Setup your Existing ManEx System on a New Server

You will need to create a new Directory on the new Server in which the ManEx system will be located.  You may select any location, but we recommend calling it ManEx.  

Since ManEx has never been installed before on the new server you will be required to first install the Client Library files on the new server. 
When you are ready to switch over from old to new server, have all users log off of the ManEx system.

Stop the Trigtimer on the server.

Take an entire copy of the ManEx directory (apps, dbfs, reports, etc...) from the old server and paste it into the new server "ManEx" directory.

Run Datamaintenance.exe

Confirm that the ManEx system is operating properly on the new server.

Once functioning then you can change all of the End Users shortcuts to point to the new Server location for ManEx.