In general, the production work is divided up among several departments. Some products may require that some work that is done in each of these departments. Other products may require that work be done in only a few of all the departments in operation. In order to identify the work processes for each product, ManEx allows the user to define Work Centers. These Work Centers describe a physical aspect (usually) of production operations that applies a specific type of labor to the product. Examples of work centers may be: SMT - where the product is assembled on a surface mount line; AI - where parts are Auto-Inserted into the product; Wave - where the parts are wave soldered; Cleaning; Inspection; Test; etc. Each of these work centers contains within it, a common aspect of production. For example, in SMT, the surface mount operator’s pay scale is probably higher than other parts of production, the parts are all contained within one area, the setup time is appropriate to one lot of a given product, and the parts are contained within the work area. If inventory counting is necessary, the user can identify that the parts are in the work center.
The user may create as many work centers as necessary to define the production activities that occur within the operation.
Within a work center, the user may establish additional definitions, called Activities. These activities may be set up separately from the work centers, and then used as needed within individual work centers. The activities may be assigned their own hourly charge rate.
And within an Activity, there is yet another classification called sub-activities, which have activity costs associated with them. These activity costs are established in the Activity Cost & Volume Type setup.
Also, in this section the setups for Quality items are accomplished, and will be discussed in each setup. Outside Program Calls Setup is also available.
User MUST have full rights to the "System Setup" in System Security to setup these modules. User with "Supervisor Rights" will automatically have access.