NT 4.0 is becoming a pretty old version and has been known for various different issues. But upon updating our system to VFP 9.0 (ManEx 8.5 or higher) we found that our system would not function on NT4.0 servers. Upon investigation we found a German patch that resolves that issue.
To patch the Manex 8.5 client on NT4:
- Copy the patch file (vfp9nt4patch.exe) to the Winnt/system32 folder & run.
- Answer "Ja" to the popup box.
- It will patch the vfp9r.dll file to remove long filename support.
- More info is available by following the enclosed url...
- It will create a backup copy of the original dll with a .001 extension.
- It will display a dialog box when finished.
- Manex should run ok now.