How Manex defines Requests as System Issues or Enhancements

The following two paragraphs describe how we define a System Issue and an Enhancement.

System Issue – when the system performs in a way other than intended.  If the expectation and the coding are designed to produce a specific result or perform in a certain way and it does not, this is a system bug that we resolve as soon as we can.  This does not include uses of the system outside the original intent.  While we are glad ManEx is flexible enough to use in ways other than was designed, if the feature was never designed into ManEx, then it cannot be a system issue when it does not work in a manner the user might expect.

Enhancement – when the system performs consistent with the original design and intent, but changes are still requested.  As processes evolve and users ask for more features, sometimes the old code does not fit today’s needs.  However, it is still an enhancement if we are changing the design to add functionality or features not initially designed into the system.