1.1. Prerequisites for Manual A/P Entries |
Users MUST have full rights to the "Manual AP Entry" in Accounting Security . Users with “Accounting Security Supervisor” rights will automatically have access.
1.2. Introduction for Manual A/P Entries | The Manual A/P Entries selection provides on screen and printed reports to assist the tracking and payment of manual invoice entries. The user may enter this module to input invoices which have no accompanying Purchase Order.
The Recurring Payables selection provides the ability to set up a payment to a supplier on the frequency of your choosing and for the number of payments you determine. This module is also used to release recurring payables into the Accounts Payable Aging module.
1.3. Fields & Definitions for Manual A/P Entries |
1.3.1. Manual AP Entry Tab |
Manual AP Entry tab field Definitions
This toggle button will either put item on hold or remove item from hold. NOTE: This button will only be available if the record status is "Editable" or if the record status is "Released to GL" and the record is on "Pmt Hold". |
Trans Dt |
This column will display the date of the transaction. |
Invoice No |
The supplier’s Invoice Number.
Invoice Date |
The date of the Supplier’s invoice.
Supplier Name |
The name of the Supplier.
Total Amount |
This is the total amount of the invoice.
Due Date |
The date the invoice is due to the supplier |
PO/Reference |
The Purchase Order number or other reference.
Status |
Editable – this means that most of the fields are eligible for changes.
Paid Only – this means that the invoice has been paid manually and removed from the AP Aging records, but has not been released or posted yet, . The invoices with this status can NOT be edited.
Released to GL – this means that the invoice has been released and/or posted to GL, but is still open in the A/P Aging and is unpaid. The invoices with this status can NOT be edited because they’ve already been released to G/L. NOTE: If they are on "Pmt Hold" the "Remove Hold" button will be available, so user can remove the invoice from payment hold so Invoice will be displayed in AP Check Payment.
Paid/Rel to GL – this means that the Check has been written for the invoice and it has been released and posted to the G/L. Thes invoices with this status can NOT be edited.
Deleted – this means that the invoice/record has been deleted, and the invoice/record can NOT be reinstated.
Hold Status |
If an invoice is placed on Hold this field will display the type of Hold Status such as "Pmt Hold". If an Invoice is on "Pmt Hold" user can still release and post the invoice to the GL. If the status of the Invoice is "Released to GL", this record will not be Editable, but the "Remove Hold" button, will be available. |
Date Last Changed |
The last change made to the invoice.
Reason |
The reason for the change.
By |
The initials of the user who made the change.
If lit in red, there is a note regarding the invoice.
This will take the user to the pertinent addresses for this invoice, as displayed:
For the INVOICE highlighted:
Item |
The item number of the invoice.
Description |
The description of the purchase.
Quantity |
The amount purchased. We allow a fraction of a whole number in the qty within this module, because user may need to create a manual invoice for something that is measured in inches, feet, etc. Or another example is an invoice for 1.75 hours of work on something.
Price Each |
The price to be paid to the supplier.
Total |
The total of the invoice.
Tax Pct |
The sales tax percentage the supplier charged the user.
GL Number |
The General Ledger Number to which the item was charged.
Add special detail for line item |
Delete special detail for line item |
If lit in red, a note exists regarding the detail line.
Total Tax |
This is the total of the sales tax on all of the line items.
Total Incl Tax |
This is the grand total of the invoice due the supplier.
1.3.2. Maintain Recurring AP's Tab |
Maintain Recurring AP’s tab Field Definitions
For the Recurring Payable highlighted, the screen will display:
View |
Number of Pmts - Orginal |
The Original Number of payments (if Type is defined as Fixed). |
Number of Pmts - Remaining |
The number of payments remaining (if Type is defined as Fixed). |
Last AP Generated |
The last scheduled payment date which was generated via the Generate Recurring AP’s tab. |
Setup Date |
The date the Recurring AP was Setup. |
Date Last Changed |
The last date on any changes made to the Recurring AP record. |
Changed By |
The users initials from the last change to the Recurring AP record. |
To Close the highlighted Recurring AP record. |
This screen will display the confirm and remit to address for the supplier. |
Reason |
The reason for the Reucrring AP record. |
If lit in red, there is a note regarding the highlighted item. |
Supplier Name |
Supplier Name |
Pmt Amount |
The amount of the recurring payment for each payment made.
Type |
The type of recurring payment, either Fixed (a definite number of payments) or Open (number of payments is indefinite).
Frequency |
The payment interval, either monthly or quarterly.
Description |
The description of the recurring payable.
1st Pmt |
The date the 1st recurring payment was scheduled to be made.
PO/Reference |
The PO number or other reference. |
Invoice No |
The Invoice No |
Itm |
The item number on the Invoice |
Description |
The description for that line item on the Invoice. |
Quantity |
The Qty for that line item from the Invoice. We allow a fraction of a whole number in the qty within this module, because user may need to create a manual invoice for something that is measured in inches, feet, etc. Or another example is an invoice for 1.75 hours of work on something. |
Price Ea |
Price each for that line item from Invoice. |
Total |
Total Price for that line item from invoice. |
Tax PCT |
Tax that was charged for that line item from invoice. |
GL Number |
The General Ledger Account number where the payment will be charged.
If lit in red, a note exists regarding the detail line
Total Tax |
This is the total of the sales tax on all of the line items.
Total Incl Tax |
This is the grand total of the invoice due the supplier.
1.3.3. Generate Recurring AP's Tab | Generate Recurring AP's tab
This screen is used to generate the Recurring Accounts Payable and set them up for payment by transferring them into the A/P Aging module.
Generate Recurring AP’s tab Field Definitions
Sel |
If this column is checked, the recurring payable will be selected for Transfer to Accounts Payable Aging module. |
Supplier Name |
The name of the supplier for the recurring payable. |
Pmt Amount |
The amount of the payment to the supplier. |
Due Date |
The scheduled due date for the recurring payable. |
Type |
The recurring payable type, either Fixed (a definite number of payments) or Open (a variable number of payments). |
Frequency |
The interval of payment, either monthly or quarterly. |
Description |
The description of the recurring payable. |
PO/Reference |
The PO or other reference for the recurring payable. |
Invoice Number |
The supplier assigned number for this recurring invoice. |
Depressing this button will bring the ungenerated Recurring Payables through the Ending Date into the screen. |
Ending Date |
The field is to determine through which date the user wants to generate recurring payables. |
If lit in red, the item note button will display the note for the recurring payable highlighted. |
Depressing this button will cause the selected recurring payables to forward into the A/P Aging module. |
1.4. How To ..... for Manual A/P Entries | Find a Manual AP Entries |
Enter Manex.exe
Accounting/Accounts Payable/ Manual AP Entries
The following screen will appear:
Depress the Find recond action button, the following screen will appear:
Select the desired Find By: by selecting the appropriate radio button – Supplier Name, Supplier Invoice No., Reference/PO No., Due Date Range, Transaction Date Range, or All.
Select the desired Filter: by selecting the appropriate radio button– Editable, Paid Only, Released to GL Only, Paid & Rel to GL, Deleted, Pmt Hold, or All.
Select the desired Sort By: by selecting the appropriate radio button – Supplier Name + Invoice Number, Supplier Invoice Number or Transaction Date.
Press "OK" to continue
If you select Find By Supplier Name, a list of Suppliers will appear:
Select the desired Supplier. Depress the OK button. The screen will populate with the selection:
If you select Find By Supplier Invoice Number, you will be prompted to type the Invoice Number into the box next to that selection.
If you select Find By Reference/PO Number, you will be prompted to type that information into the box next to the selection.
If you select to Find By Due Date Range, you will be prompted to enter the Beginning Date and the Ending Date, type the dates into the boxes.
If you Find By Transaction Date Range, type the dates into the boxes.
If you select Find By All. Depress the "OK" button. All records will populate the screen.
Editable |
This means that most of the fields are eligible for changes. |
Paid Only |
Checks have been written for these invoices.These can’t be edited. |
Released to GL Only |
These are still open in the A/P Aging and are unpaid. These can’t be edited because they’ve already been released to G/L. |
Paid & Rel to GL |
Checks have been written for the invoices and they have been released to the G/L. These can’t be edited. |
Deleted |
These have been deleted. They can’t be reinstated. |
Pmt Hold |
These have been put on payment hold. |
All |
All of the above. |
Sort By:
Supplier Name - Invoice No |
The screen will populate with the Suppliers listed first in alphabetical order and then each Invoice Number for that Supplier will list in alpha-numerical order. |
Supplier Invoice No |
Each invoice number will list in alpha-numerical order. |
Transaction Date |
Each transaction date will appear, then the Invoice Number, then the Supplier. |
Once the selection is made, depress the "OK" button. The screen will update with data from the selection:
| Add a Manual AP Entries | Adding Manual Invoices
Manual AP Entry tab Note: Do NOT use for inventory receipts!
Enter Manex.exe/Accounting/Accounts Payable/Manual A/P Entries |
The following screen will appear:
Select the Add button and enter in your password. The following screen will appear: If the transaction is for a period other than the one for the current date, enter in the changed date. Enter an Invoice Number ("DM" is disallowed as the two left characters of the invoice number) and Invoice Date.
Depress the down arrow next to the Supplier Name field. The following list will appear:
Select the Supplier.
The Due Date will automatically update to reflect the terms the Supplier has for the user.
Enter in the total amount of the Invoice, and a PO/Reference number.
If you want to add an Invoice Note, depress the Invoice Note button. Depress the Edit button. Type in the invoice note. Depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button.
If you want to check on the Supplier’s CONFIRM/REMIT TO information, depress that button. Information regarding the Supplier addresses will appear on the screen.
The user may change the TERMS by depressing the down arrow next to the Terms field and selecting a new term. The user may also change the CONFIRM TO address or the REMIT TO address by depressing the arrows next to those fields and selecting a new address.
Depress the Add Detail button at the bottom of the screen. In the Invoice Detail Information section, enter in the Item Number, Description, Quantity, and Price Each. The Total column will update automatically. Enter in the Tax Percentage.(For example, a tax rate of 8 1/2 percent would be entered as 8.50), if applicable. Enter in the General Ledger Account Number.
To look up a GL Account Number. Double click in the GL Number field. The following screen will appear: |
Depress the arrow next to the Find By field. The following selection will appear: |
If you select Account Type, the following list will appear:
Select the GL Type. The following list of accounts within that type will appear:
Select the desired GL Account Number. Depress the OK button.
If you select Account Number, the following list will appear:
Select the desired GL Account Number. Depress the OK button.
To add an Item Note, depress the Item Note button. Depress the Edit button. Type in the note. Depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button. The note button will light up in red.
Continue to add detail using the above procedures until the entire invoice amount has been covered and exactly matches the total amount column in the top section of the screen.
Depress the Save button at the top of the screen the Status will update from "New" to "Editable". Note: If the two total amounts do not exactly match the Save button will not be available.
Invoice will then be transfered to the Release and Post screen . Once the record has been released and posted to the GL the status will updated from "Editable" to "Released to GL".
| Edit a Manual AP Entries | Editing Manual AP Entries : If the Manual AP Entry Status is Editable and has NOT been released/posted to the GL, the user will have the ability to Edit the Invoice from the Manual AP Entry screen. All Editing for Purchase Order Invoices already transferred to the Accounts Payable Aging module MUST be edited in the Manual Invoicing module.
Enter the Accounting/Accounts Payable/Manual AP Entries
The Following Screen will appear:
Manual AP Entry using the Find Procedures
Depress the Edit button and type in your password. Make the desired changes. Type in the Reason for the change. If you change any of the amounts, make sure that the "Total Amt" field and the "Total Incl Tax" fields are equal.
Note: If you change the total detail pricing, you must also change the total amount column at the top of the screen, otherwise the Save button will not be available.
The user may add notes to both the Invoice Notes and the Item Notes. Depress the Edit button. Depress the Note button. Depress the Edit button. Type in the note.Depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button. The note button will light up in red.
The user may also change information in the Confirm/Remit To screen. Depress the Edit button. Depress the Confirm/Remit To button. The following screen will appear:
The user may change the TERMS by depressing the down arrow next to the Terms field and selecting a new term.
The user may also change the CONFIRM TO address or the REMIT TO address by depressing the arrows next to those fields and selecting a new address. Once the edited changes are complete, depress the Save button.
For future Finds, the most recent edited change reason will display. If there was more than one edited change, depress the Invoice Note button to see all of the changes.
| Delete a Manual AP Entries | Deleting an Manual AP Entry/Invoice
Accounting/Accounts Payable/Manual AP Entries |
The following screen will appear:
Find an Invoice with the status "Editable". Depress the Delete button.
Type in your password, you will receive the following warning:
Depress the Yes button to complete the deletion.
Note: Upon Deletion the system will then completely remove the original transaction for the Manual AP Entry that was waiting to be Release/Posted to the GL. If the Invoice you want to delete is NOT editable, please follow the procedures below:
If it’s a Manual Invoice or an MRO PO Invoice, use the Debit Memo procedures. If it’s an Inventory PO Invoice, use the DMR (Return to Vendor) procedures.
1.4.2. Maintain Recurring AP's | Add a Recurring Payment | Add a Recurring Payable
Enter Manex.exe Accounting/Accounts Payable/Manual A/P Entries |
The following screen will appear:
Go to the Maintain Recurring AP's tab
Depress the Add button at the top of the screen. Type in your password.
If the Recurring Payable is for a Fixed number of Payments, enter the Original Number of Payments Box.
Depress the down arrow in the Supplier Name column. Select the Supplier from the drop down screen.
Type in the Payment Amount.
Depress the down arrow next to the TYPE column. Select the Type from the drop down list.
Fixed is for a definite number of payments. Open is for an indefinite number of payments.
Depress the down arrow next to the FREQUENCY column.Select the frequency – monthly or quarterly.
Type the description in the description box. Type in the 1st payment date. Type in the REFERENCE – PO Number or other.Type in the Invoice No..
Depress the Add Detail Button, located at the bottom of the screen. Enter the Item Number, Description, Quantity, Price Each, and Tax Pct.Type in the General Ledger Number.
If you want to select the General Ledger Number, double click in that field.
The following screen will appear:
Depress the arrow next to the Find By Field. Select to find by Account Type or Account Numbers. |
If you select Account Type, the following list will appear:
Select the GL Type from the pulldown.
Select the desired GL Account Number from the pulldown. Depress the OK button.
Save the Record. Note: The Invoice Detail Total must equal the Payment Amount above before the system will allow you to save the record.
If you want to add an Item Note, depress that button. Depress the Edit button. Type in the note. Depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button.
If you want to see the CONFIRM and REMIT TO addresses, depress that button. The following screen will be available:
You may select TERMS by depressing the down arrow next to the Terms field.Select the desired terms for the recurring invoice.
You may select another CONFIRM or REMIT TO address for the vendor by depressing the down arrow next to that field. Select the desired address for the recurring invoice.
| Edit/Delete a Recurring AP | Edit/Delete a Recurring Payable
Enter Manex.exe Accounting/Accounts Payable/Manual A/P Entries |
The following screen will appear:
Go to the Maintain Recurring AP's tab
To Edit: Depress the Edit button. Type in your password. Type in the desired changes. Depress the Save button.
To Delete: Highlight the Recurring Payable you want to delete. Depress the Edit button. Type in your password. Depress the Delete button.
Note: If there has been ANY transfer from Recurring to A/P Aging, the user will NOT be allowed to Edit or Delete. Instead, use the Close button to set the recurring to Inactive.
1.4.3. Generate Recurring AP's | Generate a Recurring Payable | Generate a Recurring Payable
Enter Manex.exe Accounting/Accounts Payable/Manual A/P Entries |
The following screen will appear:
Enter the Generate Reucrring AP's tab
To generate a Recurring Payable, depress the Add button. Type in your password. Type the Ending date into the field through which you wish the Recurring Payable to generate.
Depress the Generate Recurring AP’s button. The ungenerated recurring payables through the Ending Date will populate the screen.
Go down the Select column and check any Recurring Payable, which you want to transfer to Account Payable Aging module. Once you have made your selection(s) depress the "Transfer to Accounts Payable" button.
NOTE: If the users skip selecting one or more payments and select a later payment for the same recurring AP for transfer to AP, the earlier payments will not be generated in later sessions and will be lost.
1.5. Reports for Manual A/P Entries |
To obtain Manual A/P Entries or Recurring Payables reports, depress the Reports icon. The following reports are available: |
Invoice Register Detail
Highlight the Invoice Register Detail report. Depress the Options tab, the following screen will be displayed.
Select the desired From and To dates.
Select the applicable Supplier(S) and depress the > button. If you want all of the Suppliers, depress the >> button.
Complete your selection by clicking on the desired radio buttons within each section. Then depress the OK button.
The following report will be displayed:
Invoice Register Summary
Highlight the Invoice Register Summary report. Depress the Options tab, the following screen will be displayed.
Select the desired From and To dates.
Select the applicable Supplier(S) and depress the > button. If you want all of the Suppliers, depress the >> button.
Complete your selection by clicking on the desired radio buttons within each section. Then depress the OK button.
The following report will be displayed:
Recurring Payables Detail
Highlight the Recurring Payables Detail report. Depress the Options tab, the following screen will be displayed.
Select the desired From and To dates.
Select the applicable Supplier(S) and depress the > button. If you want all of the Suppliers, depress the >> button.
Complete your selection by clicking on the desired radio buttons within each section. Then depress the OK button.
The following report will be displayed:
Recurring Payables Summary
Highlight the Recurring Payables Summary report. Depress the Options tab, the following screen will be displayed.
Select the desired From and To dates.
Select the applicable Supplier(S) and depress the > button. If you want all of the Suppliers, depress the >> button.
Complete your selection by clicking on the desired radial within each section. Then depress the OK button.
The following report will be displayed: