1. Payment Terms

1.1. Prerequisites for Payment Terms
Complete the attached worksheet and   "Mark as Completed RoadMap Section B Item 1-e"  before continuing the setup. 
User MUST have full rights to the "System Setup"  in System Security .  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.  
1.2. Introduction for Payment Terms

This is where the user sets up Payment Terms (used in Customer Information, Sales Order, Quotation, Invoicing, Supplier Information, Purchase Order and Accounts Payable). The description is a free text field to describe the payment terms as the user wishes to see it, i.e.: 2% 10 Days, N30 etc. This is provided for the user to select payment terms based on the description.

1.3. Fields & Definitions for Payment Terms


 Description This is a free text field to describe the payment terms as the user wishes to see it, i.e.: Net 30/2% 10 Days, etc. This is provided for the user to select payment terms based on the description.
Standard Term Days This is the number of days granted the buyer in which to pay the bill from the invoice date. Payment after that date is considered delinquent.
Discount Percent This is the amount of discount from the invoice amount that the buyer may take if the payment is rendered within a certain period.
Discount Days field. This is the period of days the user may take a discount.


In the example Net 30/2% 10, if the buyer pays the invoice within ten days of the invoice date, they are entitled to take a two percent (2%) discount on the amount of the invoice. After the ten days have passed, the buyer has up to thirty days from the date of the invoice to pay. Payments made after that time may be charged other fees.


1.4. How To ..... Payment Terms
1.4.1. Setup Payment Terms

 Enter System Setup/General Setup/Payment Terms  

The following screen will appear:

To modify this screen, the user must click on the Add, Edit, or Delete button and supply the password. That action will enable the screen.

Pressing the Add button will enable the data entry boxes at the left of the screen for the user to enter new data.

Selecting an existing Payment Term and pressing the Edit button will bring the selected information to the data entry box to be modified.

Selecting an existing Payment Term and pressing the Delete button will remove the selected information.

The user enters in the Description, standard days, discount (as a percent) and discount days.

The user must Save or Abandon Changes after adding or editing data.

These items may be rearranged in any order by clicking on and dragging the box to the left side to the (vertical) position desired. This order will be the order the user sees when using this list in other modules within the system. Suggestion: Have the one most used at the top of the list.

Where Used:  In the Customer Setup, Sales Orders, Packing Lists,

Invoicing, Supplier Setup, and Accounting.


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