Enter System Utility/Archiving/Restoring Module   

The following warning will appear:

Depress Yes, to continue and the next warning will appear:

Depress Yes, to continue and the next warning will appear:

Depress Yes, to continue and the next warning will appear:

Depress Yes, to continue and the following screen will appear: Select item to restore:  Work Order/Kit/SQC, Inactive Inventory Part Number, Quote.

Depress Next, another option screen will appear:  Select to view Inventory Part Number list by:  Part Number,  or  Archived Date.

Depress Back to return to previous screen or depress Next to continue.  A list of Inventory Part Numbers, that have a status of Inactive will appear:


Select the Part Number(s) to restore by highlighting them and depressing the > button.  If you would like to restore all the Part Numbers listed depress the >> button.

Depress the Back button to return to the previous screen.  Depress the RESTORE button to continue, the following message will appear:

Depress OK, the following screen will appear:

Depress Yes to continue, and receive the following message:

Depress OK, and receive the following message:

Depress OK, and the following screen will appear: