1. FAQ - PO Receiving & DMR Module
1.1. How can we attach notes to rejected parts in the PO Receiving Module?

A.  There is a Reject Reason Pull down list available on the PO Receiving Screen.  This allows the users to be able to select the Reject Reason code rather then writing notes.  This is created within the Return/Shortage Reasons module.

1.2. Why doesn't the System allow the User to issue Quantities that are Greater than the Shortage Quantity from the "Shortage List & Issue" button in the PO Receiving module?

Question:   Why doesn't the System allow the User to issue Quantities that are Greater than the Shortage Quantity from the "Shortage List & Issue" button in the PO Receiving module?

Answer:  This would require the receiving code to get into yet another level of complexity to take care of the whole new logic, which KIT module is already designed to deal with. The complexity gets even greater when receiving parts that are lot coded and/or serialized. To deal with this new level of complexity we are facing to issues; 1. Slowing down the PO receiving save routine, which can cause lockups like we experienced before not only in the PO modules, but KIT and Inventory modules as well. 2. Managing the code – Even though the code in the PO and KIT modules for the over-issue logic is similar it cannot be exactly the same due to the differences of the data moving in those modules, therefore we cannot create one function to use by both modules, and this usually creates a “code management” issue. As modules evolve the code will start deviate between two modules and we will face un-necessary errors from having two similar codes but serving different functions. The verdict is that the user should use KIT module in situations when the quantity issued to the work order from PO receiving is greater than the shortage quantities.

Problem:  User enters the PO Receiving module and receives PO #990026, for part number XXX-OOO, after entering the accept quantity, user goes to "Shortage List & Issue" button to issue part number XXX-OOO to WO #34.  The KIT required for part number XXX-OOO is 58.5 inches.  The Purchase Order UOM is feet, so the PO Receiving converts the KIT required qty to 58.56 inches.  Which is more than KIT required qty, and makes the "Short Qty" negative.  So system will not allow user to save the issue. 

Here is a bit more explanation why the situation (described above) is not allowing to kit from PO Receiving because of the UOM conversion.   


Our tables POITEMS, PORECDTL, and INVTMFGR have qty field with two decimals after the point.
In case like described above, the purchase UOM is “FT” and Stock UOM is “IN” conversion is 1FT=12IN. user has shortage for 58.50 IN. If you convert this number into the FT you will get 4.875 but it is being rounded to two decimals 4.88, now if you convert 4.88 back into the IN now you will get 58.56 which are more than shortage and we do not allow issue more than shortage to the KIT from the PO.

In order to check that we can validate the quantities involved, we have to run forward and backwards the numbers to be sure they match up.  Sometimes they don’t. Our only option is to calculate the shortage number from converting from the shortage in stock units to the receipt in purchase units, then back again. But when this happens, we don’t always end up with the same number in stocking units to be applied to shortages. Because we can’t issue more than the exact shortage through the PO module, we can’t complete the action. To make provision to have the overage issued to the shortage and create wo-wip inventory would be just too much complexity to the receiving module, already a very complex set of programs.  See the "POuom.xls" attachment for further detail.


This is why the PO Receiving Shortage option is thinking that you are attempting to over-issue to the kit and will not allow overissue to the kit from PO receiving.

Resolution:  The user will need to use the KIT module when the quantity issued to the work order from PO Receiving is greater than the shortage quantites. 

1.3. Why Does PO Receiving Show Closed PO's?

When the balance open for a purchase order line is zero, the line is closed. When all lines are closed, the purchase order is closed. However, it is possible to receive more than the ordered quantity into dock receiving. If only the amount on the PO is received, the extra quantity remains left in Dock Receiving, then it will display as open to be received, but as closed status when selecting an order for PO Receiving.  This can be cleared by reversing the dock receipt, or completing the receipt in PO Receiving.


Please refer to the Purchase Order Receiving Management module.

1.4. Why is the DMR Reason Different from Inventory Handling?

Issue:   When I transfer parts to MRB and enter a reason, and create a DMR the reason for transfering to MRB is correct, but then when I transfer more of the same parts to MRB and enter in a different reason, when I create the 2nd DMR for the second transfer, the DMR is displaying the reason related to the initial transfer to MRB, rather than reflecting the reason related to the second transfer??


Reason:  The system is taking the reason from the transfer transactions and since the transactions are for exactly same parts the program will find the first transfer to MRB and use that reason.   Right now the system cannot identify which transaction to use, unless the part is serialized or lot code enabled.  


1.5. Wrong Qty entered on PO Dock Receiver

Q.  When we entered Dock Receiving, the wrong quantity was entered.  How do we fix this?


A.  If the PO Receipt has NOT been completed yet then you would "EDIT" the Dock Receipt to the correct quantity.  If the discrepancy is not known until AFTER the PO Receipt has been created but has NOT been reconciled then, you can "EDIT" the PO Receipt and reject the wrong quantity and only accept the correct quantity.  Create a DMR for the rejected quantity.  This will keep the inventory straight and not compromise the GL accounts.
For further detail on  "Rejecting items if accounting has processed the Invoice" see Article #113
For further detail on "Rejecting items if accounting has NOT processed the Invoice" see Article #112  



1.6. Unable to process records through PO Receiving module


Unable to save any receipt through the PO Receiving module due to the following message:


User will receive this message after one of the workstations that was in the process of updating any info within the system pertaining to the same record displayed in the message and either the system is attempting to update those changes first and there will be a delay or other users lost  connection to the Network, or their workstation had actually crashed.  The system will then place this lock on the table to prevent any possible corruption.




There should already be a file called <<RESETPOLOCK9.EXE >> located within the Manex Root Directory. (if this file is missing please download the attached)  Running this executable will reset the lock within the shop floor tracking tables.  This executable does not require you to stop the TrigTimer.