1. How To ..... for WO Mgmt
1.1. Find a Work Order

Enter Production/Work Order Managment/Work Order Mangement Module   

The following screen will apear:

When the screen first opens, the user is limited to only four of the eight action buttons shown: Find an existing Work Order, Add a new Work Order, Print a report, or Exit.

Pressing the Find Action Button displays the following sequences:

User may choose to find or search for an existing order: by entering the Work Order Number, by entering a Product Number, by entering a Customer Name, or by entering a Sales Order Number.


If the user elects to find an order by the Work Order Number, a screen appears listing work orders in numerical order, along with the Part Number and Customer name. User has the option to view Open orders only or All orders. The user selects the work order by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and clicking on the selected order.

The Work Order screen is populated with the appropriate data.

When the user elects to find an order by the Product Number, a screen appears listing part numbers in numerical order. The user selects the part number by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and clicking on the selected part.

A list of all of the Work Orders assigned to the selected part is shown in numerical order, along with the customer name, Due Date and Build Qty. The user finds a work order by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and clicking on the selected work order.
The Work Order screen is populated with the appropriate data.

If the user elects to find an order by the Customer, a screen appears listing customers in alphabetical order. The user selects the customer by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and clicking on the selected order.


A list of all of the selected customer’s orders are shown in numerical order, along with the customer name, Due Date and Build Qty.  The user selects the work order by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and clicking on the selected order.

The Work Order screen is populated with the appropriate data.



When the user elects to find an order by the Sales Order Number, a screen appears listing open Sales Orders in numerical order. The user selects the Sales Order by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and clicking on the selected order. 

A list of all of the Work Orders assigned to the selected sales order is shown in numerical order, along with the part number, revision, class an type.  The user finds a work order by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and clicking on the selected work order.
The Work Order screen is populated with the appropriate data.




1.2. Add a Work Order

 Enter Production/Work Order Management/Work Order Management Module  

The following screen will appear:


To ADD a new work order, depress the Add Action button.  The user is first prompted for the appropriate password:

The following screen appears:

You may find a Product Number directly (see all parts), or limit the field by selecting a Part Class code first. 


If the user selects the by "Product Number” button, a pop-up screen listing all of the part numbers appears.  Select the part by typing the part number into the red box or highlighting and double clicking.


If the user selects the by "Part Class" button the find part class screen appears.  Select the Part Class by typing the part class into the red box or highlighting and double clicking.


After selecting the part class to be entered, the Find Part screen appears, but only includes those parts with the selected class code inventory type. Select the part by typing the part number into the red box or highlighting and double clicking.


Note:  If the Product Number you are looking for does not appear in the Find screens listed above you may want to check the Part Source of the Product number you are looking for.  ManEx does not allow a Work Order to be created for a Make/Buy Product,  (due to MRP calculating incorrect demand and showing incorrect message with safety stock). 

 And the screen is populated with information about the part number.

If the work order numbering is set to manual, the first prompt is for the Work Order Number. MANEX will enter the current system date as the Order Date, and the user may revise the date if desired

The next field to enter is the Job Status. Clicking on the down-arrow on the right side of this field activates a pop-up screen providing a list of status from which to select.

The system defaults to Standard. Standard is the ordinary work order status.  Priority is set up as a make ahead of all other orders, 1 being the most important and 2, the second most important.  Admin Hold is an order on hold due to customer credit, etc.  Mfg Hold would prevent the order from being kitted and assembled.  Rework is to fix or redo a previous order (See Article #1520), Rework Firm or Cancel. 

The user may put orders on Admin or Manufacturing Hold without affecting MRP. Manufacturing hold on a Work Order will disallow movement of the parts through SFT.

Rework = users will use this status if they do not want to have it included as available to meet demands.

ReworkFirm = users will use this if they want to have it included as available to meet demands.  The only thing is that they will have to be sure the due dates for a rework firm precede any demand that was created to use those parts.


Serial Number box. If this box is checked, the units must have a unique serial number assigned. (Note: Serial numbers are assigned in the Work Order Serial Number Control Module).

Sales Order Number. A Sales Order number will be displayed if the Work Order was created within the Sales Order Mgmt module. If you are entering a Work Order through the Work Order module, you can manually link an existing Sales Order to the Work Order. Only if the Sales Order and Work Order is for the same customer and same product number.   Keep in mind though that even if you have the SO linked to a WO does not mean that the quantities will always be the same.  The link is for reference only between the two modules and they are still individual records so when any changes are made to either the SO or the WO the change will not update or be carried forward to the other.  A message is displayed to the users that they will have to make the same changes to the WO.  


The next field to enter is the CUSTOMER.  When Adding a new Work Order, the user may select a Customer from the pull down or begin entering the customer name, and ManEx will immediately begin tracking the key-entry to bring up the customer with as few keystrokes as necessary to identify the customer. If there is no customer to be associated with the order, the user may select Standard price. 
If the Part Number selected is setup in the Sales Price List Information module the customers from the customer list within this module will be the only customer(s) to appear in the pull down.

If BOM is assigned to specific customer, and if there is CONSG part in the BOM -- Only that customer will be available in the WO customer list

If BOM is assigned to specific customer, and no CONSG parts in the BOM -- Default to that customer, but all other customers are available to be selected.

If BOM is not assigned to specific customer, all customer should be available.


If the work order is ready to start being moved through SFT (material obtained and shortages at a minimum), then the user may check the Work Order Released box, which will allow the material to be moved through Shop Floor Tracking. If MRP is used, the demand for the material will be generated, but the work order cannot begin production. To see a list of unreleased work orders, request Back Log Report by Work Center as discussed in the Reports section. 

After that, the user enters a Due Date for the order (the date due of finished goods), and the Build Quantity. The shipped quantity will be set to zero, and the balance due to the same as the work order build quantity. 

Work Order Schedule Tab

After all the information has been entered in the Work Order screen, depress the WO Schedule tab. The following screen will appear:   Note:  Keep in mind that this is for your reference only - this screen does not affect any other portion of the ManEx system.  

There are two modes available for completing a scheduled delivery for a product: Automatic and Manual. In the Automatic mode, MANEX will take a beginning date and a quantity to be delivered each period (Days, Weeks or Months) and schedule out the delivery. 

The following activities are available:

Automatic Scheduling. Pressing this button enables the scheduling box and places the default lead time date in the 1st Due Date box. (The user may establish a default number of days in the System Setup.) The user can then use that date, or enter the first (beginning delivery) date the customer expects to receive the order. The WO Schedule tab allows the user to divide the shipment into multiple deliveries of equal parts. For example, if the order is for a total of 100 pieces, and the customer wishes delivery to be at the rate of 10 units each day, then the delivery quantity should be entered as 10. The next box allows the user to select the delivery intervals. The options are by day (DY), week (WK) or month (MO). 

After selecting the delivery interval, pressing the SAVE button creates a line for each delivery date in the sequence requested. 

In this WO Schedule tab, the user may further edit, delete or add lines. 

Manual Scheduling. Pressing the Add Line button enables the delivery schedule box and places the cursor in the Due Date box. The user can then enter the first (beginning delivery) date the customer expects to receive the order.  Next, the Ship Date (the date the order is to leave the user’s dock) will be entered by MANEX based on the transit days entered. This date can then be modified by the user if a different date is desired. Then the scheduled quantity is entered.  The Shipped quantity will be completed by MANEX when the line has material shipped against it.  Additional lines may be added or deleted by pressing the appropriate button. The total number of units scheduled will be displayed at the bottom of the box, so the user can verify all units have been scheduled. 

Indented Work Order Tab

If the user has multi-level products, and there are other work orders upon which the current work order depends having material, then the Indented Work Order tab will allow the user to establish relationships between those work orders and the current one.

 Depress the Add Parent Work Ord button. A red box will appear, as illustrated below:

Type the Parent Work Order number into the box.

After entering a valid work order, the user is presented with a screen completed with the work order information, but with a blank work order number (if numbering is manual). After entering the work order, the schedule and quantity, the new work order may be saved.

Once all information is entered, the user may either Save by depressing the Save Record action button, or Abandon Changes by depressing the Abandon Changes Action buttons.

1.3. Edit a Work Order

Find an existing Work Order                                                    

After a Work Order has been found, it may be edited by selecting the Edit Action button.

All fields available for editing will be enabled for modification. The fields which may be edited are:

Order Date, Job Status, Work Order Release, Due Date, Build Qty. The user may also add a note, or add or delete a parent work order.  Note:  Once a Kit has been flagged as "In Process" the Work Order Management module will NOT allow the users to change the Work Order status between Standard and Rework.  For further detail see Article #2691 .
If the user wishes to change the Build Qty on a Work Order in process on the Floor the system will provide the users with what work center location they would like to reduce the qty from to match the new Work Order Qty.   At this point the Kitting module will still show the original WO qty and what was picked.  But if they depress the Update Kit button it will refresh the kit based off of the new WO Qty and now the qty that was adjusted will become WO-WIP.  Which means it is available to fulfill any other demand that might be out there. Then upon Closing the kit the user has the option to cost that wo-wip to the kit or return it to stock.  If they return it to stock it will have no affect on their Mfgr Variance for that work order.
If the user is going to reduce the Build Qty on a Work Order that will change the WO status to "CLOSED",  upon Closing the kit the system will take the original quantity pulled to the kit and automatically cost the different to the kit without giving any option to the user.  So, if the user does NOT wish to have the extra parts automatically costed to the kit upon closing they will need to change the WO status from "CLOSED" to "STANDARD",  return to the Kitting module and "UPDATE"  the kit,  then  return to the WO and edit/save the record without making any changes – the Status will automatically update to Closed.   See attached word document <<PS_961_090427.docx>>  for an example. 

NOTE:  Work Orders originated from an RMA Receiver will have "ReworkFirm" Job Status and users will NOT be allowed to change the Job Status, due to the fact that when the Work Order is created from RMA module all kitting, serial number, .... records are created and if user changes the WO status the system may loose track of these records.  User will receive the following message if they try to change the job status on a Work Order that was originated from an RMA Receiver.  


Since the material issued to the RMA is likely to be a defective assembly, or requires re-inspection, the work order must be completed by either transferring the material to FGI or to scrap to close the work order.  Therefore, an RMA work order cannot be cancelled. 
The following message will be displayed to the user if a SO is linked to a WO:

NOTE:  The link is for reference only between the two modules and they are still individual records so when any changes are made to either the SO or the WO the change will not update or be carried forward to the other. 
1.4. Cancel A Work Order

Find the Work Order you want to cancel. 

Depress the Edit button and enter your password

Depress the arrow next to the Job Status and change the Job Status to Cancel as displayed below.

Depress the Save action button.

Note:  You can’t Cancel a Work Order that has been kitted.  If you must cancel a kitted Work Order, go into the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt module and de-kit the order.
NOTE: Work Orders originated from an RMA Receiver will have "ReworkFirm" Job Status and users will NOT be allowed to change the Job Status, due to the fact that when the Work Order is created from RMA module all kitting, serial number, .... records are created and if user changes the WO status the system may loose track of these records.  User will receive the following message if they try to change the job status on a Work Order that was originated from an RMA Receiver.

Since the material issued to the RMA is likely to be a defective assembly, or requires re-inspection, the work order must be completed by either transferring the material to FGI or to scrap to close the work order. Therefore, an RMA work order cannot be cancelled or re-opened.

1.5. Manually Re-Open or Close a Work Order

Find a Closed Work Order  

Depress the Edit action button and change the Job Status from Closed to Standard

User will receive the following warning

Depress OK then Depress the Save record action button, The following message will be displayed to the user if a SO is linked to a WO:

  The link is for reference only between the two modules and they are still individual records so when any changes are made to either the SO or the WO the change will not update or be carried forward to the other. 
Depress OK WO status is changed from closed to Open/Standard

To Manually Close Work Order

Find Work Order with Job Status anything other than "Closed"

Dperss the Edit action button (do not edit anything)

Depress the Save record Action button.  The following message will be displayed to the user if a SO is linked to a WO:

NOTE:  The link is for reference only between the two modules and they are still individual records so when any changes are made to either the SO or the WO the change will not update or be carried forward to the other. 

Depress Ok and Job Status will automatically change to Closed


NOTE: Work Orders originated from an RMA Receiver will have "ReworkFirm" Job Status and users will NOT be allowed to change the Job Status, due to the fact that when the Work Order is created from RMA module all kitting, serial number, .... records are created and if user changes the WO status the system may loose track of these records.  User will receive the following message if they try to change the job status on a Work Order that was originated from an RMA Receiver.


Since the material issued to the RMA is likely to be a defective assembly, or requires re-inspection, the work order must be completed by either transferring the material to FGI or to scrap to close the work order. Therefore, an RMA work order cannot be cancelled or re-opened.




1.6. Add a Parent Work Order

Indented Work Order Tab

If the user has multi-level products, and there are other work orders upon which the current work order depends having material, then the Indented Work Order tab will allow the user to establish relationships between those work orders and the current one.

Find an existing Child Work Order

Go to the Indented Work Order Tree tab.  Depress the Edit button. 

 Depress the Add Parent Work Ord button. A red box will appear, as illustrated below:

Type the Parent Work Order number into the box.  The Parent Work Order number will disappear and will not appear in the Work Order box until the Save record action button is depressed as displayed below.     Depress the Abandon  changes Action buttons to abandon changes.
Find the Parent Work Order, go to the Indented Work Order Tree tab and the Child Work Order linked will be displayed: