1. Fields & Definitions for Sales Price List Information
1.1. Part Number Tab

Part Number Information Tab field definitions


The Part Class of the Product, Taken from the item master based on the product chosen (not Editable).


The Part Type of the Product, Taken from the item master based on the product chosen (not Editable).

Part Number

The Part Number of the Product(not Editable). 

Rev The Revision of the Product (not Editable). 
Description The Part Description of the Product, Taken from the item master (not Editable)
Sales Type The selection of the type of sale to which the Product pertains.  This selection will also point the invoicing to the desired sales and cost of sales general ledger account for those users with accounting installed.
Customer List The list of customers assigned for the chosen product. Note:  If the user enters specific customers in the Customer List, then this product will only be available for that customer when creating a Sales Order.     
"Standard Price" will be defaulted into the Customer List if the part has never had a customer added.  Once a price is setup for a customer the "Standard Price" can be removed. 
Price Markup This is the mark up percentage to be used for the customer displayed.
Warranty This field displays the number of days for the warranty for the customer displayed.



1.2. Price Breaks Tab

 Prices Breaks tab field definitions

Customer The customer the pricing is assigned to.  
From The beginning range of the price break being viewed.     
To The ending range of the price break being viewed. 
Amort Qty

The quantity of products to be delivered over which charge is amortized. 

Amort Amt

The dollar amount of the charge to be amortized.  

Shipped Qty

The amount of product shipped for date, used to calculate when the amortization charge is no longer applied to the price of the product.

Sales Price Breakdown The nature of the charges for the product, taken from a selection established in the system setup under Sales.      

The dollar amount being charged for the sales item displayed.

Amortization Charge

The unit price being added for amortization (until depleted).

Total Unit Price

The combined dollar amount of the pricing charges. 


1.3. Part Information Note Tab