1. How To ...... for A/R Offsets
1.1. Add A/R Offsets

Enter Manex.exe Accounting/Accounts Receivable/A/R Offsets   

The following screen will appear:

Depress the Add record action icon will bring up a prompt to select from a list of Customers with open invoice records, once the user has entered his/her password.

Type the Customer Name into the red box or highlight your selection and double click to select the Customer. 

Once the desired Customer to Offset is selected, the receivable records are displayed.


The user may then use the +Amount and -Amount columns to Offset payments against invoice, as illustrated.

Only when the total amounts of the additions and subtractions are equal does the save button become enabled.

After verifying the correct application of offsets, the user may save the information. 

On saving the information, the user will be prompted to enter a reason note for the Offset.


Depress the Reason button on screen.  Then depress the Edit button, enter the reason, depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button.  You’ll be returned to the prior Offset screen.  Depress the Save record action button or the Abandon changes action button.  If the Save record action button is depress user will receive following message:

Deprss Ok to accept changes or Cancel to cancel changes.