1. G/L Activity
1.1. G/L Activity

Beginning Period FY

The display will begin at the period and fiscal year indicated.

Ending Period FY

The display will end at the period and fiscal year indicated.


The period displayed.


The fiscal year of the display

The general ledger account number

GL Description

The description of the account.

This period’s beginning balance.

The total debits posted this period.

The total credits posted this period. 

The balance through today’s posting.

 You can sort by: GL Acct. No. (default), Beg. Balance, Debit, Credit or End Balance by depressing the appropriate button.

1.2. G/L Detail

Beginning Period FY

The display will begin at the period and fiscal year indicated.

Ending Period FY

The display will end at the period and fiscal year indicated.


This is the account number and title highlighted in the G/L Account Activity tab.  To view other than the account shown, depress the arrow next to the account number field.


This is the period being displayed.


This is the fiscal year being displayed.

Trans Date

This is the date of the detail transaction.

Trans No

This is the number assigned to the transaction.


This is the source of the entry, such as Cash Journal with the Check Number.


This signifies that the entry was posted as either a debit or credit to the account.

 Totals This displays the calculated totals for the debit and credit columns

You can sort by: Trans.Date.(default) Trans.No,  Debit, or Credit by depressing the appropriate button.