1.1. Summary Tab | The summary tab contains all of the summary information pertaining to the quote. For each product number, quantity, cost, markup, charge to customer and order amount are displayed in summary fashion.
Summary tab field definitions
Quote Number |
The number the system has assigned to the quotation (if auto numbeirng is setup). (If manual numbering is setup user must assign the number). This number can not be changed after the quote has been created. |
Customer Name |
The name of the customer for which this quote was prepared. |
Customer RFQ |
The number the customer assigned to the request for quote. |
Due Date |
The date by which the quote is due to the customer. |
Quoted Date |
The date the quote was actually sent to the customer.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Quote_Note.png) |
Depress this button to enter any notes that pertain specifically to this quote. This button will be displayed in RED when notes exist pertaining to this quote. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Quote_Footnote.png) |
Depress this button to enter any footnotes that pertain specifically to this quote. This button will be displayed in RED when footnotes exist pertaining to this quote. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Quote_Related_Documentation.png) |
Depressing this button will give the users the ability to scan any related documents directly into the ManEx system and attached the document directly to the quote in the Customer Quotation module. For further detail see Article #2396. This button will be displayed in RED when Related documents are attached. |
Item |
The line number.
Product Number |
The unique number assigned to the product.
Rev |
The revision number assigned to the product.
Class |
The classification of the product. |
Type |
The type within the classification pertaining to this product |
Description |
The description of the product.
Source |
The source of the product, either Make or Phantom. MAKE is for an item made in-house (assemblies and sub-assemblies) and PHANTOM is for a number used to define a collection of items that does not exist as a separate assembly built on a Work Order (ship kits, upgrade packages, spares kits, etc.). |
This is for the status of the highlighed line item.
To change Quote Status, while in the Summary tab, depress the Edit button.
Type in the password. The following selection will appear:
Depress "Edit Selected Product".
Type in your password.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/SalesMGT_Screens/QOT_Edit_Type.png) |
Highlight the Status section and select the appropriate new status from the drop down list.
Depress the Save button.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Product_Note.png) |
Depress this button to add or edit notes pertaining to this specific product, the notes added will be carried over into the Inventory Control module, when the quote is transfered and the Product number is created on the Inventory Control module. If an existing product number is entered and there are existing notes for this specific product within the Inventory Control Module, they will be defaulted in. This button will be displayed in RED when notes exist for the product. Depress this button to view any notes pertaining to this product. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Product_Footnote.png) |
Depress this button to add or edit footnotes pertaining to this specific product. This button will be displayed in RED when footnotes exist for the product. Depress this button to view any notes pertaining to this product |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Product_Related_Documentation.png) |
Depress this button to load a Product Related Document. For further detail see Article #2396. If this button is displayed in RED there is a Product Related Document attached. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Refresh_Quote.png) |
Depress this button to refresh pricing, due date, Last PO Dates, standard cost and customer part numbers. This way if the customer part number is added or the standard cost is changed mid quote, they can update the quote with that info. The system will calculate the longest leadtime from selected mfgr and selected supplier to update product leadtime. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Done_QOT.png) |
If these boxes are checked, it denotes that the information has been forwarded from the required summary tabs.
This button will cause the module to update the summary of the product costs, and update the Date/Time field. The Cost Each, Markup, Charge Each and Order Amount will automatically update.
This is the date and time (24 hour clock) of the creation of the Product Cost Summary. This field is only updated when user clicks the "Calculate Product Cost Summary" button. |
For the Item Number highlighted:
Quantity |
This column displays the quantity pertaining to the Product Cost Summary.
L/T |
This column displays the lead time pertaining to the Product Cost Summary. |
Cost Each |
This column displays the cost each for the quantity listed on the left.
Markup |
This column displays the markup in dollars and cents for the quantity listed.
Charge Each |
This is the total of the cost each plus the markup |
Order Amount |
This is the total of the quantity multiplied by the charge each.
Sales Representative |
For the product highlighted, the Sales Representative selected and the applicable commission expressed either in percentage or dollar amounts per the radials.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Customer_Doc.png) |
Depress this button to load a Customer Document. For further detail see Article #2823 If this button is displayed in RED there is Customer documents attached. |
1.2. Material Summary Tab | The material summary tab displays the quantity, cost each, markup and charge forwarding from both Material 1 tab and Material 2 tabs and displays the quantity pricings. This information will be forwarded into the summary tab.
Material Summary tab field definitions
Item |
The line number. |
Product Number |
The unique number assigned to the product.
Rev |
The revision number assigned to the product.
Class |
The classification of the product. |
Type |
The type within the classification pertaining to this product.
Description |
The description of the product.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Calculate_Display_Material_Costs.png) |
The Markup and Charge Each will automatically update for items included in the Inventory Master for the Material 1 tab and any manually added costs in the Material 2 tab once this button is depressed. |
For both the Material 1 and 2 sections:
Quantity |
This column displays the quantity pertaining to the Product Cost Summary.
Cost Each |
This column displays the cost each for the quantity listed on the left.
Markup |
This column display the markup in dollars and cents for the quantity listed.
Charge Each |
This is the total of the cost each plus the markup.
Apply to Price Break Type in Price List
Complete |
A check in this box denotes that this screen has been completed and is available to forward into the Summary tab. |
Total Number of Components |
This field calculates the total number of components being used for each product. |
Price/Quantity Break to apply |
This would be used to either select the price break you expect the customer to buy or the price break that you would like to build. This field works together with the Apply Pricing Criteria field.
Pricing Criteria - This field is to allow the users to select which calculation they wish for the system to do. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/SalesMGT_Screens/QOT_Pricing_Criteria.png) |
Apply Pricing Criteria |
Depress this button once you have made your selection and the system will calculate based on the selection made. |
1.3. Material 1 Tab | The material 1 tab displays the details of components which are currently identified in the Inventory Control Item Master . For each line item, the quantity, source, class, type, description, internal part number, revision number, customer part number, customer revision number, unit of measure, scrap %, whether or not the minimum order is to be applied, and Last PO Date is displayed. Additionally, the costing method is displayed together with the approved manufacturer and the manufacturers part number. It also displays the supplier for that component and the request for quote number as assigned in the Component Quote Management module. The need quantity, price each, lead time, quoted quantity, order multiple, minimum order the price source are also displayed. This information forwards into the Material summary tab. The purple highlighed item indicates that the item is inactive.
Material 1 tab field definitions
Item |
The line number.
Product Number |
The unique number assigned to the product |
(Rev) |
The revision number assigned to the product |
Class |
The classification of the product.
Type |
The type within the classification pertaining to this product |
Description |
The description of the product.
Internal Part Number |
This is the number the user has assigned to the component. |
Rev |
This is the revision number pertaining to the internal part number.
Customer Part No |
This is the number which the customer has assigned to the component.
Rev |
This is the revision number which pertains to the Customer Part number.
The unit of measure which is used for this component.
Scrap % |
This amount is added to the exact quantity used on an assembly to provide an overage to cover losses during running due to predictable machine and human losses. If the part number already has scrap entered in ICM, the system will use this default. If no scrap has been entered within Inventory, the system will then use the scrap that has been entered within the Quote screen.
Apply Min Ord |
This is smallest number of the item that can be ordered from the vendor in one PO.For instance, Surface Mount components on a reel usually have a minimum order of 1000 items or more.
Last PO Date |
Displays the date of the last PO placed for this component. This field will only populate if the "Refresh Quote" button is depressed which is located on the Summary Tab. |
The radials, Matl Cost, Wt Avg and Manual pertain to the type of cost pertaining to the component.The field denotes the dollar amount. Material Cost is per the Inventory Master. Weighted Average is the weighted average of the last five Purchase Orders processed for that part number. (Please refer to the Inventory Control Management manual.) Manual cost is per the user. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/add.png) |
This button is used to add an item to the list of components needed for the assembly.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Delete.png) |
This button is used to delete an item from the list of components needed for the assembly.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/Mark_Up_Percentage.png) |
This field displays the mark up percentage which the user will be charging their customer. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Part_List_Note.png) |
This button will be displayed in RED when notes exist pertaining to the list of parts. Depressing this button will allow the user to view these notes.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/PartNote.png) |
This button will be displayed in RED when notes exist pertaining to the highlighted part. Depressing this button will allow the user to view these notes.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Ref_Designator.png) |
This button will be displayed in RED when reference designators for the highlighted part exist. Depressing this button will allow the user to view these reference designators.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_AVL.png) |
AVL stands for (Approved Vendor List).This button is used to add an approved manufacturer.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Del_AVL.png) |
This button is used to delete an approved manufacturer. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Supplier.png) |
This button is used to add a supplier.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Del_Supplier.png) |
This button is used to delete a supplier. |
For the Line Item highlighted:
AVL & Mfgr Part No section
When you add a part to the material 1 screen from inventory, if the customer on the quote is linked to that internal part number the AVL’s will be pulled from the consigned side, if that customer is NOT linked to that internal part number then the AVL’s will be pulled from the internal side. System WILL allow users to enter NEW mfgr's part numbers, but NOT new mfgr's. The mfgr's from inventory will be the ONLY ones listed on the pull down to select from.
X - A check in this box is NOT for the approval of AVL's on BOM. This box is used when transfering quote to inventory and/or BOM. There is an option located on the "Transfer Tab" to select to transfer "ALL AVL's" or "Only the selected AVL's". If the user chooses to transfer "Only theSelected AVL's", this box MUST be checked on the NEW mfgr part numbers added, then upon transfer the new mfgr part numbers will be transfered to inventory along with the existing mfgr and mfgr part numbers. If this box is NOT checked for the new mfgr part numbers added, when the quote is transfered and the option to add "Only theSelected AVL's" is marked, the new Mfgr part numbers will NOT be transfered to inventory and/or BOM. When a quote is transfered All AVL's transfered will be checked as Approved on the new BOM.
NOTE: When adding a new quote by "ADD Existing Product from Inventory to this Quote" only the AVL's marked as approved on the existing BOM will be transfered to quote.
If more than one manufacturer is displayed, highlight the manufacturer desired before selecting the Supplier name. The mfgr and mfgr part number selected will be highlighted in yellow.
Mfgr - This is the name of the manufacturer assigned to the component.
Mfgr Part Number - This is the number which the manufacturer has assigned to the component.
Supplier & RFQ section
X - A check in this box denotes that the supplier has been selected. The selected supplier will be highlighted in Yellow.
Supplier Name - The name of the supplier.
RFQ - This is the Request for Quotation number as assigned in the Component Quote Management portion of Customer Quotations.
Need Qty |
The amount required for the quantity represented. |
Price Ea |
The dollar amount which the Supplier charges the user. |
L/T (Day) |
The lead time will use inventory leadtime to calculate and will be displayed in the number of days between placement of the order and receipt. |
Quoted Qty |
The number of units quoted by the supplier. |
Min Ord |
The supplier requirement for the minimum quantity per order.
Order Multiple |
This field defines the even multiples of the Unit of Measure in which an item must be purchased.For example, 16AWG Wire might be only available in even hundreds of feet on a spool. |
Price Source |
The source of the pricing such as Manual, a Request for Quote, etc.
Corrected PN |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
Alt PN |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
AI Mfgr |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
Comments |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
1.4. Material 2 Tab |
The material 2 tab displays the details of components which are NOT identified in the Inventory Control Item Master. For each line item, the quantity, source, class, type, description, customer part number, customer revision number, unit of measure, and scrap % is displayed. Additionally displayed is the approved manufacturer and the manufacturer’s part number. It also displays the supplier for that component and the request for quote number as assigned in the Component Quote Management module. The need quantity, price each, lead time, quoted quantity, order multiple, minimum order and the price source are also displayed. This information forwards into the Material Summary tab. NOTE: When the parts from Material 2 screen are transferred from quote to BOM, inventory item master part numbers are created for each item. The system does NOT search the inventory item tables for an existing part number and will create new item master part numbers, even if the manufacturers and part numbers are the same.
NOTE: If "AUTO" numbering is selected in the Number System screen for Inventory parts, the system will assign the next part number in sequence (with no revision). If "MANUAL" numbering is selected in the Number System screen for Inventory parts, the Material 2 screen will display three additional fields shown below in Red box: ManEx suggests using the manual numbering if user would like to assign a revision to the internal part numbers.
Material 2 tab field definitions
Item |
The line number.
Product Number |
The unique number assigned to the product |
(Rev) |
The revision number assigned to the product.
Class |
The classification of the product.
Type |
The type within the classification pertaining to this product |
Description |
The description of the product.
Customer Part No |
This is the number which the customer has assigned to the component.
Rev |
This is the revision number which pertains to the Customer Part number.
The unit of measure which is used for this component.
Scrap % |
This amount is added to the exact quantity used on an assembly to provide an overage to cover losses during running due to predictable machine and human losses.
Apply Min Order |
This is smallest number of the item that can be ordered from the vendor in one PO.For instance, Surface Mount components on a reel usually have a minimum order of 1000 items or more. This field will only be enabled if the Number System is set to "Manual" for Inventory Parts.
Internal Part Number |
Manually assign an internal part number to the item. This field will only be enabled if the Number System is set to "Manual" for Invventory Parts. |
Rev |
Manually assign a revision to the item. This field will only be enabled if the Number System is set to "Manual" for Invventory Parts |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Part.png) |
This button is used to add an item to the list of components needed for the assembly.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Del_Part.png) |
This button is used to delete an item from the list of components needed for the assembly.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/Mark_Up_Percentage.png) |
This field displays the mark up percentage which the user will be charging their customer. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Part_List_Note.png) |
This button will be displayed in RED when Part List Notes exist. Depressing this button will allow the user to view these notes.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/PartNote.png) |
This button will be displayed in RED when notes exist pertaining to the highlighted part. Depressing this button will allow the user to view these notes.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Ref_Designator.png) |
This button will be displayed in RED when reference designators exist pertaining to the highlighted part. Depressing this button will allow the user to view the reference designators.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_AVL.png) |
AVL stands for (Approved Vendor List).This button is used to add an approved manufacturer.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Del_AVL.png) |
This button is used to delete an approved manufacturer. |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Supplier.png) |
This button is used to add a supplier.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Del_AVL.png) |
This button is used to delete a supplier.
For the Line Item highlighted:
AVL & Mfgr Part No section
X -A check in this box is NOT for the approval of AVL's. When transfering quote there is an option located on the "Transfer Tab" to select to transfer "ALL AVL's" or "Only the selected AVL's". If user chooses to transfer "Only the Selected AVL's", this box MUST be checked, if this is one of the selected AVL's you want transfered to inventory and/or BOM. If user chooses to transfer All AVL's then this box does NOT need to be checked. When a quote is transfered All AVL's transfered will be checked as Approved.
Mfgr - This is the name of the manufacturer assigned to the component.
Mfgr Part Number - This is the number which the manufacturer has assigned to the component.
Supplier & RFQ section
X – a check in this box denotes that the supplier has been selected.
Supplier Name – The name of the supplier.
RFQ – This is the Request for Quotation number as assigned in the Component Quote Management portion of Customer Quotations.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/SalesMGT_Screens/QOT_Supplier.png) |
Need Qty |
The amount required for the quantity represented. |
Price Ea |
The dollar amount which the Supplier charges the user. |
L/T |
The lead time will use part class/type setup default leadtime to calculate and is displayed in the number of days between placement of the order and receipt. |
Quoted Qty |
The number of units quoted by the supplier. |
Min Ord |
The supplier’s requirement for the minimum quantity per order.
Order Multiple |
This field defines the even multiples of the Unit of Measure in which an item must be purchased.For example, 16AWG Wire might be only available in even hundreds of feet on a spool. |
Price Source |
The source of the pricing such as Manual, a Request for Quote, etc.
Corrected PN |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
Alt PN |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
AI Mfgr |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
Comments |
This field is for reference only. This information is NOT forwarded to any other fields within the system. |
1.5. Labor Tab | The labor tab displays the labor costs for each, markup amount and charge for each for each quantity break.Also displayed is the quantity pricing.This information forwards into the Summary tab.
Labor tab field definitions
Item |
The line number.
Product Number |
The unique number assigned to the product.
(Rev) |
The revision number assigned to the product.
Class |
The classification of the product. |
Type |
The type within the classification pertaining to this product.
Description |
The description of the product.
Quantity Break |
This column displays the quantity pertaining to the Product Cost Summary.
Cost Each |
This column displays the labor cost each for the quantity listed on the left.
Use Pct |
Check this column if the percentage is to be used.
Markup |
This column displays the markup in dollars and cents for the quantity listed.
Charge Each |
This is the total of the cost each plus the markup.
Complete |
A check in this box denotes that this screen has been completed and is available to forward into the Summary tab.
1.6. Other/Misc. Tab | The Other/Miscellaneous tab displays the description and amount of the other charges. The charge amount is divided by each quantity level and will be included in the cost summary. This information forwards into the Summary tab.
Other/Misc Tab Definitions
Item |
The line number.
Product Number |
The unique number assigned to the product.
(Rev) |
The revision number assigned to the product. |
Class |
The classification of the product.
Type |
The type within the classification pertaining to this product.
Description |
The description of the product.
Other Charge Description |
This is the description to be applied to the other charge amount. The user selects for the table provided in System Setup Quote Defaults.
Amount |
The charge amount is divided by each quantity level and will be included in the cost summary.
Complete |
A check in this box denotes that this screen has been completed and is available to forward into the Summary tab.
1.7. NRE Tab | The NRE – non-recurring expenditure tab is to identify and cost tools/fixtures which the user intends to pass on to the customer. This screen displays the NRE description, cost, markup amount, charge amount and the applicable work center. This information forwards into the Summary screen.
NRE tab field definitions
Item |
The line number.
Product Number |
The unique number assigned to the product.
(Rev) |
The revision number assigned to the product.
Class |
The classification of the product.
Type |
The type within the classification pertaining to this product.
Description |
The description of the product.
Tool/Fixture Description |
This is the description of the NRE charge as set up in Production Setup, Tools setup.Please refer to the Implementation – Production manual.
Cost |
This column displays the NRE cost.
Use Pct |
Check this column if the percentage is to be used.
Markup Amt |
This column displays the markup in dollars and cents.This column will update only if the column is left blank.
Charge Amt |
This is the total of the cost plus the markup.
Work Center |
This is the name of the Work Center where the NRE item will be used.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/add.png) |
Depressing this button will allow the user to add additional NRE charges.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Delete.png) |
Depressing this button will allow the user to highlight and delete an NRE charge.
Total Charge Amount |
This field displays the sum of all of the items listed in the Charge Amount column.
Complete |
A check in this box denotes that this screen has been completed and is available to forward into the Summary tab.
1.8. Customer Tab | The customer tab contains billing information, the default settings for new records and the contact list. The mark up percentages forward into the respective other tabs for material summary, NRE, and labor. The option to enforce minimum order quantities forwards into the Material 1 tab.
Customer tab field definitions
Quote To |
This is defaulted in from the Bill To default address setup in the Customer Information module. The user may change the address by depressing the down arrow next to the Quote To box, and making another selection. |
Default Settings for New Records
Material Markup |
The markup percentage which will forward to the Material Summary tab. |
Material Scrap |
The percentage of the component for scrap.(If there is a scrap percentage in the customer setup section, that scrap will be applied to all of the items in the Material 2 tab. The Material 1 tab will first look at the inventory master and if the scrap is NOT zero, place the item master scrap in the quote line item. If it is zero in the item master, the scrap value in the customer setup section of the quote will be used.) |
Tools/Fixture Markup |
The markup percentage which will forward to the NRE tab.
Labor Markup |
The markup percentage which will forward to the Labor tab.
Refresh Markup & Scrap |
When any of the Markup fields are changed, depress this button and the new percentages will be applied to all existing parts for all Products within that quote. |
Enforce Min Ord on Existing Parts |
Minimum Order is the smallest number of the item that can be ordered from the supplier in one PO.For instance, Surface Mount components on a reel usually have a minimum order of 1000 items or more.Checking this box will enforce the minimums. This forwards to the Material 1 tab.
Contacts |
The name and phone information for the contacts setup for this specific customer in the Contacts Information module.
1.9. Transfer Tab | The transfer tab is used once the request for quote information has been uploaded from the Component Quote Management module. First the user must enter the required approvals as set up in Quote Setup. A user must have been assigned to a department in Security Setup. Then for each department listed, an approval must take place. Once the necessary approvals have been obtained, the user may transfer information regarding the standard cost, labor cost, AVL's, and whether a serial number is required into the Inventory Control Item Master, the Bill of Materials or the Work Order Traveler Setup.
Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to perform a Quote transfer. Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access. If users do not have the "Quote Transfer" box checked within the Security module they will receive the following warning:
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/SalesMGT_Warnings/Transfer_Quote_Not_Authorized.png) |
Item |
The line number. |
Product Number |
The unique number assigned to the product. |
(Rev) |
The revision number assigned to the product. |
Class |
The classification of the product. |
Type |
The type within the classification pertaining to this product. |
Description |
The description of the product. |
Source |
The source of the product, either Make or Phantom. MAKE is for an item made in-house (assemblies and sub-assemblies) and PHANTOM is for a number used to define a collection of items that does not exist as a separate assembly built on a Work Order (ship kits, upgrade packages, spares kits, etc.). |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/SalesMGT_Screens/QOT_Status.png) |
This is for the status of this line item. If the Quotation has been transferred, the Status will display as transferred.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/QOT_Sales_Type.png) |
This is for the type of sale which pertains to the product, as setup in System setup Sales Type & Price Itemization |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/ApprovalButton.png) |
Once this button is depressed, the system will prompt for the appropriate departmental password.
Init |
The initials of the approver.
Date |
The date of approval.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Transfer.png) |
This button is used AFTER marking whether to update standard costs for materials and labor.Note that one of the quantities as stated in the summary tab must be entered in the box. The user must also pre-select whether or not serial numbers are to be used.
Calculate Material Cost for Item Master
If this option is checked, the cost for the materials will forward to the Inventory Master. Note that one of the quantities as stated in the summary tab must be entered in the Use Qty Level box.
Calculate Labor Cost for Item Master
If this option is checked, the cost for the labor will forward to the Inventory Master. Note that one of the quantities as stated in the summary tab must be entered in the Use Qty Level box.
S/N Required |
This box is checked if serial numbers are required for the product.
All AVL's |
Transfer all the AVL's listed on the quote to inventory. When adding AVL's on Material 2 page, because it is a new part, the system will add all or selected, based on what is checked, on material 1 page, it will transfer all existing AVL's plus add any new AVL's based on what is check. |
Only Selected AVL's |
Transfer just the selected AVL's listed on the quote to inventory. When adding AVL's on Material 2 page, because it is a new part, the system will add all or selected, based on what is checked, on material 1 page, it will transfer all existing AVL's plus add any new AVL's based on what is check. |