1. Recurring Entry Setup
1.1. Prerequisites for Recurring Entry Setup

Users MUST have full rights to the "All Journal Activities" in Accounting Security .   Users with “Accounting Security Supervisor” rights will automatically have access.
1.2. Introduction for Recurring Entry

Recurring Entries are similar to Standard Journal Entries but are interval based.  The user can set Recurring Journal Entries to generate every x number of days or periods and save time and effort by avoiding reentering the same posting over and over again.  A good example would be an accured interest on a bond.  If you have outstanding bonds of $1,000,000 at 6% that will be paid off in one year, so each month for 12 months you would have to accrue the interest liability.  In this case you would set up a Recurring Entry to debit the interest expense for $5000, and credit the liability account "Accured Interest Expense" for the same amount.

1.3. Fields & Definitions for Recurring Entry Setup

This field is a unique reference for this entry. The user's choice of a mnemonic will assist in identifying the reentry in the future during the edit and generation activities.


This field allows more room to be more descriptive about this Recurring Journal Entry than is available within the reference field.

Beginning Date/ Ending Date This fields allow the user to select the periods in which this entry is to be generated.
Frequency This field allows the user to choose the periodicity of the recurrence.  Depress on the down arrow at the right hand side of the Frequency field.  Select the desired frequency. 

The REVERSE field allows the user to create an Automatic Reversing Entry on period close for this Generated Journal Entry. The box needs to be checked to be considered a reverse entry.  

Last Generated Date

This is an informational field displaying the last date that the entry was generated (within the general journal entry screen).

Last Posted Period

This is an informational field displaying the last Period and FY (Fiscal Year) that the entry was Posted to the General Ledger.


This field allows the user to enter a default reason for the Generated Entry.  It is copied over to the General Journal Entry upon generation and may be edited there.

G/L Account

This is the account number.

Account Title This is the title of the general ledger account
Debit The amount debited to the account number
Credit The amount credited to the account number
Remaining Balance

This is the “out of balance” condition if the amount is other than 0.00.


1.4. How To ......
1.4.1. Find a Recurring Entry Setup

Enter Manex.exe

Accounting/General Ledger/Journal Entries/Recurring Entry Setup

The following screen will appear: 

Depress the Find button and the following screen will appear:
Select the record by highlighting or entering it in the Red box.
Once selected the record information will appear on screen:

1.4.2. Add a Recurring Entry Setup

Enter Manex.exe

Accounting/General Ledger/Journal Entries/recurring Entry Setup 

The following screen will appear:
Selecting the ADD  record button will allow the user to enter information about a New Recurring Entry.  Enter a unique Reference to this entry, Description, Beginning Date, and Ending Date.  Depress the down arrow on the right of the Frequency field and select the desired frequency (Note:  That there will be a blank listed in the pull down. This is the way VFP treats a combobox object. Otherwise the field will show some value even if the record is empty and no data has been selected.  If this Blank is selected, the system will properly treat the field as still being empty and will prompt the user for the proper selection at the time the record is saved).   
If a reversed entry check the Reverse entry box.  Enter a default reason for the generated entry.        

The actual data entry occurs in the middle section.  Once you tab out of the Reason Field the system will default to the first GL Account Number to be enteredThe user must enter a G/L Account directly by typing in the account number.  The system will default to the nearest G/L Account match as you type.  Then once you hit the Enter/Tab key the system will default in the Account Title Information.  Then enter the Debit or Credit Amount.  Depress the "Add Details" button to add another G/L Account.  The user may choose to delete a line in the template by selecting the appropriate line and depressing the ‘Delete Line’ button. 

Enter the Debits and Credits until the Remaining Balance at the bottom of the screen equals 0.00.

The Abandon changes action button is available at all times during an add operation.  The Save record button will also show as available but will not allow you to save the record until the entier Recurring Entry Setup is in balance (debits = credits).  Once the Entry is in Balance, the system will allow you to save the Recurring Entry.  

1.4.3. Post a Recurring Entry Setup

Enter Manex.exe

Accounting/General Ledger/Journal Entries/General Journal Entries

The following screen will appear:  
Depress the Generate Recurring Entries button.

The following screen will appear:
Enter the date you want to see recurring Entries through. 
Click on the Generate Check box to unselect or select desired entries.
Note:In order to create the Recurring JE in the system you must be within the Period outlined within the Recurring Setup.

Actual Date = 01/28/2003

Your Recurring entry has a Start Date of 01/31/2003.

Your Current Fiscal Year is still at Period 12 of 2002, the system will properly not generate those Recurring Entries until your Fiscal Year Period is brought to the proper FY 2003 (period1)
Depress the OK button.
The following message will appear.

Select Yes.
The following message will appear.

The Last generated entry will display on screen as follows:  Here you may edit the Recurring General Journal Entry by selecting the Edit button or delete the Recurring General Journal Entry by selecting the Delete button.  

Note:  Once the Recurring General Journal Entry has been ‘Approved’ you will no longer be able to edit or delete the record.

Or Depress the Find Record button, and select the appropriate Open Recurring Journal Entry from the list.

Depress the Approve button.  You’ll be prompted for an authorized password.  The Status will be changed to "APPROVED", and can now be posted to the General Ledger.

1.4.4. Edit a Recurring Entry Setup
Find an Existing Recurring Entry

Now you may edit the Recurring Entry by selecting the Edit button.  

Remember that DEBITS must equal CREDITS in order to save.