Billing Information Tab

Billing Address This is the company name of the user’s billing location.  If you have more than one billing location, you must select at least one as the default.  You can choose among the selection of billing addresses when you prepare the purchase order. 
User must select at least one as the default by checking this box

This is the street address where you want your billing mailed.  Two address lines are allowed.  The second line is for a suite number, etc. 

City This is the City where you want your billing mailed. 
State This si the State where you want your billing mailed. 
Postal Code/Zip This is the Zip code where you want your billing mailded.
Country This is the country of the billing location.

This is the phone number at the billing location.


This is the fax number at the billing location.


This is the name of the contact at the billing location. Example:  Accounts Payable.

Receiving Addresses All the billing addresses available are displayed in this box.