Activity Tab


This is the description of the work center highlighted in the Work Center tab.

Activity ID

This is the abbreviated (4 character) code for the name of the activity.

Activity Description

This is the description of the activity being performed.It may take 25 characters in length. 

Standard Rate

This is the standard hourly rate for the activity performed within the Work Center. 


Click here for capacity totaling election.Capacity totaling means that if multiple activities are used in a work center, and if there are multiple resources in the activities, the capacity will be the sum of the resources rather than limited by just one resource. 

Activity Costing Description 

This field is selected from the available activity costing descriptions created in the Activity Costing & Setup module within system setup.

Charge Rate

This is the field used to enter hourly charge rates, for each activity. The formatting is three digits to the left of the decimal, and two to the right (999.99). If this optional field is entered, it will be used to determine the hourly charge rate of the activity to which it is assigned.