1. FAQ-Accounts Receivable

1.1. Can a User add multiple lines to a Credit Memo?
Question:  Can a User add multiple lines to a Credit Memo?

Answer:  User can NOT add more than one line item per Credit Memo, because the GL account numbers are fixed by the Sales Order and the System Setup. There are additional lines available for the additional charges associated with a line, or multiple lines from the original invoice.  

A General CM is usually for a generic credit to the customers account. It is not linked to any specific order or invoice, it is just a one line entry for one amount, so there is no need to have more than one item in this scenario. Therefore the one line item that is entered on a General CM has to be related to the one GL account that is entered in the header of the General CM.

There have been requests in the past to allow users to enter more than one item on a General Credit Memo. But upon review of the code and tables it would require more data entry from the end users to enter the same information multiple times. Additionally, we would have to completely re-write the CM module and other accounting modules to implement this request. At this point in time the amount of effort to implement this change outways the initial request.

1.2. Why doesn't the AR Aging Detail with Prepays as of report match the GL account information?
Q.  Why doesn't the AR Aging Detail with Prepays as of report match the GL account information?
A.  You want to be sure that all invoices have been released and posted to the GL.  The AR Aging Detail with Prepays As Of report does NOT list invoices that have NOT been released/posted to the GL yet.  This report is intended to match the GL account information not the AR Aging screen.   Note:  If this report is still not matching the GL account information after all transactions have been released and posted to the GL then it may be due to Posted Journal Entries against the AR GL account.  These JE's will not be accounted for on the AS OF report yet will affect the GL Account balance and could explain why you are seeing a difference between the two.  

Back dating records may also be a possible cause for the Aging As Of reports to not match the Trial Balance at a specific given time.  For Example:  If the user current date is 10/05/2009 and they enter in an Invoice and Credit Memo dated 10/5/2009.  But then on the same day the user applies the Invoice and Credit Memo (dated 10/5) against each other via an AR Offset upon saving the Offset they decided to backdate the offset to 9/30/2009.  This will cause the As Of report to temporarily not match the Trial Balance due to the fact that the report will pull in the offset backdated to 9/30, but it will not account for the Invoice and Credit memo records until 10/5/2009. The reports will come back in line after the 10/5/2009 date.
Note:  You need to be looking at two GL accounts when it comes to the AR Aging As Of Report.  This is due to the fact that we include Prepayments.  Attached are some Print Screens <<Ar-Aging_versus_GL_Reports_2011-04-14.docx>> that show how the AR Aging can be compared to these two reports. 

1.3. Why Can't I enter a Part Number in a General Credit Memo?
QWhy Can't I enter a Part Number in a General Credit Memo?
A.    The reason we do not allow a part number to be enter into the part number field when creating a General Credit Memo is because usually a General Credit Memo does not apply to a specific inventory item or part number.  Any information you wish to reference will have to be populated in the description field and/or note screen. A General Credit Memo is not intended to affect any stock quantity on hand or reduce any inventory stock. It could be mis-leading to the users if a part number is entered in the part number field. If you intend this to be applied to or associated to specific Invoice records then you would create an Invoice CM.