Question - Does ManEx have a report that shows the demand requirements for components used on a product for the next 12 months?
Option 1 - If the Customer provides a rolling forecast for the User to use over the following 12 months time, then that forecast can be placed in the forecast module, and MRP results would include the parts needed over that period, as well as create the order actions for them.
Option 2 - But if a more simple route is desired, take the total amount of product expected and use that number to create a Kit Material Availability simulation report. If there are many products involved, create an excel sheet for each and combine them.
You would find the Kit Material Availability report mentioned within the Kitting module and you would run this report with the Simulation option. If you have more than one product, then you have to run the report for each product and dump it to XLS format and manually combine them through XLS after that.