Introduction for Dynamic Production Scheduling
This screen provides visibility of all open and scheduled orders.  Users are able to see when capacity constraints may hinder production and any time in the future.  This module can provide sufficient notice to adjust the production schedule or adjust capacity to maximize production and meet promised delivery dates.  It will also indicate when a job will not be completed on time based on processing time remaining and the current due date.
This module will aide in managing jobs by the work orders and/or work centers based on customer requirements (due date or complete date).  The work orders can be managed by work center with the ability to prioritize within each work center.  This module will allow you to view and schedule the workload to ensure deadlines are met.  The system will assume that you have a 24 hour capacity shop.  The idea behind the work order schedule module is not to predict when the job will move through the shop, but to accurately prioritize the job so the user knows which job has to be processed first.  To get a better understanding on how this module calculates the priority for a job see the attached word document <Production Schedule Module>.
The Work Center Tab - allows user to view all the work orders scheduled for a specific work center
The Work Order Tab -  allows the user to schedule the work order
The Unscheduled Tab - displays all Work Orders with a status of "Open" that are not scheduled
The Late Tab - displays a list of Work Orders that have exceded the WO due date, unless they have opt to use the Trigger then it will display a list of Work Orders that have exceded the Complete Date     
The Hold Tab - displays a list of Work Orders that have a status of "Hold"
The Back Log Tab - displays a list of Work Orders with a status of "Open" that have been scheduled and still have a balance remaining