Why doesn't the AP Aging Detail as of report match the GL account information?
Q.  Why doesn't the AP Aging Detail as of report match the GL account information?
A.  You want to be sure that all invoices have been released and posted to the GL.  The AP Aging Detail As Of report does NOT list invoices that have NOT been released/posted to the GL yet.  This report is intended to match the GL account information not the AP Aging screen.   Note:  If this report is still not matching the GL account information after all transactions have been released and posted to the GL then it may be due to Posted Journal Entries against the AP GL account.  These JE's will not be accounted for on the AS OF report yet will affect the GL Account balance and could explain why you are seeing a difference between the two.   It may also be due to prepayments, all of the AP Aging reports account for prepayments but will not be accounted for on the AP Aging screen or the AP GL account information due to a different GL number being used for prepayments.