1. ManEx Component Exchange
1.1. Prerequisites
User will need an account if you would like to contact the seller, list parts, or save part searches. 
1.2. Introduction
This program is designed to be the most complete and easy to use tool for selling and buying excess and hard-to-find inventory ABSOLUTELY FREE.    It will allow you to compile the most complete excess component listing available.  The industry has literally hundreds of buyers looking for hard-to-find inventory.  If you participate, Component Exchange will bring them to you.   All you have to do is upload a list of parts you want to sell.  This program will also allow you to add parts you are looking for to a wish list and then let you know as soon as that part becomes available.  This program can be found on the WEB.  www.manex.com/ce/search  


Customer A has Excess inventory (meaning inventory they will not be using) of part 123
They place it (individually or mass import a large number of records) out as available/for sale under the ManexCE
Customer B happens to be looking for this part and does a search within the Manex CE
Customer A will appear as having the parts available and for sale
They then can contact Customer A directly and work out the purchase agreement for those stock items.
1.3. Fields and Definitions
1.3.1. ManEx Home
1.3.2. Search Part Listings
Enter a specific manufacturer you are searching for. Once the first letter of the Manufacturer is entered a list will appear listing all of the manufacturers names that start with that specific letter(s):  
Manufacturer PN    Enter a manufacturer part number you are searching for. 
Exact If you are searching for a specific mfgr pn then check this box and the system will only search for that mfgr pn.  If this box is NOT checked the system will search for pn similar to what was entered and give you a list to choose from.
Depressing this button will search the part list for specific items or all items if the Mfgr and Mfgr PN fields are blank.
My Pick List Store item(s) of interest in the Pick List for reference
My Wish List Store item(s) of interest in the Wish List for reference
Depress the "+ Advanced Search" and additional search criterion will appear:
Enter the specific Category you are searching for. Once the first letter or number of the Category is entered a list will appear listing all of the Categorys that start with that specific letter(s).  
Case Size 
Enter the specific Case Size you are searching for.   Once the first letter or number of the Case Size is entered a list will appear listing all of the Case Sizes that start with that specific letter(s). 
Quantity Select the quantity range you are searching for from the pull down.   
Date Code Enter a Date code if you are searching for a part with a specific date code.
RoHS Status Select the RoHS Status you are searching for on a part from the pull down.  
Depress to add this item to your Wish List.
1.3.3. My Part Listings Create Part Listings
Enter the Manufacturer.  Once the first letter of the Manufacturer is entered a list will appear listing all of the manufacturers names that start with that specific letter(s):   This is a REQUIRED field.
Manufacturer PN    Enter the Manufacturer part number.  This field is a REQUIRED field.
Enter the Category if applicable.   Once the first letter or number of the Category is entered a list will appear listing all of the Categorys that start with that specific letter(s).  This is an optional field.
Case Size 
Enter the Case Size if applicable.   Once the first letter or number of the Case Size is entered a list will appear listing all of the Case Sizes that start with that specific letter(s). This is an optional field.
Quantity Available Enter the quantity available.  This is a REQUIRED field.
Date Code This is an optional field.
RoHS Status Select from the pull downThis is an optional field
Description Enter a description.  This is an optional field.
Special Notes Enter in any special notes pertaining to this specific part.  This is an optional field.
Price per Item Enter in a price each for this item.  This is an optional field.
Total Price The total price will default in based on the price per item times the quantity.  This is an optional field.
Override Total Price Check this box to override the Total Price calculated on the price per item times the quantity and manually enter in a total price. 
Depress this button to Save the Part Listing.
 View My Part Listing
Edit Click on this if user want to edit any of the information
Manufacturer   Manufacturer's name 
Part No.     Manufacturers part number
Category Part Type
Case Size  Part Size  (if applicable)
Date Code Date Code (if applicable)
RoHS Status RoHS Status
Active Check box if Active
1.3.4. My Acct

First Name Users First Name
Last Name Users Last Name
Security Question To Change Users Security Question/Answer
Phone Number Users Phone Number
Password To Change Users Password
Show "Add to wishlist" ..... Check to Show "Add wishlist" box when there are zero seach results
Send notification ...... Check to Send notification email when a part that you are interested in becomes available
Depress to Update any of your account information
1.3.5. ManEx Tools Component Exchange
Enter a specific manufacturer you are searching for. Once the first letter of the Manufacturer is entered a list will appear listing all of the manufacturers names that start with that specific letter(s):  
Manufacturer PN    Enter a manufacturer part number you are searching for. 
Exact If you are searching for a specific mfgr pn then check this box and the system will only search for that mfgr pn.  If this box is NOT checked the system will search for pn similar to what was entered and give you a list to choose from.
Depressing this button will search the part list for specific items or all items if the Mfgr and Mfgr PN fields are blank.
My Pick List Store item(s) of interest in the Pick List for reference
My Wish List Store item(s) of interest in the Wish List for reference
Depress the "+ Advanced Search" and additional search criterion will appear:
Enter the specific Category you are searching for. Once the first letter or number of the Category is entered a list will appear listing all of the Categorys that start with that specific letter(s).  
Case Size 
Enter the specific Case Size you are searching for.   Once the first letter or number of the Case Size is entered a list will appear listing all of the Case Sizes that start with that specific letter(s). 
Quantity Select the quantity range you are searching for from the pull down.   
Date Code Enter a Date code if you are searching for a part with a specific date code.
RoHS Status Select the RoHS Status you are searching for on a part from the pull down.  
Depress to add this item to your Wish List. Search Supplier Directory
Search Supplier Directory
Company Name Supplier Name
Overall Rating Rating for that Supplier
City City where that Supplier is located
State State where that Supplier is located

Advanced Filter

Manufacturer Capabilities Products Services
1.4. How To .....
1.4.1. Create an Account
The following Screen will appear:  This screen give you the option to Login or Create an Account

If user has an account already setup depress the Log in button and the following screen will appear:
Enter the Email Address and Password for the Account.  Check the box if you do not want to manually login each time you enter your account.  Then depress the Login button.

Depress the "Create an Account" button.  The following screen will appear to enter your account information: 

If user checks that they are NOT affiliated with a Company no further information is required to Create an Account
If user is affilliated with a Company the Company Information MUST be completed.  Depress the "Create My Account" button.  If there is any missing information it will be noted on the screen in Bold RED lettering, as shown in the followiong screen:


If a similar company has been found within the database the following message will appear and you will have the option to "Select"  "Use my company info"  or "Cancel"

The following screen will appear and to activate your account you must click on the activation link that was sent to your email: 

Exit the web page and go to your e-mail account and find the Registration activation e-mail that was auto sent.  Click on the Link provided in the Registration Activiation e-mail received:

Enter your e-mail address and password and depress the "Login" button.  



1.4.2. Search Part Listing

Enter http://www.manex.com/ce/search

The following Screen will appear:  This screen give you the option to Search by different criterion.

Depress the "+ Advanced Search" and additional search criterion will appear:

Enter in the Manufacturer, Manufacturer PN information. 

User can enter information in the Category, Case Size, and Date Code fields if aplicable.  

User can select information listed in the pull downs for the Quantity and RoHS Status or leave in the default "Any"
If user enters the first letter(s) and or number(s) of the Manufacturer a screen will appear listing all of the manufacturers names that start with that specific letter(s) and or number(s). 
If fields are left blank and the Search button is depress all records will populate the screen.
Once the criteria's are complete,  user can depress the "Add Search Criteria to WishList" 

or u
ser can depress the "Search" button the information found will popluate the screen:

The Mfgr, Mfgr PN, Qty Available, RoHS Status, will be displayed. 
To Save to "My PickList" click on the blue file which is located on the right, this part will appear in the "My PickList" box and the blue file on the right will be replaced with a bright green check mark as displayed below.  
To view a Part Detail depress the Details button on the left.  The following screen will appear:
To Send your information to Seller, depress the "Send Contact Info" button.    To go back to the Search, depress the "Search Part Listings" tab. 
The seller will receive an e-mail similar to the following, alerting them that there is an interested party in a part they have listed:



1.4.3. Create New Part Listing

Enter http://www.manex.com/ce/search

The following screen will appear:

Depress the Create Part Listing tab:

Enter the information:  The Required fields are marked with an " * "
Enter the Manufacturer.  Once the first letter of the Manufacturer is entered a list will appear listing all of the manufacturers names that start with that specific letter(s):   This is a REQUIRED field.


Enter Manufacturer Part Number.    Enter the Manufacturers Part Number.  This is a REQUIRED field.
Enter the Category if applicable.   Once the first letter or number of the Category is entered a list will appear listing all of the Categorys that start with that specific letter(s): 
This is an optional field.
Enter the Case Size if applicable.   Once the first letter or number of the Case Size is entered a list will appear listing all of the Case Sizes that start with that specific letter(s): 
This is an optional field.
Quantity Available Enter the quantity available.  This is a REQUIRED field.
Date Code This is an optional field.
RoHS Status Select from the pull downThis is an optional field
Description Enter a description.  This is an optional field.
Special Notes Enter in any special notes pertaining to this specific part.  This is an optional field.
Price per Item Enter in a price each for this item.  This is an optional field.
Total Price The total price will default in based on the price per item times the quantity.  This is an optional field.
Override Total Price Check this box to override the Total Price calculated on the price per item times the quantity. 
Depress the "Save Part Listing" button to Save Part.  A message at the top of the screen will appear that the Part Listing was Sucessful.
1.4.4. View My Part Listings
You can change the status from Active to Not Active by unchecking the Active box without depressing Edit .
Highlight the item you choose to edit and depress the Edit button,  the details will be displayed as shown below:
Edit the information of your choice and depress the Save button to save the changes or the Cancel button to abandon the changes.