Fields & Definitions for Time & Attendance Types




Time Log Type Is the code for the time setting description.  Example V-Vacation, H-Holiday, T-Time Clock, W-Work Order, etc. 
Description Description of the Time Log Type Code. Example Vacation, Holiday, Time Clock, etc.

If you check this box, that means the company will pay for that type.  For example, V-Vacation would be checked because it is company policy to pay for vacation time.  If you set one up as U-Unexcused absence, this would NOT be checked, because the company would not pay for unexcused absences. If there was one set up as J-Jury Duty, the pay box might be checked if it is the company policy to pay for jury duty.

Allow to enter hours directly in Time Log Management 
If this box is checked,  the user will be able to enter hours directly in Time used field for that type in the Time Log Management module.  Once user adds a new record for a time log type which is allowed to enter hours directly, the time in and time out fields will be blank out and disabled, and user can enter how many hours for that record directly.  Otherwise, the user has to enter time in/out.  
The system only allows user to enter "RT" no "OT" can be entered.  Therefore, user can not check type "W" or "T" to enter hours directly.  The system will have to calculate the total log in time and determine what's the RT and OT for type "W" and "T".
The time in and out will also be blank if the type is "H" -- holiday, and the system will use shift to calculate the RT, no OT will be calculated.
Time Card Regular TIme/Overtime Hour Calculation 

Select the first radial, If you want to setup to to pay overtime after  __ hours per day or week. Enter the number of regular time hours in the period.  Any time after these hours will be paid at overtime rates.  Select the Start Day of Week. This means the OT hours are calculated starting from that day. Then check the box if you would like to enforce the breaks to be included in the cacluated hours. 


Select the User Work Shift radial to use a Shift start and end time.

After Hours Worked Enter the number of regular time hours in the period.  Any time after these hours will be paid at overtime rates.
Start Day of Week Select the Day of Week you want to start the week on Sunday, Monday, etc.  This means the OT hours are calculated starting from that day. 
Enforce Breaks This box only applies to type "T"-Time Card.  When checked it will deduct the lunch 1 and 2, but does not deduct the break times from the total hours.  If unchecked it does not deduct lunch 1 and 2, or break times from the total hours.  For example see attached "Print Screens_2006-02-09_a.doc".
User Work Shift Check this radial if you want this as a work shift
Maximum hours logged on in the system

This is the number of hours which, if a user has remained logged on, the system would automatically log them off, assuming that they left without logging off.  Note:  ManEx suggests that you populate this field with a number of 1-24.  If left empty or with a -0-, the automatic loggout process will NOT run and will NOT logout the user automatically.   This field is restricted to only allow a minimum entry of "0" and a maximum entry of "24".

Shift Start Time  +/-

Minutes reverted to Start Time and End Time Allows users to consider a line at the timeclock.  If an employee logs in a few minutes early, or late, the system will log them in at the beginning of their shift.