Introduction for ABC Types
This section is provided to setup ABC Code template table. This information is used in the item master during add or edit mode. ABC types are used when setting up part class and types, which in turn are used when adding an inventory part to the item master. ABC codes are used as an aid to manage inventory tracking. Traditionally, ABC codes are established to divide the inventory by value, and to guide in the cycle counting of inventory. First the value of all inventory in stock is added up and listed by part in order of the highest extended value first. Then, the top 80 % of the parts value would be classified as “A” items, and will probably consist of about 10-15% of the inventory part numbers. The next 15% of the value items would be classified as “B” items, and will be in the neighborhood of 20-40% of the part numbers. The last 5% of the value will be classified as “C” items, and represent at least 50% of the part numbers.
ManEx allows the user to differentiate between assemblies and components.  Users may create a setup of ABC (and DEFG...if they choose) for components (buy/consigned parts) and a  different set (e.g. MNO) for assemblies.  The reason for this is that it is likely that the assemblies may need tighter control than the ranges available for the whole inventory, and the user has the option of differentiating between components, and assemblies.  If a user is carrying components in finished goods inventory to ship to a customer, they will still be counted as components in the ABC group.  The type of warehouse is not considered when calculating cycle counts (except for in-house items, regardless of where they are stored).