Tooling Tab

The Tooling tab is used to describe the tooling requirements for the Work Center. It also provides for a location notation and an Expire Date. An example of a Check List item as discussed above might be to perform the Work Center tooling, as detailed in this tab.

Fields & Definitions

Tool/Fixture Description 

This is the description of the Tooling item.

Work Center

This is the name of the Work Center where the tooling will take place.


This is the location within the Work Center where the tooling will take place.

Expire Date

This is the date of expiration of the tooling.

add more

Checking this box allows the user to add additional tooling lines.


These buttons allow the user to add, edit or delete tooling items.


The Tool/Fixture description pulldown information is setup within the System Setup/Tools Setup .  The Tooling/Fixture information can also be added, edited, or deleted from the PDM  (Product Data Management) module


To delete a line item from the Tooling Tab.  Highlight the line item.  Depress the Delete button.  Click on the second column (which is NOT labeled), the field will change to Black. Depress the Done button.