Prerequisties - PO Mgmt

After activation, "Purchase Order Management" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

 The Supplier must be setup in the Supplier Information module.
Part number in Item Master  The part number must exist for a product or part in the ICM module.
AVL  The Manufacturer Names must have been set up in Part Manufacturer Setup module.
Buyer Codes  The Buyer codes must be established in the Inventory Buyer Setup module.
Purchasing Approvals  A list of employees and their approval authorizations must exist in Purchase Setup module.

Optional Prerequisites for Entering a New PURCHASING

MRO Defaults MRO Receiving GL Numbers must have been setup in Purchase Setup module.
Contacts Contacts can be used for identifying seller.  The contacts must be setup in Supplier Contact Information module
Tax Authority If purchasing taxable items, must be established in the Sales Tax Authority Table and in Customer Information module.
Units of Measure If purchase units are different than stocking units. The UOM conversion must be setup in the UOM Conversion Setup modue.
Supplier Contract For In-Store POs, the contract with the Supplier must be set up in the Supplier Contract Management module.
Insp Excep Doc Must be setup in the Inspection Exception Setup.