. Select the manufacturer & manufacturer part number from the pull down list.
  7. Select the From Warehouse from the pull down list:
  8. The To Warehouse automatically defaults to MRB (Material Review Board).
  9. Enter the Quantity to Transfer.
  10. Select the Reason for transfer from the pull down list:
  11. Enter in the Reference if applicable.
  12. Depress the Save button.


This message is a general message that is displayed in Inventory Handling if all locations/AVL's for a part are flagged in a Cycle Count or Physical Inventory and the part has ONLY one WHSE and AVL setup. 

User must reconcile and post the cycle count or physical inventory for this part and then you will be able to process the records within Inventory Handling.  



If the part has more than one WHSE and/or AVL setup and the part number is flagged in a Cycle Count or Physical Inventory the warning is NOT displayed,  but the warehouse drop down is not avaiable for selection within the issuing, receiving, transferring, and MRB screens after you select the AVL.   As shown in the screen below.  

The completed screen will appear as follows:

Once the preceding steps have been completed, the user may Add to PO DMR (Discrepant Material Return) module, 
or you may transfer it back into Inventory using the Transfer tab .

Once the DMR (discrepant material return) has been added and saved, a Debit Memo will be created in the Accounting System.  Additionally, the corresponding entry will be created and the balance in the Accounts Payable Aging will adjust.   


1.5. FAQs - Inventory Handling
Facts and Definitions for the Inventory Handling Module