1. Customer Information (CI)
1.1. Customer Information
1.1.1. Prerequisites for Customer Information

After activation, "Customer Information" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Accounting Rights
User MUST have full A/R Aging Rights  in Accounting Security or MUST be an Accounting Supervisor to approve the Terms, Credit Status and/or Credit Limit fields.
Customer ID Numbering

This selection must be defined for either automatic or manual Customer numbers in Number System setup. 


The Territory selection for the customer must be setup in Sales Territory  setup.

SIC Codes

If used, the SIC selections for the customer must be setup in SIC Codes  setup.

Terms Th Terms selection for the customer must be setup in Payment Terms  setup.
FOB conditions The FOB terms for sales must be setup in the FOB setup screen. 
Ship Via methods The method by which orders are to be shipped must be setup in Ship Via  setup.
Shipping Charges If used, a classification of shipping charges must be setup in Ship Charge setup.
Sales Tax Categories

The sales tax categories for each customer must be setup in Sales Tax Authority Table  setup.

Contacts If used, the contacts used at the customer must be setup in Contacts Information.



1.1.2. Introduction for Customer Information

The Customer Management Module is used to enter the details about customers. This information is used to prepare invoices and packing lists, as well as establish defaults to be used when new orders are created for a customer. A customer may have more than one bill-to address, if there are different divisions for the customer with different accounting departments. Sometimes customers may wish to have material drop-shipped to a third party and bill them. One customer bill-to address will be identified as the default address to be used in the creation of new orders. One customer ship-to address will be identified as the default address in new orders. Also, terms and conditions identified in these screens will be used as defaults for shipping, invoicing and accounting. The user has the opportunity to modify the default information at the time a new order is created.


1.1.3. Fields & Definitions for Customer Information Customer Information Tab

Field & Definitons

Cust No
The customer number assigned to the customer. If automatic, will be completed when the data is saved. If manual, must be entered.
Customer Prefix
This information may be used when uploading a BOM through the BOM Import module, if Inventory part numbers are to be created manually and user chooses to add the prefix when creating new part numbers. 
Customer Name

The Customer Name.

Acct Date
The date the account was established (defaults to current date).
Account Status
The account status (Active, Inactive, or Quote).   If the customer account status is "Quote"  the customer will only be available in the Quote Module Customer List.  It will be listed as Inactive in all other modules.  If a user changes the Account status from Active to Inactive the program will check if there are any active BOM's and ask if the user wants to inactivate those BOM's at the same time or not.  If the user will answer "YES" all BOM associated with the customer will be Inactive.  When the user tries to activate an Inactive BOM, which is associated with an Inactive customer, the program will ask the user if they want to activate the customer at the same time, if not the system will abort BOM activation.
The Territory for the account (These are established in the Sales Territory  setup).
The phone number of the customer.
The Fax Number of the Customer.
Reseller No
The user may include the customer’s resale number for tax purposes.
Terms The standard terms established for the customer. Terms must first be established in the Payment Terms  setup.  Note:  that this field may be edited only by a user with full Accounting rights.  (The Terms Discount will be reflected in the Bank Deposit module).
Credit Status
The Credit status of the customer. Select OK - Credit is good;  On Hold - a temperary hold and customer may return to OK status.   or Reject - a visual status for users to know that the customer is rejected and will NOT have an opportunity for credit status change.   Note:  that this field may be edited only by a user with full Accounting rights.
Credit Limit
The credit limit established for the customer.  The credit limit check takes place within the packing list.  The program gets the total Accounts Receivable (AR Aging) + Not Posted Invoice (invoice not printed out of the Admin/Invoice module) + Open SO Amounts and compares it to the Credit Limit established for the customer.
This is based on having the "Include Open Orders for Credit Approvals for Shipping" option checked, (within the Print PL/Invoice setup module) (if you do NOT want to include open Sales Orders you would want to uncheck this option) and the "Enforce Credit Limit at Shipment" option checked, (within the Sales-A/R setup module)(uncheck this option if you do NOT want to Enforce the Credit Limit at Shipment).   You also have the ability,  to authorize a user to approve the credit limit exceed message or NOT (within the Security module, Packing List option screen).   Make sure that these options are marked properly to get the results you are expecting.  
NOTE:  that this field may be edited ONLY by a user with FULL Accounting rights.
Account Taxable
 Check box if user wants this Customers Account Taxable at all times.
SIC Code

The SIC code for the Customer. If used, must first be established in the SIC Codes  setup.

Sales Discount Type

The sales discount available to this customer as established in Sales Order Defaults & Sales Discount Type  setup.    (The Sales Discount will be calculated in Sales Order module and on Invoice).  


When this screen is viewed for an existing customer, contacts entered in the Contact Information module will show for this customer. The field is not editable from this module. 

First Name
The first name of the contact.
The title held by the contact. Bill-To Tab
Field & Defintions



Customer Name

The name of the customer.

Billing Addresses A list of Bill-To addresses created for the customer, from which to choose for editing data.  There is no limitation to the number of addresses added to this field.
This button allows the user to define multiple Bill-To locations for the customer.
This button allows the user to modify existing Bill-To information about a customer. If more than one Bill-To address exists for a customer, the address highlighted is the one that will be opened for editing.
This button allows the user to delete an existing Bill-To address for a customer only if this address is NOT linked to a Sales Order.  If this address is or has been linked to a Sales order you will receive the following message:

This button is automatically checked for the first entry. After that, the user may wish to enter other Bill-To locations, and identify one of those as the default Billing address. The Billing address with the default checked is the one that will automatically be placed in new orders. However, the user still has the opportunity to change the Billing address in the order by selecting another address.

Bill To The name of the organization to which invoicing is to be sent. (It may be a different division, or a drop-ship situation.)
Address The Customer Bill-To Address (may use two lines).
City The City for the Customer Bill-To Address.
State The State for the Customer Bill-To Address. 
Zip Code The Zip Code for the Customer BillTto Address. 
Country The Customer Country.
Invoice Footnote – will open a screen for a Footnote that will appear on all of the invoices for that customer.
Phone The phone number at the Customer’s Bill-To Address.
Fax The fax number at the Customer’s Bill-To Address.
Attention The Contact Name at the Bill-To address (if established in the Contact module ).
E-mail The E-mail address at the Bill-To Customers
  will open screen that will allow you to populate the e-Banking information for the Highlighted Bank. 
This button allows the user to save the modified Bill-To information.
This button will cancel any modifications made to the screen after the edit button has been pressed. Customer e-Bank Information

Note:  this information is here for future implementation at this time.  It does not have any affect or functionality within Manex at this time. 

Information populated here would be the Customer's banking information

 Link Bank in List  when this is selected it will allow the user to select from ebanks that already exist for the selected customer and associate to the highlight Bill To address
      Existing eBanks      List of existing eBanks for Customer
 Add New Bank allow the user to create a new eBank

Originator (Name on Account)  This would be the your name associated with your Bank Account
Address The bank institution address information
 City  The bank institution City
 State  The bank institution state
Postal Code/Zip The bank institution zip code
 Country The bank institution country
 Phone The bank institution phone number
 Fax The bank institution fax number
 Attention Person or department at bank institution
 E-Mail email address for the bank institution 
 Destination Bank Name
Destination Bank Account Number This is the bank account number carried forward from the prior screen for the highlighted record 
 Bank Branch The bank institution branch 
 Bank Routing The bank institution routing number
 Bank ID/SWIFT  international bank code that identifies particular banks worldwide. It's also known as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC). CommBank uses SWIFT codes to send money to overseas banks. A SWIFT code consists of 8 or 11 characters
 Country Code The bank institutions country code 
 Default Payment Type Choose from the following options:  
 Next E-Reference #  The next desired reference number that will be assigned to the next e-record
 Automatic Number if checked the system will assign the next reference number automatically


 Ship To Tab

This button is automatically checked for the first entry.   After that, the user may wish to enter other Ship-To locations, and identify one of those as the default Shipping address. The Shipping address with the default checked is the one that will automatically be placed in new orders.   However, the user still has the opportunity to change the Shipping address in the order by selecting another address.

Shipping Address

A list of Ship-To addresses created for the customer, from which to choose for editing data.  If more than one Ship-To address exists for a customer, the address highlighted is the one that will be opened for editing.    There is no limitation to the number of addresses added to this field.


This button allows the user to define multiple Ship-To locations for the customer.  This button will become available once the Action "EDIT" or Action  "ADD" button is depressed.


This button will become available once the Action "EDIT" or Action  "ADD" button is depressed.  This button allows the user to delete an existing Ship-To address for a customer only if this address is NOT linked to a Sales Order.  If this address is or has been linked to a Sales order you will receive the following message:

This button allows the user to save the new Ship-to address entered.   This button will become available once the Action "EDIT" or Action  "ADD" button is depressed.

This button will cancel the new Ship-To address entered before depressing the Save button.   This button will become available once the Action "EDIT" or Action  "ADD" button is depressed.

Ship To

The name of the organization to which product will be sent. (It may be a different division, or a drop-ship situation.)


The Customer Ship-To Address (may use two lines).


The City for the Customer Ship-To Address.


The State for the Customer Ship-To Address. 

Zip Code

The Zip Code for the Customer Ship-To Address. 


The Customer Country.


Packing List Footnote – will open a screen for a Footnote that will appear on all of the packing lists for that customer.


The phone number at the Customer’s Ship-To Address.


The fax number at the Customer’s Ship-To Address.


The Contact Name at the Ship-To address (if established in the Contacts Information module).


The E-mail address at the Ship-To Customers.  This field will allow 40 characters to be entered.



The FOB Terms established for the customer. Must be established in the FOB  setup prior to use.


The Ship Via definition established for the customer, as entered in Ship Via setup.


The shipping charge classification used for charging the customer, as entered in Ship Charge  setup.

Transit Days

The number of days from user’s dock to customer’s dock, based on ship-via method.

Use Foreign Tax

Check this box to use Foreign Tax for this specific ship to address. Once checked for a specific address it should not be switched back to US Tax.  (If customer has two addresses, one that uses US tax and one that uses Foreign tax then user should setup one address without the Foreign tax box checked and one address with the Foreign tax box checked).

Account Number

The freight account number if the customer wishes the freight to be shipped against their own account.

Delivery Time

The customer - preferred delivery time to their dock.

US Tax -  If user doesn't check "Use Foreign Tax", then the foreign tax set up will be invisible and the US Tax setup will be visible. 
Sales Tax The sales tax to be charged on taxable items shipped to this address.
Shipping Charge Tax

The sales tax to be charged on freight costs for shipping to this address.

Foreign Tax - If user checks "Use Foreign Tax", then the foreign tax set up will be visible and the US Tax setup will be invisible. 
Primary Tax This tax will be calculated first, when the "Use Foreign Tax" box is checked
Primary Tax Includes

Option to Apply Tax on the Product, Freight or both.   ManEx recommends that once these boxes are setup they should NOT be changed.   

Note:   The tax rate will not be affected in the Credit Memo if user changes the tax setup in customer module, but the primary and secondary tax checkboxes will be affected, just like the shipping address if user changes that in the customer module.   

Secondary Tax

This tax will be calculated after Primary tax when the "Use Foreign Tax" box is checked.

Secondary Tax  Includes

Option to Apply Tax on the Product, Freight, both or Primary.  ManEx recommends that once these boxes are setup they should NOT be changed.   

Note:   The tax rate will not be affected in the Credit Memo if user changes the tax setup in customer module, but the primary and secondary tax checkboxes will be affected, just like the shipping address if user changes that in the customer module
This button allows the user to select a tax authority based on the ship-to locations for the customer.  The tax authority codes must be established in the Sales Tax Authority Table setup prior to using

This button allows the user to select an existing tax authority for the customer for deletion


Shipping Or Packing Instruction

This screen is a memo field that may be used to record directions, notes, cautions, etc. for shipping to this Customer Address. Profile Tab
Fields & Definitions


Customer Name  The customer name.
   This screen is a memo field that may be used to record customer company information Lookup Tab

Fields & Definitions

Active Select if you want to view only Active Customers
Inactive Select if you want to view only Inactive Customers
Customer No The customer number assigned to the customer. If automatic, will be completed when the data is saved. If manual, must be entered.
Customer Name The name of the customer.

1.1.4. How To .... for Customer Information Find Existing Customer Information

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter Sales/Customer Information/Customer Infomation

The following screen will be displayed:

There are two ways to Find Existing Customer Information:

1.     By using the Find button located in the tool bar at the top of the screen.  The following screen will appear:  Double click on the selected customer name to view the customer information.  If you want to view customers with Inactive status or Quote status you must select the Inactive radio. 

2.    Depress the Lookup tab.  This screen allows the user to locate a customer alphabetically.  Double click on the customer name and view that customer information without having to use the FIND button. This screen will list all of the customers entered with their name beginning with the letters included in the tab selected.  If you would like to view customers with Inactive status or Quote status you must select the Inactive radio. NOTE:  If a customer's name begins with a number it will not be displayed in the Lookup. Add a Customer

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter Sales/Customer Information/Customer Information


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Add button. User must enter password.

The customer number assigned to the customer. If automatic, will be completed when the data is saved. If manual, must be entered.

Enter the Customer Name. 

The date the account was established (defaults to current date). 

Enter the account status (Active, Inactive, or Quote).  Active is the default.

Choose the Territory for the account from the pull down (Territories are established in System setup/Sales Territory).

Enter the phone number of the Customer. 

Enter the Fax Number of the Customer.

The user may include the customer’s resale number for tax purposes.

Enter the standard terms established for the customer from the pull down. Terms must first be established in the System setup/Payment Terms setup.  Note that this field may be entered or edited only by a user with full Accounting rights.

Choose the Credit status of the customer from the pull down.  May be OK, On Hold or Reject. Note that this field may be entered or edited only by a user with full Accounting rights . 

Enter the credit limit established for the customer.  The credit limit check takes place within the packing list. (Credit Limit Restrictions). Note that this field may be edited only by a user with full Accounting rights. 

Check the box if this account is taxable.

Enter the SIC code for the Customer. If used, must first be established in the System setup/SIC Codes setup. 

Enter the Sales Discount available to this customer as established in System setup/Sales Discount Type setup.

Contacts MUST be added for a customer within the Customer Contact module after the Customer has been created within the Customer Information.  When this screen is viewed for an existing customer, contacts entered in the Customer Contact Module will show for this customer. This field is NOT editable from this module. 

After completing the Customer information screen, the user may click on the  Bill To tab.


In this screen, the user defines the customer information for invoicing purposes.

The Customer Bill-To Directive buttons will now be active: 

  This button allows the user to define multiple Bill-To locations for the customer. 

This button allows the user to modify existing Bill-To information about a customer. If more than one Bill-To address exists for a customer, the address highlighted is the one that will be opened for editing.


This button allows the user to delete an existing Bill-To record for a customer. 


This button allows the user to save the modified Bill-To information.  


This button will cancel any modifications made to the screen after the edit button has been pressed.

This button is automatically checked for the first entry.  After that, the user may wish to enter other Bill-To locations, and identify one of those as the default Billing address. The Billing address with the default checked is the one that will automatically be placed in new orders. However, the user still has the opportunity to change the Billing address in the order by selecting another address.

Depress the Add directive button, located at the bottom of the screen and the following screen will appear:

Enter the name of the organization to which invoicing is to be sent. (It may be a different division, or a drop-ship situation.)

Enter the Customer Bill-To Address (may use two lines).

Enter the City, State and Zip Code for the Customer Bill-To Address.

Enter the Customer Country.

Enter the phone number at the Customer’s Bill-To Address.

Enter the fax number at the Customer’s Bill-To Address. 

The Contact Name at the Bill-To Address (if established in the Contact module).

Enter the e-mail address for the Bill-To Customer.


Depressing this button will open a screen for a Invoice Footnote to be added that will appear on all of the Invoices for that customer.

After completing the Bill-To information, depress the Save button at the bottom of the screen.


The user then may click on the Ship To tab.

In this screen, the user defines the customer information for shipping purposes. T
he Ship-To screen has additional tabs for more detailed information. The first screen is the Ship-To Address Information. The screen and fields are identical to the Bill-To screen, except that the information will be used for packing lists.

Pressing the ADD button located at the bottom of the screen will automatically fill the information from the Bill-To screen, if it has been completed. All data may be edited and saved, or new data may be added to the database.

  Depressing this button will open a screen for a Packing List Footnote to be added that will appear on all of the Packing Lists for that customer.  

Select the FOB Terms from the pull down established for the customer. Must be established in the System setup/FOB setup  prior to use.

Select the Ship Via from the pull down definition established for the customer, as entered in System setup/Ship Via setup.

Select the shipping charge from the pull down classification used for charging the customer, as entered in System setup/Ship Charge setup.

Enter the number of Transit Days from user’s dock to customer’s dock, based on ship-via method.   If the Customer transit days are blank or zero that then the system will take from the Delivery Schedule default.

Enter the freight account number if the customer wishes the freight to be shipped against their own account.

Enter the customer preferred delivery time to their dock.
When "Use Foreign Tax" box is checked, the foreign tax setup will be visible and US Tax setup will be invisible.  When "Use Foreign Tax" box is unchecked the foreign tax set up will be invisible and the US Tax setup will be visible. 

Check the "Use Foreign Tax" button to calculate foreign tax, if foreign tax applies to this Ship To address.  This will allow users to use multiple taxes, based on the Province.  See the Foreign Tax Overview below.  Once this box has been checked for a specific address it should not be unchecked.  If customer also uses US Tax user should setup another ship to address for US Tax.  This box should not be checked and uncheck per shipment.

Enter the Primary and/or Secondary tax information to be charged on taxable items shipped to this address, by depressing the "Add Tax" button and selecting a tax rate from the Pull Downs.  Information being displayed in the pull downs is from the information entered in System Setup/Sales Tax Authority Table setup.  The User can modify how the tax should be calculated by checking or unchecking the box on the right of the screen.   

If not using foreign tax,  enter the sales tax to be charged on taxable items shipped to this address.  See the US Sales Tax Overview below.

Enter the shipping charge tax to be charged on freight costs for shipping to this address.

Adding a Sales Tax or a Shipping Charge Tax in Customer Information requires that those items added be entered in System Setup/Sales Tax Authority Table setup.

The Delete Tax button allows the user to select an existing tax authority for the customer for deletion.
Sales Tax Overview

Sales Orders/Customer Information

US Sales Tax Overview

For Sales Order Items with no Tax, leave the Tax box unchecked. No further action is required.

To Manually add US Tax (if not set up in Customer Information), enter line item and then in Pricing Screen click on Add Line and enter description of Sales Tax and Tax Amount manually. A Sales Type for the appropriate Tax G/L number should be setup in Accounting so that it can be selected when entering the Sales Tax manually.  The full amount of the Tax will be Invoiced upon shipment of the first item so using manual sales tax entries may not be useful for shipments with multiple shipments against the same line item.

Checking the Tax box in Sales Order Pricing will not calculate or add US Tax for a line item unless the Shipping Address for the particular Customer selected in the Sales Order Header has been set up. Shipping Address Tax Setup is done in the Tax and Shipping Mode screen under the Ship To tab under Customer Information Management.

If a particular Customer Ship To Address has more than one US Tax (such as a Sales, Use, Excise, etc. tax), then the taxes may be entered in System Setup individually and added individually to the appropriate Customer Ship To addresses.

If there are more than one US Tax setups for a Customer Ship To Address, Manex will add up all the tax rates and apply the combined percentage to the pre-tax line item total.
Foreign Tax Overview
User CANNOT manually add Foreign tax to Sales Orders or Invoices.  The Foreign tax box must be checked for the Shipping Address for the particular Customer selected in the Sales Order Header. 
If the Foreign tax box is checked for the Shipping Address for the particular Customer selected in the Sales Order Header.  Pricing will be listed as follows on the Sales Order Acknowledgement, Invoice, RMA, and Credit Memo:  First the Product Sub-tot AMT, the Sales Discount (if applicable), the Freight AMT (if applicable), a SUB-TOTAL,  the GST TAX (Primary tax) (Note: the Primary tax will always be displayed even if it is zero, if a Secondary Tax is present), then a second Sub-Total,  PST TAX (secondary tax), and last the TOTAL.  If no PST tax (secondary Tax), Sales Discount, or Freight is involved, then no lines would print for these items.    See the  Foreign Tax Examples.xls  attachment to see how the Primary and Secondary taxes are calculated.
The Primary tax and Secondary tax is divided into the Sales tax and Shipping tax on the Sales Tax reports. 
For Example: 
Primary Tax (GST):  144*10% (sales tax) + 0 (no freight tax is calculated) =$14.40
Secondary Tax (PST):  144*8% (sales tax) + 12*8% (Freight tax)  =  $12.48
Divided into sales tax and freight tax:
Sales Tax: 144*10% (sales tax)  +  144*8% (sales tax)  =  $25.92
Freight Tax  0 (from primary tax)  +  12*8% (from secondary tax)  =  $0.96

Enter the Shipping Instructions  -
This field is a memo field that may be used to record directions, notes, cautions, etc. for shipping to this Customer Address.

After completing the Ship To information select either the Save or the Cancel button located below the Shipping Addresses.  

Then  the user may click on the Profile Tab
In this screen, the user defines the Customer Profile notes for internal purposes. This screen is a memo field that may be used to record customer company information.

Once the record is complete user must depress the Save changes icon to save changes or the Abandon changes icon if you do not want to save change. Edit Customer Information

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter Sales/Customer Information/Customer Information


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Find action button. 

A Customer List will appear.  You may view Active or Inactive Customers.  Highlight and double click on the Customer or Type the Customers Name in the red box and depress the enter key.  

The Customers Information will appear on the screen:


Depress the Edit action button.  Enter password.


All fields available for editing will be enabled for modification.  Keep in mind that any changes within these screens will update all Open Sales Orders, Packing Lists, Invoices, RMA's, etc. upon save.  Note: Terms, Credit Status and Credit Limit may only be edited by Accounting.  All fields with the exception of the Customer No and Acct date become editable.

If a user changes the Account status from Active to Inactive the program will check if there are any active BOM's and ask if the user wants to inactivate those BOM's at the same time or not.  If the user will answer "YES" all BOM associated with the customer will be Inactive.  When the user tries to Activate an Inactive BOM, which is associated with an inactive customer, the program will ask the user if they want to activate the customer at the same time, if not the system will abort BOM activation.
If a user changes the Terms,  this will NOT affect existing Sales Orders, Packing Lists and/or Invoices. When creating a Packing List/Invoice  from an existing Sales Order the old Terms will default in and user will need to manually change them.  The new terms will ONLY affect any NEW Sales Orders that are created within the Sales Order Management module after the change has been made.
The Contacts field is not editable from this module.  The Contacts must be edited in the Customer Contact section 
To Add a new Bill To address, user must select the "Add" button located below the List of Billing Addresses.
To edit an existing Bill To address, highlight the Bill To address located in the list on the right,  and edit the information in the fields located on the left. 
To Delete and existing Bill To address, highlight the Bill To address located in the list on the right, select the "Delete" box located below the List of Billing Addresses.  
Once changes have been completed user must first depress the  "Save" or "Cancel"  button at the bottom of the screen.    
To Add a new Ship To address, user must select the "Add" button located below the List of Shipping Addresses.
To edit an existing Ship To, highlight the Ship To address located in the list on the right,  and edit the information in the fields located on the left. 
To Delete and existing Ship To address, highlight the Ship To address located in the list on the right, select the "Delete" box located below the List of Shipping Addresses.  
Tax Setup CANNOT be changed until all OPEN credit memo's have been approved for this customer.  If users attempts to change the Tax Setup and Credit Memo's with "OPEN" status are found for this customer, they will receive the following message.   

Once changes have been completed user must first depress the  "Save" or "Cancel"  button located at the bottom of the Shipping Address List.    

At the conclusion of the modifications process, the user must Save changes, or Abandon changes using the action buttons.  If you depress the Save changes button all records will be updated with new information.

    User will only be allowed to delete an existing Bill-To or Ship-To address for a customer if this address is NOT linked to a Sales Order.  If this address is or has been linked to a Sales order you will receive the following message:
 Depress the Exit action button to return to the previous screen. Link User Defined Fields to a Customer
The User Defined fields MUST be setup within Web ManEx.  For further detail see Article #5454.

The User Defined Fields can then be linked to a Customer by selecting a record in the ManEx Desktop, and selecting the UD action button (as displayed below).

The UDF for that section will then be displayed, and user can make changes (if applicable), Save & Exit or Cancel. 

1.2. Contact Information
1.2.1. Prerequisites for Contacts Information

After activation, "Customer Information & Customer Contact Information" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

A Customer Name  
The Contact must refer to a Customer, which has been set up in the Customer module.
A picture File A picture of the contact may optionally be included as a memory jogger, but the picture must already be available to pickup in a picture format.

1.2.2. Introduction for Contacts Information

The Contact Module is used to record the details of customer contacts. Contacts may be of any nature, but must be associated with a customer. Manex provides the user with the ability to maintain both professional and personal details about a contact, including provision for personal tastes and affiliations. Contacts must be entered in this module if they are to be included in the customer Ship-To and Bill-To data fields at a later time. A contact who has moved to another customer may have a new customer assigned to them without having to re-enter their personal data.

1.2.3. Fields & Definitions for Contacts Information Business Tab

Fields & Defintions

Last Name The last name of the contact being added or edited.
First The first name of the contact being added or edited.
MI The middle initial of the contact
Status The status of the Customer Contact, either Active or Inactive.
Nickname The nickname of the contact.
Company The company to which the contact belongs.
Title The title of the contact at the customer.
Department The department at the customer in which the contact works.
Phone The phone number and/or extension for the contact at the company (may be different than the company main number).
Cellular The Cellular phone number for the contact.
Fax The FAX number for the contact at the company (may be different than the company main number).
Pager The Pager number for the contact.
Internet or E-mail Address The E-Mail address of the contact. Personal Tab

Fields & Definitions

This button allows the user to load a photo for a customer contact. The photo file should be in the MANEX directory, and should be BMP or TIF format.


The Customer Contact Birth Date.

Spouse's Name The Customer Contact’s Spouse Name.
Spouse's Birthday The Contact’s Spouse’s Birthday.
Anniversary The Contact’s Anniversary.
Home Phone

The Contact’s Home Phone.

Address The Contact’s Home Address  (two lines available).

The Contact’s Home City.

State, Zip

The Contact’s Home State and Zip code.


The Contact’s home country.

This set of buttons allow the user to record specific information that they may wish to retain about the customer contact. It is divided into several categories to narrow the search for information later. Pressing any of these buttons brings up a memo window that may be added to, edited or canceled at will. Lookup Tab

Fields & Defintions

Last Name The last name of the contact.
First Name The first name of the contact.
Company The company to which the contact belongs.
Title The title of the contact at the customer.
Work Phone The phone number and/or extension of the contact at the company (may be different than the company main number).

1.2.4. How To .... for Contact Information Find a Customer Contact

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter Sales/Customer Information/Contacts Information

The Following screen will be displayed:

There are two ways to Find Existing Customer Contacts:

1.   By using the Find button located in the tool bar at the top of the screen.  The following screen will appear:  Select the desired Filter: by selecting the appropriate radio button - Active, InActive, or All.

Select the desired
Find: by selecting the appropriate radio button -  Last Name, First Name, or Customer. 

Enter the information into the red box, depress the Enter key and the information will populate the screen. 

2.    Depress the Lookup tab.  This screen allows the user to locate a customer contact alphabetically.  Double click on the customer contact name will bring the associated data into all screens without having to use the FIND action button. This screen will list all of the customer contacts entered beginning with the Last Name, First Name, Company, Title and Contact Phone number (not the company phone number). Add a Customer Contact

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter Sales/Customer Information/Contact Information


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Add action button. The user will be prompted for an authorized password.

Enter in the last name of the contact being added. 

Enter in the first name of the contact being added. 

Enter in the middle initial of the contact.

Select the status of the Customer Contact, either Active or Inactive.

Enter in the nickname of the contact.

Select the company to which the contact belongs by depressing on the down arrow located on the right hand side of this field and highlighting the selection.

Enter in the title of the contact at the customer.

Enter in the phone number and/or extension of the contact at the company (may be different than the company main number).

Enter in the FAX number of the contact at the company (may be different than the company main number.

Enter in the E-Mail address of the contact.

Enter in the department at the customer in which the contact works.

Enter in a Cellular phone number for the contact.

Enter in a Pager number for the contact.

After completing the Business information, the user may click on the Personal tab.  In this screen, the user may enter personal information relating to the contact.


The Customer Contact Directive buttons will now be active.


This button allows the user to load a photo for a customer contact. The photo file should be in the MANEX directory, and should be BMP or TIF format. Select the desired image. It will appear in the window.


This set of buttons allow the user to record specific information that they may wish to retain about the customer contact. It is divided into several categories to narrow the search for information later. Pressing any of these buttons brings up a memo window that may be added to, edited or canceled at will.

Enter in the Customer Contact Birth Date.

Enter in the Customer Contact’s Spouse Name.

Enter in the Contact’s Spouse’s Birthday.

Enter in the Contact’s Anniversary.

Enter in the Contact’s Home Phone.

Enter in the Contact’s Home Address(two lines available).

Enter in the Contact’s Home City.

Enter in the Contact’s Home State and Zip code.

Enter in the Contact’s home country.

Depress the Save action button to save changes, or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes. Edit a Customer Contact

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter Sales/Customer Information/Contacts Information


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Find action button. The following selection screen will be displayed.  To find an existing Customer Contact select one of the following radio buttons:  Last Name, First Name, or Customer and select to display Active, Inactive or All records then enter information in the Red box.

The user may exit the selection screen without a selection by selecting the X button.



Or user can find an existing Customer Contact by using the Lookup screen:

Once you have made your choice, the information will be displayed as follows:

Depress the Edit action button.  Enter password.

All fields available for editing will be enabled for modification. 

At the conclusion of the modifications process, the user must Save changes, or Abandon changes using the action buttons. 

 Depress the Exit action button to return to the previous screen.

1.3. Reports - Customer Information
1.3.1. Reports - Customer & Customer Contact

To obtain the Customer Information Reports within the Web, select the WEB Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen
. For further detail on How the Reports work within the Web refer to Article #5477.

Note: In order to access the Reports within the Web the Company Root URL must be setup within the System Appearance module and user must be linked to web within the System Security Module.

Select the Report Type:  CUSTOMER OR CUSTOMER CONTACT - A List of Reports will be displayed that are available on the Web for CUSTOMER OR CUSTOMER CONTACT

To obtain the Customer Information reports, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. 

The following reports screen will display a list of reports that are available on the ManEx Desktop:  


Highlight the desired report and then depress the OK button: 

Customer Information Report

For the Customer Information report, highlight Active, or Inactive the depress the > button or select both by depressing the >> button. 

Depress the OK button.

The following report will print:

Customer Contact Information Report
Highlight the report, depress the OK button:


The following report will print:




1.4. FAQs - Customer Information
FAQ's for the Customer Information Module