Enter Material Planning/Purchase Order Management/Upload PO Items Deletion
NOTE: If user wants the system to automatically approve all the POs after the uploaded is complete the "Auto Approve PO when importing from XL" box must be checked in the Purchase Setup module. If this is not checked in the Purchase Setup module then users will be required to approve within the Purchase Order Management module.
Locate XL File to Upload
If the system finds any problems with template the user will be prompted the following message and exception XL file will be created in the PO Exception XL directory on the server.
Depress OK.
The user will be prompted the following message that the PO Upload was not complete and system will abort.
If system does not find any problems with the template and the "Auto Assign New Change Order # Upon Approval is not checked in Purchase Setup the following message will appear:
Depress Yes or No to Continue the user will be prompted the following message that the PO Upload Complete