1. Print Packing List and Invoice

1.1. Prerequisites for Print Packing List/Invoice
Complete the attached worksheet and   "Mark as Completed RoadMap Section B Item 2-f"  before continuing the setup. 

User MUST have full rights to the "System Setup"  in System Security Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.  


1.2. Introduction for Print Packing List/Invoice

This is where the user determines whether they want to set the Packing List and Invoice to Auto Release or Manual Release, what type of form to use for printing, how many forms to print, option to show Packing Lists and Invoices with 0 invoices amounts, and/or Print Customer part numbers when printing Packing Lists and/or Invoices. 

Manual Release to Invoice - will require user to Print the Packing List before it will be released to Invoice.

Auto Release to Invoice - will automatically release the Packing List being displayed on screen to Invoice upon edit and save of the record.  The ManEx system will update the records even if the user does not print the record. The system will maintain the records for history information and management reports

Manual Release to AR - will require user to depress the "Release to AR" button available on screen to release Invoice to AR.

Auto Release to AR
- will automatically release the Invoice being displayed on screen to AR upon edit and save of the record. The ManEx system will update the records even if the user does not print the record.  The system will maintain the records for history information and management reports.

1.3. Fields & Definitions for Print Packing List & Invoice

Packing List  

Manual Release to Invoice  Selecting this option will require user to Print the Packing List before it will be released to Invoice.   
Auto Release to Invoice   Selecting this option will automatically release the Packing List being displayed on screen to Invoice upon edit and save of the record. The ManEx system will update the records even if the user does not print the record. The system will maintain the records for history information and management reports.   
Number of Copies Enter in the number of copies you would like printed of the Packing List  (If the number of pages is set to 3 but the Page Descriptions are  Blank it will print the packing list 3 times with blank Page Descriptions.  In a case where the user only had 1 page Description entered, but the number of page was 3 the report would print out 3 copies of the report.  One would have the page Description as they had entered and the other two would be blank as far as the page description goes).
Page Description Enter a Description you would like printed on the Copies if any
Showing packing lists with 0 invoice amount This box must be checked when printing Packing Lists if user would like to include the Invoices with 0 amount in printing list.  
Include Open Orders in Credit Approvals for Shipping

This box must be checked  to elect to include open orders in credit approvals for shipping is available. To exclude, leave the box unchecked.

Print Customer Part Number This box must be check if user would like the Customer Part Number printed on the Packing List.
Manual Release to AR  Selecting this option will require user to depress the "Release to AR" button available on screen to release Invoice to AR. 
Auto Release to AR   Selecting this option will automatically release the Invoice being displayed on screen to AR upon edit and save of the record. The ManEx system will update the records even if the user does not print the record. The system will maintain the records for history information and management reports.   
Number of Copies Enter in the number of copies you would like printed of the Packing List (If the number of pages is set to 3 but the Page Descriptions are Blank it will print the packing list 3 times with blank Page Descriptions. In a case where the user only had 1 page Description entered, but the number of page was 3 the report would print out 3 copies of the report. One would have the page Description as they had entered and the other two would be blank as far as the page description goes).
Page Description Enter a Description you would like printed on the Copies if any
Showing packing lists with 0 invoice amount
This box must be checked when printing Invoices if user would like to include the Invoices with 0 amount in printing list. 
Print Customer Part Number

This box must be checked if user would like the Customer Part Number printed on the Invoice. 


Hold for Credit Limit Overview

If the user has elected “Enforce Credit Limit at Shipment” feature in AR-AP Acct Default Setup, the following message will appear if a non-supervisor attempts to ship:

Depress the OK button and try to add the Packing List with a Supervisor’s password. The Supervisor will receive the following warning:


1.4. How To ..... for Print Packing List/Invoice
1.4.1. Setup Print Packing List/Invoice Module

Enter the SQLSYSSETTING.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter the Sales/Print Packing List/Invoice Module



The following screen will be displayed:



To modify this screen, the user must click on the Edit button and supply the password.  That action will enable the screen.


The user clicks on the button desired to either Manual or Auto Release Packing Lists and Invoices.  
Enter the number of copies and the Description to be printed on each copy.

The user may also check the following:


A check box for showing of invoices with a zero dollar amount is available.


A check box to elect to include open orders in credit approvals for shipping is available.  To exclude, leave the box unchecked.


The user must Save or Abandon changes after modifying the screen.


 Where Used: In the Packing Lists and Invoicing.


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