1. Test & Repair (T & R) (OPTIONAL Module)
1.1. Prerequisites for the T & R Module

The Test & Repair is actually a separate OPTIONAL module, but has been included into the Defect Entry screen for ease of use for the operators.

After activation, Work Order Shop Tracking, Defect Code Entry, and Test & Repai access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
Security module.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.

To use Test & Repair Management module, Serial Numbering is REQUIRED.  This information is entered using the Work Order Management Serial Number Control module.  
1.2. Introduction for the T & R Module

Test & Repair Management (T&R) has been designed to capture testing results and failure information such as: In-circuit Testing, Sub-Assembly Functional Testing and System Final Assembly Testing.

Once this information has been entered this will allow the users the ability to see the Serial Number History and view all of the testing and repair results as well as when it had been shipped to customers.  It will also keep track of any associated returns or warranty work that had been done against this particular Serial Number, continuing history as long as the unit is in service. 


1.3. Fields & Definitions for the T & R Module
1.3.1. Test & Repair Tab
Test & Repair Screen Field Definitions
The Test & Repair is actually a separate OPTIONAL module, but has been included into the Defect Entry screen for ease of use for the operators.


Product Number

The internal number assigned to the assembly.


The revision number associated with the Product Number.

Product ID

This field is no longer used and will be left blank.


The description of the Product Number.

If the component part is to be replaced, this button will be available to view and print the request for replacement.  This request/form should be sent to the stockroom showing them that replacements are needed for the components identified as failing inspection or test.  If the part is issued, it will be charged to the work order. 
Work Order Number

The number of the work order which was inspected.

Serial Number

The serial number of the assembly which failed inspection.


These three buttons are for viewing notes on the topics of diagnosis of failure, instruction for reworking and the cause of the defect
This button will open up a screen which will display the initials of the user who entered the failure:

Test Tab Field Defintions

Repair Parts List 


Def Code

The code assigned to the defect.


The Reference Designator as set up in the assembly’s Bill of Materials.


The name of the manufacturer of the failed part.

Part Number

The internal number assigned to the failed component.


The revision number assigned to the internal part number.

Req Qty

The number rejected of the assembly.

Replace ?

If this box is checked, the user intends to replace the rejected component.

Tech This field will display the name of the technician who fixed the defect. To get the name to display user must double click in the field. This is a read only field and can NOT be edited.            
Fix Problem

If the user decides to fix the problem, he/she may choose one of the following selections: 

Depressing this button will bring up the following information:


 Serial Number History tab

Transfer History Section

Date & Time

The date and time (24 hour clock) the assembly was transferred to the Work Center. 


The Work Centers involved in the transfer.


The quantity transferred.


The initials of the user who recorded the transfer.

Defect History Section

Date & Time

The date and time (24 hour clock) the assembly was rejected.


The initials of the user who recorded the rejection.


The Work Center where the failure was noted.

Def Code

The code relating to the defect.


The Reference Designator as set up in the assembly’s Bill of Materials.

Part Manufacturer

The name of the manufacturer of the failed component.

Part Number

The internal number assigned to the component.

1.4. How To ...... for the T & R Module
1.4.1. Add Test and Repair Information
When the user has completed the Defect information, they may enter the Test & Repair tab to enter more information about the part, or may depress the Open/Find record button to find this information at a later time. 

Depress the Open/Find record button and the following screen will appear:

Select to find record by:  Work Order Number or Serial Number 

If you select to Find by Serial Number the following screen will appear:
If you select to Find by Work Order Number the following screen will appear: 
Once a SN or WO No has been entered in the above screens the following screen will appear for user to select a transaction:
 Once user has selected a transaction the following screen appears displaying the record you selected:
Depress the Edit button and enter your password, user may at this time edit the Quality Inspection Entry info, the Defects Information, or the Test & Repair info: 
Depress the Test & Repair Tab: (System will only display information for one serial number at a time).  
In the edit mode user can edit the required qty, check the Replace? box, or select to Fix Problem from the pull down:
NOTE:  To have the initials of the technician who fixed the defect displayed, user must double click in the field. 
User may enter information in the Failure Diagnosis, Rwk Instructions, and/or Root Cause (these 3 fields are text fields).   Within this screen you may also View the "Entered By"  or  "Inventory Status" of Part Number.   
Depress the Save button to save changes or Depress the Abandon changes button to abandon changes. 
User may at this time print the "Part Request Form"  which will need to be approved and hand delivered to the stockroom, so they may fill the shortage(s) and issue part(s) to the kit.
To View the Serial Number History depress the "Serial Number History" tab