When the "Bill of Material with Ref Desg & AVL" report is exported to XLS format why does it show ALL AVL's?
Q. When the "Bill of Material with Ref Desg & AVL" report is exported to XLS format why does it show ALL AVL's?
A.  When the "Bill of Material with Ref Desg & AVL" report is exported to XLS format the system dumps all raw data and it can not be a controlled form.  When the "Bill of Material with Ref Desg & AVL" report is printed to screen or paper, the requirements of this particular report is that it needs to see parts even if all Mfgrs on the list are not approved, then in the report form the form manipulates the data dump to show only the approved MPNs and filters out non-approved MPN's. 
Resolution:  The raw data does however have a column named "Uniqanti" if the "Uniqanti" has a "NULL" value the MPN is approved.  ManEx suggests that you create an XL template which would have a macro that will remove MPN information if "Uniqanti" is NOT "NULL".   Then you can simply copy our XL output into this template and it will show the correct data.