What causes a shortage to not appear on the Shortage Reports?
A. The shortages will not print or display if the Work Order has been closed, by the shipment of all products to finished goods (in the Shop Floor Tracking module where all of the Work Order units have reached the Work Center Finished Goods). Even if the Work Order was manually re-opened, the balance due would still be zero, and for that reason, the shortages won’t show anywhere. As long as the user has completed the Work Order (zero balances), it won’t drive any requirements nor display as a shortage. The user, may however, still issue material to the work order after the fact, as long as the kit has not been closed. If there are shortages and then the kit is closed, the program will ask if you want to fill the shortages first. (If you’ve closed the kit, you may re-open it, in the Utility tab…and with a high level accounting password).
Another reason the part might not be displayed on the shortage reports is that it is not been scheduled on the PO.  The Purchased Part Shortage Summary report is going to display only the actual scheduled qty’s on the PO NOT the ordered qty on the PO.