Resource Assignment |
This could be the number of people working during one given shift on a particular day or number of machines, or both, it is up to the user to decide. The capacity for the given work center will be calculated by multiplying working hours for all the shifts set for any given WC on any give day times resources. Example: If WC1 has one 8 hour shift set on Monday with number 8 (8 people) as a resource during this shift, the capacity for WC1 for that day would be 8*8=64 hours.
NOTE: Each time a user enters the Capacity Setup module, the program checks the current date, and updates the month in the "Resource Assigment" grid to show the 12 months from current month. For Example: If the last time a user entered the module was March, so the 12 months are March/2008 to February/2009 (as displayed below). If user re-enters this module in June, the program will change the 12 months to June/2008 to May/2009 and also assign "1" to the 3 new new added months (March, April, and May/2009).