Selection Tab

Enter the percentage to use if the part material cost is different from the Weighted Average Price Value by Greater than or Equal to or if the assembly material cost is different from the Sum of the parts standard value by Greater than or Equal to     Or   Difference between Calculated and Current Greater or Equal to $ 
Example:  if there is a $2000.00 assembly in stock, and users apply the 1% criteria, a $19.00 difference won't be brought into the matrix to be checked.  On the other users enter 0%, then every single part will be included.  A Minimum dollar value has been added to the Standard Cost Adjustment screen that will be used to determine whether or not an item is included in the matrix.  If left blank then the percentage rules.  If value entered then it becomes the criteria for inclusion in the matrix.     

Check box if you "Do not want items listed with 0 inventory and no purchase history for the current year", then the standard cost will remain unchanged

Check this box if you want to  "Allow user to enter in the Weighted Average Variable".  Once this has been checked the users can then enter in the number of the most recent Purchase Orders they wish to have included in the Weighted Average Calculation. This give the user the option to eliminate the Quick Turn buys that may throw the calculations off.  

User also has the option to select the part number range , class, or type, on which part(s) to process.  This will complete the adjustment process faster and user will be able to maintain more accurate records and also allow the users the ability to narrow the resulting filter of the Buy parts.  NOTE:  The Part Number range selection is available for only BUY parts. ManEx does not offer it for MAKE parts, because the system needs to roll ALL sub assemblies up to determine the top level costs. However, in the modifications tab, it is possible to sort by part number or class, to make it easier for the user to find specific items of interest.
To roll up the Buy Parts, depress the Roll up BUY Parts button.  To roll up Make Parts, depress the Roll up MAKE Parts button.  To Level Make Parts depress the Level MAKE Parts button.