Introduction for Number System
The Number System setup gives the user the option to use auto or manual numbering per module.   

If "Auto" numbering is chosen, the user will need to enter the starting number in the space provided on the right side of the form (starting number.)  If no starting number is entered, the system will automatically start assigning numbers with number one.  ManEx will automatically assign the next available sequential number (with no revision) when adding a new record in a selected module, user may at this time enter a revision if applicable.   Once the "Next" number is selected, the counter moves to the succeeding number, if the abandon changes button is depress that number will be considered as used and will be skipped even though the record was never saved.  

If "Manual" mode is chosen, the user will need to maintain a manual numbering sequence log and manually enter the number when adding a new record in a selected module.  It is not necessary to fill in the starting number field when using manual mode.  In the manual mode, the user may combine alpha and numeric characters up to the length of the field.

If the user wishes to begin with manual assignment of tracking numbers, it is recommended that they begin with an alpha character imbedded in the numbers. When the user decides to change to automatic number assignment, there will be no possibility of duplicate numbers, because all of the auto-numbering systems use numbers only.  It may be appropriate for the user to enter the last number used in a manual system as the starting number for auto-numbering in the ManEx setup.