1. Fiscal Year Calendar
1.1. Prerequisites for the Fiscal Year Calendar
Complete the attached worksheet and  "Mark as Completed RoadMap Section C Item 2-a"  before continuing the setup.
There are no prerequisites required.
1.2. Introduction for the Fiscal Year Calendar

This is the section to enter fiscal year calendar information. The setup screen will allow user to setup Fiscal Years with any number of periods from 1 to 13, this will accommodate a short year if the users have to change their Fiscal Year ending.   Multiple years may be entered in advance (ManEx suggests a Min/Max of 2 years).   Once the required information is entered, the system calculates all necessary tables and enters months and ending dates for each month for all periods. Systems will automatically assign the FY year when beginning date and number of periods are selected.   System will also assign the period description (January – December) if 12 periods is selected. Descriptions for each period must be entered if 13 periods are used. If your company uses a 4-4-5 week calendar, check the Irregular Ending Dates box and then you’ll be able to manually enter the month end dates. 
The system will allow users to edit any future fiscal years as long as there are NO POSTINGS to it, but if they have posted anything to the current fiscal year, then the system will NOT allow the changing of ending period dates for any period that have posting to or the period after it because some transactions may fall on the other side of the ending date.
User will be allowed to change the description of the periods for ANY of the Fiscal Years even if it is open.  These fields are text only and are NOT used within any calculations throughout the system.


1.3. Fields and Definitiions for the Fiscal Year Calendar
Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the current period
Accounting Period The current accounting period
Depress this button to Change the current fiscal period
Fiscal Year The Fiscal Year
Number of Periods Total # of periods in the Fiscal Year
Beginning Date Beginning Date of the Fiscal Year
Ending Date Ending Date of the Fiscal Year
Enter Fiscal Year Notes
Irregular Ending Dates If this box is checked it means there are Irregular Ending Dates within the Fiscal Year 
Fiscal Years in System
Fiscal Yr Displays all the Fiscal Years Setup in System
Periods Displays how many periods are in the that specific Fiscal Year
Beg Dt Displays the beginning Date of that specific Fiscal Year
End Dt Displays the Ending Date of that specific Fiscal Year
Irregular This check box is for reference only and does not affect any other modules.  It displays if there are Irregular Ending Dates within that Fiscal Year.  
Closed This check box is for reference only and does not affect any other modules.  It displays if this specific Fiscal Year is Closed.
Current This check box is for reference only and does not affect any other modules.  It displays if this specific FIscal Year is Current.
Fiscal Year Detail
Period Displays the Periods of the Highlighted Fiscal Period being Viewed
Description Displays the Descriptions of the Periods for the Highlighted Fiscal Period being Viewed
End Date Displays the Ending Date of the Periods for the Highlighted Fiscal Period being Viewed
Quarter Displays the Quarter the Period falls in for the Highlighted Fiscal Period being Viewed
1.4. How To ......
1.4.1. Setup Fiscal Year Calendar

Enter Accounting Setup/G.Ledger/Fiscal Year Calendar

The following screen will appear:  

This will allow the users to select a prior period in order to make corrections.  Once the change has been made the users will be required to close all periods (and years) subsequently to get back to the current period. So upon saving the change the user will receive the following warning. 
Clicking the ADD button activates the screen, and prompts for the beginning date and number of periods. Once entered, ManEx completes the rest of the fields. These may then be edited, if necessary, to match the worksheets. Notes may be added by pressing the NOTES button, and once added, the button will show red.

After Add or Edit is complete, depress the Save button to save the changes made or depress the Abandon Changes button to abandon the changes made.   Repeat for as many years as needed.
For a 4-4-5 week calendar, click the Irregular Ending Dates box. You’ll then be able to edit each month for the desired month end date.

Where Used:    Setup is required for every accounting and summary reports.

After completing this section:                                         «Mark as Completed in RoadMap in Section C Item 2-a»