North Eastern Company (NE Company)* has had customers send in payments and take credits that are not available to apply against the invoice. Either the credit was not recorded, or the credit was already taken. NE Company believes the invoice is still open, but the customer believes it is paid in full.
NE Company first tried leaving the invoice open. However, if the discrepancy wasn't resolved quickly, and the customer later questioned why the invoice was not closed, it took a lot of research to find out why there was still a balance on the invoice.
NE Company next tried recording a negative prepayment in check receipts. This kept the discrepancy visible, until the issue was resolved.
Recent ManEx accounting upgrades prevent users from using this work around because it was causing problems in other areas of the system. While the upgrade increases the security and stability in the system, it makes it difficult for NE Company to manage non-existent customer credits.
How can NE Company track these situations so the items stay on the action list until resolved without creating extra work or difficulty in reconciling discrepancies between NE Company and the customer?
*Name has been changed