1. Sales Management
1.1. Sales Order Management
1.1.1. Prerequisites for SO Mgmt

Entering the Sales Order Module

There are a number of functions regarding Sales Order Entry that should be established at the initial installation of ManEx.  
The following Prerequisites are required for Entering a New Sales Order:
  • After activation, "Sales Order Management" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

  • The Numbering System for Sales Orders and Work Orders (manual or automatic entry)  - Manual entry will require that the user keep and maintain separate written logs of number usage.

  • Customer Information (must be completed before initiating a Sales Order).

  • The Customer Product Numbers (for assemblies) must be established in the Inventory Control Mgmt module, along with a BOM in the Integrated BOM & AVL module (must be completed before initiating a Sales Order). 
  • Sales Type & Price Itemization  must be setup.
  • If the Sales Order is being used to sell inventory from the stockroom,  then the inventory part numbers must be setup in the Inventory Control Mgmt module.  (User may also enter non-inventory items on a Sales Order with no prerequisite requirements).

Optional Prerequisites for Entering a New Sales Order:
1.1.2. Introduction for SO Mgmt

The Sales Order Module is used to record the details of the user’s Customer Purchase Order.  It is a translation of the customer’s order (or contract) to deliver goods into the user’s format and language.  This is done so that the user’s various departments can refer to a common format rather than have to adjust to a variety of customers’ formats. The Sales Order should reflect exactly what the customer ordered – the part numbers, the quantities, the delivery schedules, the price, the terms and conditions of the order, and any special charges.  Other important information to be included (besides the customer’s name) is the name of the contact at the customer, the purchase order number (the contract), whether or not the purchase order or contract has been agreed upon by acknowledgment of the Sales Order.

The user initiates the internal flow of operations by completing the Sales Order.  This order then is used to track the progress of the customer order, account for costs and revenues, determine the manufacturing performance to commitment, define the company backlog of sales, schedule workloads, and in general direct the activities and operations once the customer’s order is accepted.

The Sales Order module serves several functions relating to orders:

  1. to view and review an existing order.
  2. to edit an existing order.
  3. to add a new order.

To review and edit an order, the user FINDs the order to display it on the screen. There are a number of ways that ManEx provides for the user to aid in locating a specific order, which are discussed later. Once an order is found and displayed, the order may be EDITED to make desired changes to the order.

To create a new order, the user performs the ADD function.

Once in the Sales Order, the user may add or edit the products being delivered to the customer, including the quantity. The deliveries may consist of products, (assemblies made by the user), and/or parts (from the user’s inventory), and/or miscellaneous items (non-inventory items or services). The sales order program will determine pricing from the pricing module, if the part has had pricing entered. Otherwise, the user must add the pricing as the products are entered.  If the Pricing module doesn’t have the part entered, the user must also select the Sales Type.

The user must then establish a schedule for shipping the product. The schedule may be for a single shipment, or scheduled out over a period of time with the same or different quantities for each delivery. In ManEx, there is also the provision for automatic scheduling, which simplifies the scheduling if the user wishes to ship a fixed portion of an order each day, week or month.

The user may then verify that the Bill-to and Ship-to information is correct. It will be entered automatically in the Sales Order from the Customer Information module, using the default values. If more than one address exists for the customer, the user may change this information to match the individual order, if desired.

The user may also create work orders for the product FROM the sales order module. If the product is scheduled for multiple deliveries, the user may elect to make one order for all parts, or spread out the deliveries over multiple work orders.  We do not allow the Work Order to be released within the Sales Order module.  The Work Order module is a very valuable feature and should not be by passed.  The purpose of the WO Release is for various departments to fulfill their part of the task of releasing the WO on-line to avoid doing it manually.


1.1.3. Fields & Definitions for SO Mgmt Sales Order Tab

Sales Order Tab field definitions

Access to WebManEx

Depressing this button will display the complete history of all changes made to this order. It will list the Date/Time of Change, By User, SO Total at time of change, and List of Changes recorded.  The following changes are recorded when a sales order is saved, if a new sales order is created, or if an existing sales order is edited.  
For the header level - Customer PO#, Billing and Shipping Address changes, SO status changes, Approved and acknowledge status changed, Acknowledge document name changes, recognizes if notes have been changed (SO Note, SO Acknowledgement Footnote),
but will not record the differences between them.  This will be the users responsibility to record and track the modifications within the note fields.   
For the detail level - New item, removed item, quantity changes, status for the item changes.   
For the schedule level - New/removed schedule line, qty scheduled, date scheduled. 
For the price level - New price line, removed price line, price description, price, sales type.  
Sales Order This is the number assigned to the Sales Order.
Order Date

This is the date of the Sales Order.


This is the Name of the Customer.

SO Status

This is the status of the Sales Order, Open or Closed.

The main purpose of this button is to link a scanned copy of the signed acknowledgement from the customer to the SO for records, so you have proof linked right to the sales order that it was acknowledged by the customer.

This is the name of the Customer’s purchasing agent.

Customer PO

This is the Customer’s Purchase Order Number.

SO Approved This field will only be displayed on this screen if the "SO Approval Required" box is check within the Sales Order Defaults & Sales Discount Type module.  This box must be checked (if displayed) before a WO can be created for this SO.  Below the check mark is the date of approval and the User ID of the user who approved the SO.
Order Ack

A check in this box means the Customer’s Purchase Order has been accepted by the user.  Below the check mark is the date of acknowledgement and the User ID of the user who acknowledged the Sales Order. Note: Without this check mark, the order can’t go forward in the system.

Last Modified by This will display the date and User ID of the last person that made changes to the Sales Order

The Sales Order Line Item Number.

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the part or product.


The revision number pertaining to the part number.


The classification to which the part number belongs.


The type within the classification to which the part number belongs.

Description The description of the part number.
Ord Qty

The quantity of that part number ordered by the Customer.

Back Order

The un-shipped portion of the part number.

Shipped Qty

The amount of the order already shipped.


Unit of Measure.


If the Pricing Screen has been filled in, this will be the amount that the user will charge the customer for this line item.It is the sales quantity multiplied by the price for 1 unit.

Project Number

Select a Project number from the pulldown if this record is to be associated to a project.  To remove the Project number, right click on the field.  If parts are allocated to a project and the project is selected in SO for the SO item, when the part is shipped, those allocated to that project parts will be available to be shipped.  After the project is selected in SO, the new created WO will link to that project.

Line Status

This is the status for the line item highlighted on Sales Order: (Standard; Priority-1; Priority-2; Admin Hold; Mfgr Hold; Forecast; or Cancel) 

The system defaults the line item to Standard.  Standard is the ordinary Sales order line item status.  Priority is set up as a make ahead of all other orders, Priority-1;  being the most important and Priority-2;  the second most important.   Admin Hold is an order on hold due to customer credit, etc (this will not interfere with the production but will prevent shipping).  Mfg Hold will not interfere with the production but will prevent shipping.  Forecast will not interfere with the production but will prevent shipping. Status means user is entering SO line item as a forecasted item. Will not allow WO's to be created for the line item while in forecast status. Only drives demand on the components in MRP does not call out for WO's to be created.  

The user may put orders on Admin, Manufacturing Hold, or Forecast without affecting MRP  If user wants to prevent MRP from giving Release WO demands for line items with Admin or Mfgr Hold Status they will need to check the MRP on hold checkbox. 

MRP On Hold

This option gives the users the ability to turn OFF the function of the Sales Order line item driving the demands for the MRP and just use Work Order for buying components.  If this box is checked on the SO, MRP will instruct you to cancel all open PO(s) for the components needed for this SO and to cancel any WO demands linked to this SO. 

There is an option in System Setup/Sales Order Defaults that will automatically check the box when adding a SO Line item.  When using the system in this mode if you create a WO Manually, the MRP will tell you to cancel the WO since there is no SO demand.  This can be solved by doing the below.

Open/create Firm planned WO's so the MRP will not keep instructing you to cancel the order.

This is a perfect solution for customers who want to build products based on forecasts or promised to maintain certain amount of FGI in inventory.  They can use the Forecast Line status along with firm planned WO status to accomplish this and use the SO still to ship products from FGI inventory. 

SI  (Source Inspection)  This field has been added for future use.  It is not linked to any other modules at this time.   
FA  (First Article) This field has been added for future use.  It is not linked to any other modules at this time.
Fcst Item The Forecast checkbox is defaulted as True whether or not there actually is a forecast.  By doing this, we minimize the possibility of the MRP double ordering parts for the SO. If there is a forecast, then the SO will be subtracted from it.   If there is NOT a forecast, the SO will drive MRP as usual. Users can change to un-checked in the Sales order/Work order if desired.
SO Amount

The sum of the Extended column.

Primary Tax The Primary tax pertaining to the sale.  If foreign tax is checked in the Customer Information module. 
Secondary Tax The Secondary tax pertaining to the sale.  If foreign tax is checked in the Customer Information module.

The total tax pertaining to the sale.


The sales discount allowed to this customer.  This will default in from the Customer Information module.

SO Total

The total of the Sales Order.This is adding the Tax to and subtracting the Discount from the SO Amount.

For the line item highlighted:


Depressing this button will bring up the the following message:


This message is for a MAKE part only. This message will display the Longest Lead Time based on the following:  

Component Purchase Lead Time    1 week (5 days)

Product Kitting Lead Time& 2 days

Product Production Lead Time& 3 days

Total Sales Order Lead Time& 10 days
Note:   The SO lead-time does NOT calculate the purchase lead-times of buy parts associated to sub assemblies. It will consider the kitting and production lead-times of the make part itself along with any buy components on the top level assembly in calculating the longest lead-time.  The system assumes that the sub-assembly is complete at the time your kitting it for the top assembly.


Depressing this button will bring up the following screen.



For the Work Order number highlighted, the WIP quantity, due date, status and the Work Center location will display.


 FGI Qty

This is the quantity currently on the floor ready to ship.

Depress this button to add a note for the line item highlighted, this note is for internal use only. This note will be printed on the Sales Order Acknowledgement report but will NOT be printed on Packing List or Invoice. This note will be displayed on screen when viewing the Packing List and/or Invoice.

Directive Buttons:

This button starts the process to add a product (assembly) to the order.

This button starts the process to add a part to the order.This represents inventory which the user has purchased for the purpose of re-sale.

This button starts the process to add a miscellaneous charge to the Sales Order.
This button will delete the line highlighted.
This button starts the process to create a Work Order from the Sales Order screen for the line item highlighted. Schedule Tab

Schedule Tab field definitions


The name of the customer.


The Sales Order Line Item Number.

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the part or product.


The revision number pertaining to the part number.


The classification to which the part number belongs.


The type within the classification to which the part number belongs.


The description of the part number.

Delivery Schedule Section:

Due Date

The date the assembly is to be received by the customer.

Ship Date

The date the assembly is due to the shipping department.

Commit Date The date the product is due to the customer 
Shipped Qty

The amount already shipped.

Scheduled Qty

The amount to be completed by the indicated due date.


The sum of the scheduled column and the sum of the shipped column.



To add a line to the schedule.


To delete the highlighted item.

Auto Scheduling Section:

1st Due Date

This is the 1st date due to the Customer.

Delivery Qty

The Delivery Qty screen allows the user to divide the shipment into multiple deliveries of equal parts. For example, if the order is for a total of 100 pieces, and the customer wishes delivery to be at the rate of 10 units each day, then the delivery quantity should be entered as 10.

The next box allows the user to select the delivery intervals. The options are by day (DY), week (WK) (7 calendar days) or month (MO) (30 calendar days) days. After selecting the delivery interval, pressing the SAVE button creates a line for each delivery date in the sequence requested.

Note: In using the term Weekly and Monthly, it doesn't matter what the holidays or what the weekends are (i.e. that they are not excluded from the total time of a week or month), but are considered when the final date is calculated.

This is depressed if the user wants the system to set up the scheduling using the Delivery Schedule Default Days which are setup in the  Delivery Schedule Default Setup module.  .

Transit Days
This is the number of days from the user’s dock to the Customer’s dock. This will default in from the Customer Information module.  If the Customer transit days are blank or zero in the Customer Information module then the system will take from the Delivery Schedule Default Setup module.  NOTE: If user selects their first delivery date on a Monday with a transit day of 1 it will NOT default in a non-working day for the ship date such as Sunday, instead it will default in a working day for the ship day such as a Friday. 
Order Qty

This is the total order for the line item.


This is the quantity unshipped as of this date. Pricing Tab


Pricing Tab field definitions


The name of the Customer.


The Sales Order Line Item Number.

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the part or product.


The revision number pertaining to the part number.


The classification to which the part number belongs.


The type within the classification to which the part number belongs.


The description of the part number. 

 Price Markup
This information defaults in from the Sales Price List Information module, the percentage markup for the line item.  This field is NOT editable within the Sales Order Mgmt module.
 Customer Sales Discount
This information defaults in from the Customer Information module, the sales discount allowed the customer.This field is NOT editable within the Sales Order Mgmt module.

Commissions   Note:   For this information to be displayed on the SO user MUST also have "sales commission management" rights within the Security module.
NOTE: The Sales Commission information was added to the system to allow our users to create their own customer commission reports based on the information that is stored within the tables. I would suggest that you consider using Crystal Reports to design the desired Commission report that would best fit your company, using the information stored within the ManEx tables.

Sales Rep A list of Sales Representatives Names that get a commission from this product.  The Sales Rep(s) MUST be setup in the Sales Rep Information module.
Amount Each The amount of commission from this product
Depress this button to add a Representative
Highlight a Sales Representative on the list and depress this button to remove their name from the list
Total amount of commission for this product


The description of the line item.


The quantity ordered.


The price per unit of this line item.


This is quantity multiplied by the price.


This is the sum of the Extended column.

Sales Type

This is the Sales Type as defined in Article #143 .  This information is critical if accounting is installed, because the sales type references the General Ledger account number for the sale.  


The 1st account number is the sales number, the 2nd is for the applicable Cost of Goods Sold account number.


If this box is checked, the sale is subject to tax.  This will default in from the Customer Information module if the Taxable box is checked.  NOTE:  If the Taxable box is NOT checked in Customer Information but there is tax setup in the shipping info for the customer you can check this tax box for a specific Sales Order line item.   


Lot box at the right of the screen. This will take the unit cost as a lot charge for the item without extending the units by the price. This may be used if a flat fee is charged for a number of parts.


Depressing this button will allow user to enter additional charges for the product above. These charges may carry a different unit price, and may be of any description.  As the information is completed, the total cost for the line item is carried to the bottom of the box, to be validated with the customer’s purchase order.  A Non-inventory line added on this screen will be invoiced on the first shipment made for this sales order.


Depressing this button will delete the highlighted line.

 Total The grand total of the complete sales order WO List Tab

WO List Tab field definitions


The name of the Customer.


The Sales Order Line Item Number.

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the part or product.


The revision number pertaining to the part number.


The classification to which the part number belongs.


The type within the classification to which the part number belongs.


The description of the part number.

WO Number

This is the number assigned to the Work Order for the assembly of the product.

W/O Due Date

This is the date that the Work Order is due to be completed.

Build Quantity

This is the quantity to build by the date indicated.

Back Order

This is the un-shipped quantity.

Work Center

For the Work Order highlighted, this is the current work center location.


This is the quantity of the Work Order currently in the Work Center. Billing Tab

Billing Tab field definitions


The name of the Customer.

Bill To

The Billing address of the Customer.

Credit Status

The Credit Status the Customer has with the user.

Credit Limit

This is the limit the user has for the Customer.

Accounts Receivable

The balance the Customer has in the user’s Accounts Receivable Aging.

Open Orders

This is the sum of all other Open Sales Orders.

Credit Available W/O Ord

This is the net credit available after subtracting A/R balance and the sum of the other open Sales Orders from the Credit Available.

This Order Balance

This is the total amount of this Sales Order.

Credit Available W/Ord

This is the credit available to the customer after considering this Sales Order.  Note:  If the user has selected to "Enforce Credit Limit at Shipment"  (within the Sales - A/R Setup module) only a supervisor password can release the shipment. 

Credit Note

This section contains any notes regarding the Customer’s credit.  This field is for internal use only and will NOT be displayed when printing Packing List or Invoice. Shipping Tab

Shipping Tab field definitions


This is the name of the customer.

Ship To

This is the Customer’s Ship To address.


The name of the Customer’s Contact to whom the shipment will be directed.

   Depress this button to Change the Ship To Address
Terms This is the Payment Terms

This is the point where title passes 

Ship Via

The is the name of the carrier.

Cust Account No

This is the Customer’s account number with the carrier.This would be used where the customer paid the carrier directly for the shipment.

Delivery Time

The is the time by which the shipment should be at the Customer’s address. Notes Tab

Note Tab field definitions

Customer This is the name of the customer
Sales Order Note Add special notes that pertain to this sales order only.  This note is for internal use only and is not intended to print on Packing List or Invoice.
Sales Order Acknowledgement Footnote Add special notes that you want to print on the sales order acknowlegement.    This note will only print on the Sales Order Acknowledgement report, but will NOT be printed on the Packing List or Invoice.

1.1.4. How To ..... for SO Mgmt Find A Sales Order


Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter the Sales/Sales Mgmt/Sales Order Management/Sales Order Management.


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Find action button. The following selection screen will be displayed. 
Select the desired Filter: by selecting the appropriate radio button - Open, or All.

Select the desired
Find: by selecting the appropriate radio button -  Sales Order Number, Customer, Customer PO, Work Order Number, or All. 

Enter the information into the red box, depress the Enter key and the information will populate the screen.    If you do not know the exact number, Customer, etc  you may enter in a partial number, letter, etc, then once you depress the enter key the system will pull up the matching record onto the screen or a list of all Sales Orders that contain the partial number, letter, etc. entered, to select from.
The user may exit the selection screen without a selection by selecting the X button.

If user selects ANY of the Filters and Find by All - a screen will appear listing all the Sale Orders filtered by the selection,  in numerical order, along with the Customer name.   

The user has the option to view the sales order by either entering the sales order number into the red box, or scrolling down the list, highlighting the desired record and double click on it.   



Once you have made your choice, the information will be displayed as follows:

Note: When an RMA is created, both the pending receipt of the items from the customer and the subsequent shipment of replacement product to the customer is entered. Reference is made to the original Sales Order and Invoice only to allow the credit memo (when created) to have a place to apply the credit. Otherwise, there is no interface between the Sales Order and the RMA modules. If you were unable to find the Sales Order, try to locate it under the RMA menu item. See RMA Management Module Article #1610 for further assistance. Edit A Sales Order

Find a Sales Order, it may be edited by selecting the Edit Action button, then entry of the password. All fields available for editing will be enabled for modification.

Sales Order tab -  The user may add a new product, part or miscellaneous item. The user may delete an entire line item. The user may Issue a Work Order (if one hasn't already been issued). The user may change the quantity ordered, add or change the amount reserved or change the line status.  To remove a project number from the project field, ,by right clicking on the field.   (Note:  If a SO for example has three line items and user deletes only line item 01 user will NOT be able to re-use this line item when adding a new line item to this SO.  The system will use the next line item which would be line item number 04 in this example).  

Schedule tab - For the Line Item selected, the user may add or delete a scheduled delivery, change the 1st Due Date, or the Transit Days.

Pricing tab  - For the Line Item selected, the user may edit the Price, Sales Type, Tax, Lot Charge, Commissions info, Add or Delete a line.    

The Price Markup field is NOT editable within the Sales Order screen. This information defaults in from the Sales Price List Information module.

The Customer Sales Discount field is NOT editable within the Sales Order screen. This information defaults in from the Customer Information module.

WO List  -
  This screen is view only. 


Billing tab  -  The user may change the Customer address and/or add a Credit Note.

Shipping tab -
The user may edit or Add a New Ship To address, select a different Attention, FOB, Ship Via, and/or select a different Delivery Time from the pull down.  Note:  The user is able to edit or change the Cust Account No to match any special Ship Via pertaining to the specific order within the SO Shipping screen without the changes affecting the Customer Information module or any other pre-existing orders.

Notes tab -
The user may add or change the Sales Order Note and/or the Sales Order Acknowledgement Footnote

At the conclusion of the modification process, the user may either depress the Save  action button to save the changes or depress the Abandon changes action button to cancel changes, located at the top of the screen.
The following message will be displayed to the user if a WO is linked to the SO:

NOTE:  The link is for reference only between the two modules and they are still individual records so when any changes are made to either the SO or the WO the change will NOT update or be carried forward to the other. Add A Sales Order

Adding a sales order is accomplished by first selecting the customer, a product and quantity.   Then the user visits additional tab/screens to add more information about the order.   The first of these is the Schedule Screen, where the user defines the delivery requirements for the product, then the Pricing Screen.   The user should visit the Billing Screen and the Shipping screen to ensure that the defaults established for the customer are appropriate to the order being entered.   If the user is visiting this screen to view an existing sales order, they may tab to the WO List screen and view current work orders in process. 

Depress the Add action button.  Enter your password. And the Sales Order Screen will be displayed. The current calendar date will default in the Order Date field.  This may be changed if desired.
If the user is using auto-numbering for sales orders, the Sales Order field will be completed by ManEx when the order is saved.
The next field to enter is the CUSTOMER. The user may begin entering the name, and ManEx will immediately begin tracking the key-entry to bring up the customer with as few keystrokes as necessary to identify the customer. Or, you may  press on the down arrow adjacent to the field and ManEx will display all of the customers from which to choose for the order.

The SO Status is defaulted to the OPEN status during entry of a new sales order.

Next, the user selects the buyer for the customer. Pressing on the down arrow adjacent to the field will display a list of contacts entered for the customer entered.  The user may select a contact or leave it blank.  If no contact has been entered for the customer, you will receive the following message. 

Depress OK and file will be left blank.


Next, a customer Purchase Order number is entered. This is a free-form field, and up to twenty of any normal characters(any combination of alphabet or numbers) may be entered.

If the user has a purchase order from the customer, or a confirmation of the order from the customer, then the ORDER ACK box can be checked. If this box is NOT checked, the user will NOT be able to create a packing list for the order when it comes time to ship.  If this box IS checked, then the date and initials of the user accepting responsibility for the order are recorded.

The next step is to use the Directive Buttons to add information into the sales order.


The "Add Product" button adds products or assemblies to the order. Pressing this button brings up the following selection screen.  User may enter in a Product Number, Part Class, or select ALL, which will display a list of products that have been established for the customer selected for the sales order. The user selects the product number being ordered by entering it in the red box, or scrolling down the list and double-clicking on the assembly. 

Note:  If the user enters specific customers in the Customer List within the Sales Price List Information module, then that product will only be available for that customer when creating a Sales Order.  


After selecting a part number, ManEx requests the quantity to be ordered. 

The user enters the Ord Qty (The quantity being ordered by the customer for the part number and the system automatically displays the Back Order, which is the quantity still due to be shipped for the order).
Once this quantity is entered, ManEx populates the first open line in the sales order with the data from inventory tables.  At this time user may assign a project number to the product if applicable.

You may view additional information about the part by sliding the scroll bar at the bottom of the grid  to to the right.

The "Add Part" button is to add a part from inventory to the sales order. This is material that is sold out of the stockroom, rather than material assembled to order.  It may include any part carried in ManEx inventory, with a source as “Buy”.  Pressing this button brings up the following dialogue box:   User may enter in a Part Number, Part Class, or select ALL, which wiil display a list of Inventory parts. The user selects the part number being ordered by entering it in the red box, or scrolling down the list and double-clicking on the assembly. Note: If the user enters specific customers in the Customer List within the Sales Price List Information module, then that part will only be available for that customer when creating a Sales Order.


After selecting the part number the following dialog box will be displayed, displaying the Warehouse, Part Mfgr, Mfgr Part Number, Warehouse Location and the Quantity Available.

Highlight and double click on the desired Part Manufacturer.


Once user has made their selection the part will be added to the Sales Order with the part information. The user must then move to the Order Quantity on the screen and enter the quantity ordered.
Once this quantity is entered, ManEx populates the line in the sales order with the data from inventory tables. At this time user may assign a project number to the product if applicable.   If parts are allocated to a project and the project is selected in SO for the SO item, when the part is shipped, those allocated to that project parts will be available to be shipped. After the project is selected in SO, the new created WO will link to that project.


Note: When the user enters a quantity for a part, the system will check to see if there is a minimum and/or multiple setup in Inventory for this particular part/product.

  If the order quantity doesn't meet the requirements, the statements shown below will popup and display in the item master min and mult order quantity with an OK button.   No other action is required. The user can choose to change the order quantity to match, or proceed as entered




The "Add Miscellaneous" button is to add any miscellaneous items to the sales order. This may be prototype items, engineering charges, or any item that is not manufactured nor is it in inventory. Pressing this button adds a line to the Sales Order and moves the cursor to the description field. The user enters the description, quantity and may then move to the pricing screen to complete the data.

The user is reminded that the scroll bars at the right side and bottom of the information box allow the information to be scrolled sideways and up or down to see additional information. 

The "Delete Line"  button is to delete a line already entered from the Sales Order. The user selects the line to be deleted from the Sales Order tab, and presses the button.

Pressing this button brings up the following dialogue box:

The user confirms the deletion and the deletion is complete. 


   Highlight the Assembly line item first before you depress the button.

Important Note: This action is taken AFTER the Scheduling tab is completely filled in for all add Products (assemblies).  So, first go to the Schedule tab (instructions below). Schedule the product and then return to this tab.  

The "Issue Work Order" button is to create work orders for each manufactured product items on the sales order.  Highlight all lines where there are products to be assembled. 

If user has the "SO Approval Required" box check in Sales Order Defaults & Sales Discount Type module checked, then user will be required to check the "SO Approved" box before being able to Issue a Work Order.  If the "SO Approved" box is NOT checked user will receive the message located to the right. 

If line item is on Admin Hold or Mfgr Hold user will receive one of the following messages and will be unable to Auto create a WO until the status has been changed for this specific line item.  User will be able to manually add a Work Order for this product in the Work Order Management module.

If there is only one delivery scheduled for the sales order, and the work order setup is established as automatic numbering, then the following screen appears:

Keep in mind though that even if you have the SO linked to a WO does not mean that the quantities will always be the same.  The link is for reference only between the two modules and they are still individual records so when any changes are made to either the SO or the WO the change will not update or be carried forward to the other.  A message is displayed to the users that they will have to make the same changes to the WO.  


If the user has established more than one delivery date for the sales order, then pressing this button brings up the following:


Depress the Save action button to finish creating the Work Order(s). 

After completing all of the Sales Order data, the Sales Order must be saved. Then pressing the WO List tab will display all of the work orders created for the current sales order.

Schedule Tab

There are two modes available for completing a scheduled delivery for a product: Automatic and Manual. In the Automatic mode, ManEx will take a beginning date and a quantity to be delivered each period (Days, Weeks or Months) and schedule out the delivery using the Delivery Schedule Default Days which are setup in the Delivery Schedule Default Setup module.

Clicking on the Schedule screen tab brings up the following:

Sales Order Line number:  Select the line number by depressing the LN down arrow.  The following selection will be displayed:

The first line is populated with the data from the part number entered on the previous screen.
The following activities are available:

Automatic Scheduling
Pressing this button enables the scheduling box and places the default lead time date in the Due Date box. (The user may establish a default number of days setup in the Delivery Schedule Default Setup module).  The user can then use that date, or enter the first (beginning delivery) date the customer expects to receive the order. The Delivery Qty screen allows the user to divide the shipment into multiple deliveries of equal parts. For example, if the order is for a total of 100 pieces, and the customer wishes delivery to be at the rate of 10 units each day, then the delivery quantity should be entered as 10. The next box allows the user to select the delivery intervals. The options are by day (DY), week (WK) (7 days) or month (MO) (30 days).

In using the term Weekly and Monthly, it doesn't matter what the holidays or what the weekends are (i.e. that they are not excluded from the total time of a week or month), but are considered when the final date is calculated.

 Manual Scheduling

Pressing the Add Line button enables the delivery schedule box and places the cursor in the Due Date box. The user can then enter the first (beginning delivery) date the customer expects to receive the order. Next, the Ship Date (the date the order is to leave the user’s dock) will be entered by ManEx based on the transit days entered. This date can then be modified by the user if a different date is desired. Then the scheduled quantity is entered. The Shipped quantity will be completed by ManEx when the line has material shipped against it. Additional lines may be added or deleted by pressing the appropriate button. The total number of units scheduled will be displayed at the bottom of the box, so the user can verify all units have been scheduled.


After you’ve scheduled all assemblies, you may go back into the Sales Order tab and issue the Work Orders for those assemblies. Please refer to the instructions above regarding the Issue Work Order button. 

Pricing Tab         

Clicking on the Pricing screen brings up the following screen:

Depress the down arrow next to the LN field. The following list will appear: 

Select the desired line number. If the user has completed the Pricing Screen for the product, then the pricing will be automatically entered. See Article #766 for more detail.

The Price Markup field is NOT editable.  This information defaults in from the Sales Price List Information module. 
The Customer Sales Discount field in NOT editable.  This information defaults in from the Customer Information module. 
Depress the "Add Rep" button to add a Sales Rep.  The following screen will appear listing all the Sales Rep's setup in the  Sales Rep Information module.
Highlight the Sales Rep or Reps, then depress the OK button and they will appear in the commissions box as displayed below.

Enter in the commission amount for that specific Sales Rep.

If accounting is installed,the user selects the Sales Type.
The user can select the Sales Type from the drop down list:


If the user has completed the Pricing Screen for the product, then the pricing will be automatically entered. See Article #766 for more detail.

The user may select if the unit is taxable by clicking on the appropriate box on the right side of the screen. The following message will be displayed if the customer is non-taxable.

For Sales Order Items with no Tax, leave the Tax box unchecked. No further action is required.

To Manually add US Tax (if not set up in Customer Information), enter line item and then in Pricing Screen click on Add Line and enter description of Sales Tax and Tax Amount manually.  A Sales Type for the appropriate Tax G/L number should be setup in Accounting so that it can be selected when entering the Sales Tax manually.  The full amount of the Tax will be Invoiced upon shipment of the first item so using manual sales tax entries may not be useful for shipments with multiple shipments against the same line item. 
Checking the Tax box in Sales Order Pricing will not calculate or add US Tax for a line item unless the Shipping Address for the particular Customer selected in the Sales Order Header has been set up. Setup the Shipping Address Tax in the Customer Information Module.

Adding a US Sales Tax or a US Shipping Charge Tax in Customer Information requires that those items added be entered in System Setup under Sales Tax Authority Table.

If a particular Customer Ship To Address has more than one US Tax (such as a Sales, Use, Excise, etc. tax), then the taxes may be entered in System Setup individually and added individually to the appropriate Customer Ship To addresses.

If there are more than one US Tax setup for a Customer Ship To Address, Manex will add up the tax rates and apply the combined percentage to the pre-tax line item total. 

User CANNOT manually add Foreign tax to Sales Orders or Invoices.  The Foreign tax box must be checked for the Shipping Address for the particular Customer selected in the Sales Order Header. 


If the Foreign tax box is checked for the Shipping Address for the particular Customer selected in the Sales Order Header.  Pricing will be listed as follows on the Sales Order Acknowledgement, Invoice, RMA, and Credit Memo:  First the Product Sub-tot AMT, the Sales Discount (if applicable), the Freight AMT (if applicable), a SUB-TOTAL,  the GST TAX (Primary tax) (Note: the Primary tax will always be displayed even if it is zero, if a Secondary Tax is present), then a second Sub-Total,  PST TAX (secondary tax), and last the TOTAL.  If no PST tax (secondary Tax), Sales Discount, or Freight is involved, then no lines would print for these items.    See the  Foreign Tax Examples.xls  attachment to see how the Primary and Secondary taxes are calculated.


The Primary tax and Secondary tax is divided into the Sales tax and Shipping tax on the Sales Tax reports. 


For Example: 

Primary Tax (GST):  144*10% (sales tax) + 0 (no freight tax is calculated) =$14.40

Secondary Tax (PST):  144*8% (sales tax) + 12*8% (Freight tax)  =  $12.48


Divided into sales tax and freight tax:

Sales Tax: 144*10% (sales tax)  +  144*8% (sales tax)  =  $25.92

Freight Tax  0 (from primary tax)  +  12*8% (from secondary tax)  =  $0.96

If the user wants to use a Lot Charge instead of unit pricing, click on the Lot box. This will take the unit cost as a lot charge for the item without extending the units by the price. This may be used if a flat fee is charged for a number of parts. 

Clicking on the Add Line button may enter additional charges for the product. These charges may carry a different unit price, and may be of any description.  A Non-inventory line added on this screen will be invoiced on the first shipment made for this sales order.

Work Order List Tab

Clicking on the Work Order List tab brings up the following:

Depress the down arrow next to the LN field. The following will display:

Select the line item containing an assembly for which Work Orders have been created.

This screen is for information only, providing the user with status of work orders created for the current sales order.  The user has the option of creating multiple work orders for a sales order line item. To see the Work Orders for the next line item, depress the LN down arrow and select the desired line item.

Billing Tab          

Clicking on the Billing screen tab brings up the following:

In this screen, a Bill-to address will be completed with the default address established in the Customer Information Module. The Bill-to address also may be selected from any other addresses entered in the Customer Information Module.  The first prompt is to enter the Bill-to address. The user may accept the default address, or select from any address established in the Customer Information Module. All address information in the set up will be displayed when the down-arrow is pressed at the right side of the field:

After selecting the appropriate bill-to address, the information fields on the screen are populated with the correct data.

Shipping Tab       

Clicking on the Shipping screen tab brings up the following:

As in the Billing screen, the user may select from established ship-to addresses by pressing on the down-arrow key at the right of the first field:

Once the ship-to address is established, the address fields are populated from the Customer file. In addition to the address, the Terms, FOB, Ship Via, Customer Account and Delivery Time are also populated from the Customer Information Module, if they were completed there. If not, or if the user wishes to change them, the user may select the appropriate response by clicking on the down-arrow next to the field, and viewing choices set up in the Sales Setup module ( in System Setup).
Note:  The user is able to edit or change the Cust Account No to match any special Ship Via pertaining to the specific order within the SO Shipping screen without the changes affecting the Customer Information module or any other pre-existing orders.

Notes Tab

The last screen, the NOTES screen, provisions are made to establish Sales Order Notes and/or Sales Order Acknowledgment Footnotes.  These notes are available on their respective screens.

Note that when any note is entered on this screen, the screen tab NOTES turns red to indicate there is data in the notes.

Once all Tabs have been complete Depress the Save action button to save changes or the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes. Cancel a Sales Order

To cancel a Sales Order

  1. Find the order using the Find procedures Article #838.
  2. Depress the Edit action button at the top of the screen.
  3. Enter your password.
  4. Highlight the line item you want to cancel.
  5. Scroll over to the Line Status field.
  6. Depress the down arrow.
  7. Highlight the Cancel selection, as illustrated below:

Once you have cancelled a line item on PO the following message will be displayed: 

Depress Ok and the Sales Order status will be changed to "Cancel"

Depress the Save action button, to save changes. Press the Red "X" to abandon changes.

Depress the Exit action button to exit the current screen and returns the user to the previous screen. Delete a Sales order

A sales order may be deleted using the Delete Unwanted Sales Order in the System Utility Module.  This utility will allow users to delete any Sales Order record within the system as long as there are no shipments or reserved qty against it.  In addition to deleting the Sales order, the utility will also check to see if there were any linked Work Orders to that Sales Order, if any were found it will display a warning and then also generate a XLS spreadsheet for the users to review and re-establish links to new Sales Orders if desired. Link User Defined Fields to a Sales Order
The User Defined fields MUST be setup within Web ManEx.  For further detail see Article #5454.

The User Defined Fields can then be linked to a Sales Order or a line Item on the SO. 

To link a UDF to a Sales Order select a record in the ManEx Desktop, and select the UD action button (as displayed below).

The UDF for that section will then be displayed, and user can make changes (if applicable), Save & Exit or Cancel. 

To link a UDF to a Line Item on the SO select the line item, then select the UD action button that is located in the SO body (as displayed below)

The UDF for that section will then be displayed, and user can make changes (if applicable), Save & Exit or Cancel.

1.1.5. Reports for SO Mgmt Reports for SO Mgmt

To obtain the Sales Order Reports within the Web, select the WEB Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen.  For further detail on How the Reports work within the Web refer to Article #5477.

Note: In order to access the Reports within the Web the Company Root URL must be setup within the System Appearance module and user must be linked to web within the System Security Module.

Select the Report Type:  SALES ORDER - A List of Reports will be displayed that are available on the Web for SALES ORDER

To obtain the Sales Order Reports within the desktop, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. 

The following reports screen will display a list of reports that are available on the ManEx Desktop:  

Highlight the desired report and then depress the OK button:  

Sales Order Acknowledgement Report

The following screen will be displayed if there is NOT a Sales Order open on screen.  (Note: If there is a Sales Order open on screen this screen will be by passed and the report for the Sales Order open on screen will be printed).   Enter the Values for the desired Sales Order Acknowledgement report then depress the OK button.
Note:  This report displays the Sales order acknowledgment for selected sales order.

: For additional reference the line item Status of "Closed' will display to the right for items where it applies.  Line items with a status of "Cancel" will NOT display on report.

The following report will print

Sales Order Acknowledgement & Delivery Schedule report
Enter the Values for the desired Sales Order Acknowledgement with Delivery report then depress the OK button.
Note:  This report displays the Sales order acknowledgment with delivery schedule for selected sales order.
Note: For additional reference the line item Status of "Closed' will display to the right for items where it applies. Line items with a status of "Cancel" will NOT display on report

The following report will print


Sales Order Picklist report
Enter the Values for the desired Sales Order Picklist report then depress the OK button.

The following report will print:  This report will display the Sales order picklist for selected sales order.

Sales Order Backlog Detail report

For the Sales Order Backlog Detail report, you can select to sort  By Product or By Month on the bottom of the screen.
Depress OK and the following screen will be displayed.

Enter the Values: Customer by highlighting then depressing the > button. If you want all of the Customers, depress the >> button.

Select Yes or No to "Suppress zero backlog quantity", Select Yes or No to displayed the commit date on the report.
Once values have been selected, depress the OK button.

·        NoteThis Report will display only OPEN orders . . . Closed orders would not be included on this report.  This report does include NRE's.



The following report will print:

Sales Order Backlog Summary report
Enter the Values for the desired Sales Order Backlog Summary report.
Select the Customer by highlighting then depressing the > button.  If you want all of the Customers, depress the >> button.
Once selection is made, depress the OK button.
Note: This Report will display only OPEN orders . . . Closed orders would not be included on this report.  This report does include NRE's.

The following report will print:

Sales Order Backlog Without Scheduled Shipment report
Enter the Values for the Sales order Backlog Without Scheduled Shipment report.

Select Customer by highlighting then depressing the > button. If you want all of the Customers, depress the >> button.
Once selection is made, depress the OK button.
The following report will print:

Sales Order Booking Detail report
Enter the Values to print the Sales order Booking Detail report.

Select the Desired Sort Order: By Product Number or by Month.

Enter the Date Range.
Once selection is made, depress the OK button.


·         This report allows the users to enter a date Range.  The results will then list out the Sales order with the Order Date (Booking Date) that falls within that range.

·         Then it lists out the original Order qty and values along with any remaining balances and values. 

·         If the order has been shipped in full (Closed) the original order qty and values will still be listed, but the Backlog values will be 0.00 because it was shipped in full.
: The system does not have a date associated with a Sales Order line number, only with the Sales Order (header) for this report. We suggest you view the Sales Order Change History associated with the Sales Order to see the changes per line item.
The following report will print:

Daily Shipment Report With Invoice Amount

For the Daily Shipment Report With Invoice Amount, you can select By Customer, By Packing List, or By Sales Order on the bottom of the screen.  Depress the OK button.


Enter a "Start of Range" Date in format "yyyy-mm-dd".  Enter a "End of Range" Date in format "yyyy-mm'dd". Note: User must enter either a Start or End of Range date or both in order for report to print.

Enter the Customer of interest.  If you desire All Customers leave * defaulted. 

Select "Yes" for XLS Layout for export, or leave  "No" as default.   

Depress the OK button.

The following report will print:

Daily Shipment History Report by Part Number
The values screen is displaying two fields for the date field, the combo box is for user to select the default date ranges that are set up already, and the text box is for user to enter a new date ranges. 

User has the option to select the 7 day date range default for the Starting and Ending Date Range, or enter in a Start and Ending Date Range using the "yyyy-mm-dd" format.  Note: User must enter both a Start or End of Range date for report to print.  
Enter the Customer of interest. If you desire All Customers leave * defaulted.

Select "Yes" for XLS Layout for export, or leave "No" as default.

Depress the OK button.




The following report will print:

Pro-Forma Invoice report

Enter the values to print the Pro-Forma Invoice report, Enter a Sales Order number, select the Part Source, then enter a footnote if applicable.

In foreign trade transactions, a pro forma (or proforma) invoice is a document that states a commitment from the seller to sell goods to the buyer at specified prices and terms. It is used to declare the value of the trade. It is not a true invoice, because it is not used to record accounts receivable for the seller and accounts payable for the buyer.

Depress the OK button.

The following report will print:

SOs without Customer Acknowledgement/PO report 

Enter a "Start of Range" Date in format "yyyy-mm-dd" or check the "No Lower Value" box. Enter a "End of Range" Date in format "yyyy-mm'dd" or check the "No Lower Value" box. Note: User must enter either a Start or End of Range date or both in order for report to print.

Select the Customer(s) of interest and depress the > button. If you want all of the Customers, depress the >> button.
Depress the OK button.

 The following report will print: - This report will display a list of SOs that still need a Customer Acknowledgement/PO

Backlog Revenue and Margin Detail Report

Select Based On: Due Date, Ship Date, or Commit Date.
Select Type: Revenue or Margin.
Enter specific Customer between the single quotes: If you desire all Customers leave '*' defaulted. Note: You may enter partial or full customer name.
Enter the number of days you want the system to use to calculate the "past due" and "future" revenue margins. The default is 720 days.

Once selection is made, depress the OK button.
This report is based on the SO scheduled qty entered and the SO prices to calculate the Revenue or Margin. The type "Revenue" is unit cost*qty. The type "Margin" is difference between standard price and unit cost*qty.  This report does NOT include NRE's.
The following report will print:   
Backlog Revenue and Margin Summary Report 
Select a Group:  By Territory;  By Customer;  By Customer, PO;  By Sales Rep; or  By Sales Type
Depress OK
Select Based On: Due Date, Ship Date, or Commit Date.
Select Type: Revenue or Margin.
Select Customer by highlighting then depressing the > button. If you want all of the Customers, depress the >> button.

Enter the number of days you want the system to use to calculate the "past due" and "future" revenue margins. The default is 720 days. (The number of days past due to be included is so that you can filter out any old orders that are still open, but for some reason hasn’t shipped, and may not ship due to some unresolved issues. The past due column, is for how far back data is to be considered). For example: Your current date is 5/12/08 and you have a SO with a due date of 3/21/2008, it is within the 60 day window of past due consideration, and within the 720 day late shipments as well. But if you had a backlog order that was still due from 12/15/2007, it would not show on a 60 day past due report, but would show on a 720 day past due report.
Depress the OK button.
Note:  This report is based on the SO scheduled qty entered and the SO prices to calculate the Revenue or Margin. System uses 720 days to calculate the past due; current month to next 6 months; and future. The type "Revenue" is unit cost*qty. The type "Margin" is difference between standard price and unit cost*qty. This report does NOT include NRE's.

Remaining Shipment Report
- This report is NOT Available in SQL Yet
Enter the Date to display Shipments Due Up To:
Basically, this report will get all MRP action records for SO demand that the date is up to whatever user set up on report "Option" page (default is 60 days from now). The program will get sales oder information (due date, price...) as well, then join this two set of data by sales order number and due date. That's how the proposed work orders linked to sales orders, even the user doesn't create the work orders for the sales orders. Because this report lists what order actions required in order to make the shipment, it will get those proposed WO records with negative balance, and get MRP action records for those components. If the part numbers have positive balance or regular WOs that will eventaully fill the demand, those records will be filtered out.
The following will print: 
1.1.6. FAQs for SO Mgmt
Facts and Questions for the Sales Order Managment Module
1.1.7. ManEx Minutes (SO)
1.2. Upload New Sales Orders
1.2.1. Prerequisites for New SO Upload
  1. User MUST have "Add" rights for the "Sales Order" and "Sales Order Upload" within the System Security .  Users with "Supervisor Rights" automatically have access.
  2. User has to complete the required fields in the SO Template.xlt in the xlfiles directory to create SO upload XL file.  
  3. If user wants the system to automatically acknowledge all the SOs uploaded the "Auto Acknowledge SO when importing from XL" box must be checked in the Sales Order Setup module. If this is not checked in the Sales Order Setup module then all the SOs will be uploaded as "NEW" and users will be required to acknowledge them within the Sales Order  module.
1.2.2. Introduction for New SO Upload
This module gives our users the capability to take electronic files,  copy and paste that information into the ManEx SO Upload template format.  Users will have the flexibility to load a large SO into the system all at once, or upload multiple sales orders for different customers at once, etc.   This upload is also designed for the users to sell a big number of buy parts to their customers and to bring these parts in later as IPS parts using Inventory upload module.  During the upload process the system will find any problems with the template, the user will be prompted and exception XL files will be created within the SOExceptionXL directory for the users to review and disposition.
1.2.3. Fields and Definitions for New SO Upload SO Upload Template

Sales Order No Required field If Auto SO numbering is setup: Even though user has the SO's set to auto, you can NOT upload a SO without something in this column.  Something has to be entered in this column so the system can distinguish one so line item from another SO line item on a different SO.  If there is no data in this column the program will think the rest of the spreadsheet is also blank. SO Upload will group per change in Sonum field (it will then use the Sonum field as a reference to change) when uploaded user will receive a message that the SO number entered in XL spreadsheet will be overwritten by a system generated number ... and give you the option to continue the upload or abort.  If manual SO numbering is setup:  SO Upload will group per change in Sonum field (it will then use the Sonum field as a reference to change) when uploaded system will use SO numbers entered  in XL spreadsheet.   
Customer Number Required field.  Must be an Existing Customer number in Customer Information.
Attention Optional:  Must be setup in Customer Information
Customer PO Optional: 
Buyer Optional:  Must be setup in Purchase Setup.
Part Number  Required field:  If the Sales Type is Inventory, the part or product number must exist in the Inventory Control Module.
Revision  Optional:   If the Sales Type is Inventory, the revision must exist in the Inventory Control Module for that part or product.
SO Line No Required field:  
Mfgr Code  Required field:  Manufacturer must exist in ManEx and match the ICM AVL for the part that is being uploaded. If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
Mfgr Part No  Required field: 
Warehouse  Required field:  (if Invt Part) Warehouse must exist in ManEx and match the ICM AVL for the part that is being uploaded.  If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the SOExceptionXL directory on the server.
Location  Required field:  Must exist in the Inventory Control Module.
Unit Price Required field:  this upload will only allow you to enter one price line for the same item on the sales order. If additional price line has to be entered, the users will have to use Manex.  
Taxable  Optional:     
Sales Type Required field:   Must be setup in Sales Type & Price Itemization Setup
Qty/Date  Required field:  Qty
Due Date Required field:  this upload will allow entering different due dates for the same item on the sales order (have to fill up all the information in all the fields, which are common and enter different or the same quantities and due dates for each  new due date line),

1.2.4. How To ....... for New SO Upload Add - Upload a New SO

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter the Sales/Sales Management/Upload New Sales orders

NOTE: If user wants the system to auto approve and/or auto acknowledge when uploading Sales Order from the XL file, the auto approve and auto acknowledgement boxes must be checked in the Sales Order Setup module.


The following screen will be displayed:

Locate XL File to Upload

This message will appear.  This message is for user to verify the number of recorrds being loaded from the import sheet.  User may depress "YES" to continue the upload or "NO" to abort the upload.


If system does not find any problems with the template the user will be prompted the following message that the SO Upload was complete

If the system finds any problems with template the user will be prompted the following message and exception XL file will be created in the SO Exception XL directory on the server.

Depress OK and user will receive the message (shown below) that the "SO Upload was not complete" and system will abort.

If any of the information is missing from the required fields in the first row of the XL file, user will receive the following message. 

Depress OK and user will receive the message (shown below) that the "SO Upload was not complete" and system will abort.

Note:  Even though user has the SO's set to auto, you can NOT upload a SO without something in this column and all other required fields..  Something has to be entered in this column along with all other required fields so the system can distinguish one so line item from another SO line item on a different SO.  If there is no data in this column or the other required fields the program will think the rest of the spreadsheet is also blank. SO Upload will group per change in Sonum field (it will then use the Sonum field as a reference to change).   If manual SO numbering is setup:  SO Upload will group per change in Sonum field (it will then use the Sonum field as a reference to change) when uploaded system will use SO numbers entered  in XL spreadsheet.   
The user will be prompted the following message that the SO Upload was not complete and system will abort.  




1.3. Customer Order Status
 This module is available in the WebManEx.  For further information see Article 5319