1. Warehouse Setup

1.1. Prerequisites for Warehouse Setup
Complete the attached worksheet and  "Mark as Completed RoadMap Section B Item 4-d  before continuing the setup.
To Add, Edit, or Save a Warehouse the user MUST have "System Setup"  rights within the System Security  module and also MUST have "Warehouse Setup" rights within the Accounting Security  module. 
Note:  If you have "Supervisor Rights" in the System Security module the Warehouse Setup module will still require you to have "Warehouse Setup" rights in the Accounting Security and vis-versa if you are an Accounting Supervisor you will still be required to have "System Setup" rights in the System Security module to Add, Edit, or Save a Warehouse in Warehouse Setup.
If the user is using the Accounting Module, the General Ledger Accounts must be completed.

The GL numbers are required if the ACCOUNTING Module is active.   ManEx recommends choosing the accounting GL numbers with care because we do NOT recommend changing them once the selection is saved.  WIP and MRB GL numbers must be unique.
1.2. Introduction for Warehouse Setup

ManEx users may identify an unlimited number of warehouses in which to store materials. If the user wishes, it is possible to establish a wide variety of warehouses for special needs. If the user is involved with much consigned activity, it is possible to set up a warehouse for each customer and their material. A warehouse might be set up as a secure location for very high value material, with additional physical security precautions to access this area.


1.3. Fields and Definitions for Warehouse Setup

ManEx users may identify an unlimited number of warehouses in which to store materials. If the user wishes, it is possible to establish a wide variety of warehouses for special needs. If the user is involved with much consigned activity, it is possible to set up a warehouse for each customer and their material. A warehouse might be set up as a secure location for very high value material, with additional physical security precautions to access this area.

For those users who want to separate the Finished Goods from the Raw Materials Inventory, be sure to include a Finished Goods Warehouse.  

The MRB (Materials Review Board) Warehouse is required for the DMR (Discrepant Material Return) module. 

There are at least two warehouses that cannot be removed from the system:
WIP and WO-WIP. These warehouse locations are used by ManEx to track materials within the manufacturing process. For more detail on WO-WIP see Article #3061.  Also, any warehouse that has material purchased to be placed in it, or has inventory in it, may NOT be deleted.  All other warehouses may be deleted.  
Deletion of a WHSE is only flagged as deleted but is still retained within the tables for history preservation and may be restored by depressing this button. .

One warehouse must be selected as the default warehouse. This is normally Main1 Warehouse.

Each warehouse has associated with it a warehouse code (6 characters), a warehouse description (25 characters), Division designation, if applicable, and Inventory General Ledger Account number (setup in the GL Account Setup). 

Note:  The GL numbers are required if the ACCOUNTING Module is active.   ManEx recommends choosing the accounting GL numbers with care because we do NOT recommend changing them once the selection is saved.  WIP and MRB GL numbers must be unique. It is VERY important that the Account Number for WO-WIP is NOT the same as the WIP account numberWIP and MRB GL numbers MUST be unique.  The system will not allow GL numbers that have been used by other warehouses to be entered for WIP and/or MRB warehouses and other warehouse can not use the same GL numbers that are used by WIP and/or MRB warehouses.

Turn ON/Off for All Warehouses to Allow Auto Create Location at Receiving Box - If this box is UNCHECKED it will not “Allow Auto Create Location at Receiving” for all Warehouses listed in Warehouse setup.  If this box is CHECKED it will “Allow Auto Create Location at Receiving” for all Warehouses listed in Warehouse setup.  This is not only controlled at the System Setup level.  You will also need to check the "Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving" box located in the Inventory Control, AVL level for this option to work properly.  

Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving Box -  checking this box (along with checking the box in Inventory Control AVL level) will allow user to create a location at the PO level, PO receiving level, and/or Inventory Handling Receiving level  for this warehouse.   Unchecking the Auto Create disables that warehouse from being used on the fly. 

Remove location with this warehouse from the Inventory when qty on hand gets to zero Box -This will only be available if user checks the “Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving” box.You would check this box if you want the Warehouse and location created at the Inventory level, PO level or PO Receiving level to be rendered inactive (made invisible in most screens) from that Inventory part once the inventory reaches “0”.   If the user de-kitted the work order, that same warehouse would be reactivated and product inserted.

Default Box – If none of the WHSE or Inventory AVL's are marked for Auto-location creation then the system will automatically assign the default whse upon creation of a brand new part number/avl.  If you have the auto-location creation option enabled for the WHSE and AVL then the system will leave the WHSE section blank for new parts, and allow users to create new locations from PO Receiving

Do Not Use in Auto-Kit – If this box is checked this warehouse will not be used in Auto-Kitting.

Add Default warehouse automatically upon saving a part whenever a new AVL is added to the part and no other warehouses are setup for the AVL -The default warehouse is added automatically upon saving a part whenever a new AVL is added to a part except;  If the "Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving" button is checked and the "Add Default warehouse automatically ....." box is unchecked the system will not add a warehouse within the Inventory module upon saving the record. This works in conjuctions with the “Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving” button.

Note: The GL numbers are required if the ACCOUNTING Module is active.   ManEx recommends choosing the accounting GL numbers with care because we do NOT recommend changing them once the selection is saved. WIP and MRB GL numbers must be unique. The system will not allow GL numbers that have been used by other warehouses to be entered for WIP and/or MRB warehouses and other warehouse can not use the same GL numbers that are used by WIP and/or MRB warehouses.


1.4. How To ..... for Warehouse Setup
1.4.1. Setup the Warehouse Setup Module

Enter the SQLSYSSETTING.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter the Material/Warehouse Setup

This setup screen is used to enter all the warehouses used in your company. This information is used when adding and editing the item master. When an item master record is created, the system will add by default the designated default warehouse. The default warehouse assignment is accomplished by checking the default box for the selected default warehouse.  Note:  ManEx does NOT recommend to change the default warehouse once you’ve assigned inventory parts to that default.


The following screen will appear:

To add a new warehouse, depress the Add button.  Enter your password.  Type the Warehouse abbreviation into the Warehouse window.  Type the Description pertaining to the warehouse into the Description window.  If this is the default warehouse, check the Default box.  (You may have only one default Warehouse, but MUST have at least one.)  If there is not default warehouse setup using will receive the following warning upon save:

Turn ON/Off for All Warehouses to Allow Auto Create Location at Receiving Box -If this box is UNCHECKED it will not “Allow Auto Create Location at Receiving” for all Warehouses listed in Warehouse setup.If this box is CHECKED it will “Allow Auto Create Location at Receiving” for all Warehouses listed in Warehouse setup.

Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving Box -  checking this box will allow user to create a location a the PO level or PO receiving level for this warehouse. Unchecking the Auto Create disables that warehouse from being used on the fly. 

Remove location with this warehouse from the Inventory when qty on hand gets to zero Box -This will only be available if user checks the “Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving” box.You would check this box if you want the Warehouse and location created at the Inventory level, PO level or PO Receiving level to be rendered inactive (made invisible in most screens) from that Inventory part once the inventory reaches “0”.   If the user de-kitted the work order, that same warehouse would be reactivated and product inserted.

Default Box – If none of the WHSE or Inventory AVL's are marked for Auto-location creation then the system will automatically assign the default whse upon creation of a brand new part number/avl.  If you have the auto-location creation option enabled for the WHSE and AVL then the system will leave the WHSE section blank for new parts, and allow users to create new locations from PO Receiving. 

Do Not Use in Auto-Kit – If this box is checked this warehouse will not be used in Auto-Kitting.

Add Default warehouse automatically upon saving a part whenever a new AVL is added to the part and no other warehouses are setup for the AVL -If this box is checked the system will add a warehouse within the Inventory module upon saving the record even if the Allow to Auto Create Location at Receiving box is checked.


If accounting is installed, depress the Inventory GL No field down arrow. The following GL Number account selection will appear:

Depress the down arrow next to the Find By field. Choose between Account Type or Account Numbers. Depending upon your selection, either GL Types or Account Numbers will appear.

Highlight the number of choice. Depress the Ok button. he account number will appear in the Inventory GL Number field.


Repeat this process for the selection of the Shrinkage GL number. (Note: The GL numbers are required if the ACCOUNTING Module is active.   ManEx recommends choosing the accounting GL numbers with care because we do NOT recommend changing them once the selection is saved.  WIP and MRB GL numbers must be unique.   
WIP and MRB GL numbers MUST be unique.  The system will not allow GL numbers that have been used by other warehouses to be entered for WIP and/or MRB warehouses and other warehouse can not use the same GL numbers that are used by WIP and/or MRB warehousesIf users trys to enter a GL number for a warehouse that is used for WIP or MRB or vis- versa the following message or a similar message will appear: 

Depress the Save button. The following message will appear:

If you are totally satisfied with your selection, depress the OK button.

If there has been no activity in the Warehouse, the user may delete it. Highlight the warehouse. Depress the Delete button. (Note: You cannot delete a default warehouse. So, if you want to delete a default warehouse, you must create or assign the default status to another warehouse first.)  You will receive a message to confirm the deletion.  Depress the Yes button to confirm the deletion.

Where Used:  In all Materials, Production and WIP functions

«Mark as Completed in RoadMap in Sect. B Item 4-d»

1.4.2. Edit an Existing Warehouse

Enter the SQLSYSSETTING.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter the Material/Warehouse Setup

The following screen will be displayed:
Highlight the warehouse you would like to edit and depress the Edit button, all fields are editable with the exception of the Warehouse field. 
If user decides to change the GL number the following reminder message will be displayed:  Note:  ManEx does NOT recommend changing the GL numbers once they have been setup.
1.4.3. Restore Deleted Warehouse

Enter the SQLSYSSETTING.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter the Material/Warehouse Setup

The following screen will be displayed:
 Depress the "Restore Deleted Warehouse" Button and a selection screen will appear:
 Highlight the selection and depress the (<) arrow to move your selection to the right screen. 
Once selection has be made depress the "Done" button and the warehouse(s) selected will be restored.