How does MRP Calculate the Make/Phantom Leadtimes?

If the Make/Phantom is used as a Top-Level Assembly   MRP demands are calculated using the Kit lead times and production lead times setup in the Inventory Control Module. 

For example:  If the M/P part had a 2 day kit lead time and a 3 days production lead time.  MRP demands for the M/P will allow 5 days total (2 days kit + 3 days prod from M/P)


If the Make/Phantom is used at a Sub-Level .  MRP calculates both the Top-Level leadtimes and the Sub-Level (Make/Phantom) leadtimes setup in the Inventory Control Module. 

For example:  If the M/P part had a 2 day kit lead time and a 3 days production lead time and the top-level had a 1 day kit lead time and a 2 day production lead time.  MRP demands for the M/P will allow 10 days total (2 days kit + 3 days prod from M/P) + (1 day kit + 2 day prod from Top level) + (2 days for the weekend)

NOTE:  A TRUE phantom does not require any lead times and should be left blank. - BUT . . . if for some reason user needs to enter a lead time for a TRUE phantom ManEx does have the capability.