G/L Balances


Account Number

The G/ L account number.

Type of Account

The range type for the account.

Account Title

The title of the account.

Status  This is the status of the G/L account number, active or inactive.

The accounting period (month)

FY 2007 Balance (Current)

This is the balance currently, posted through the current periods.

FY 2006 Balance (Prior)

This is the balance posted for the prior periods.

FY 2005 Balance (2nd Prior)

This is the balance posted for the 2nd prior periods.


Depressing this button will display any notes regarding this account.

Selecting the "Filter by GL Type"  will display a pulldown that will allow the user to find account status  by General Ledger Type.

Selecting the ‘Exit’ button will return the user to the previous menu level.