To obtain the Inventory reports, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen.
The following screen will appear:
Select the appropriate radio for the output format you desire: Screen, Printer, XL File, TXT File, or PDF.
Highlight the desired report and then depress the Option tab if applicable.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM__Reports.png) |
Inventory Material Re-order List Report - The Material Re-order Report lists all inventory on hand that has less quantities available than the minimum stocking level prescribed for that part.
Select the Inventory Type, either Internal, In Store, Internal & In Store or Consign by clicking on the appropriate radio button. Depress the OK button.
This report uses the "Re-order Point" to decide if the part need to be re-ordered, not the "Re-order Qty" .
The Following is printed: This report displays all inventory on hand that has less quantities available than the minimum stocking level prescribed for that part.
Inventory On Hand Report - This report lists material on hand in inventory locations, including WIP. There are several ways to select the information so that the report is specific to chosen areas. The report shows the amount of inventory in each location, including identification of the manufacturer and allocated inventory.
To select class, highlight the Class and depress the > button. If you want all classes, depress the >> button.
To select warehouse, highlight the warehouse and depress the > button. To select all warehouses, depress the >> button.
Enter Part Number range, if desired. If left blank it will check all records.
Select to sort by, either Part Number or Warehouse by clicking on the appropriate radio button.
If you want to suppress records with a zero, check the box.
Depress the OK button.
The following is printed: This report displays the amount of inventory on hand in each location, including WIP, and identification of the manufacturer, Lot Code information, and allocated inventory. There are several ways to select the information so that the report is specific to chosen areas.
Transaction Detail Log Report - This Report lists all inventory movement transactions for the selected criteria for the report.
Highlighting the Transaction Detail Log report brings up a further selection:
Highlight the desired selection, either All, Receipt, Issue or Trans/Exp.
Depress the Options tab will bring up the following screen:
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_Detail_Rpt_Option.png) |
To select class, highlight the Class and depress the > button. If you want all classes, depress the >> button.
To select warehouse, highlight the warehouse and depress the > button. To select all warehouses, depress the >> button.
Enter Part Number range, if desired. If left blank it will check all records.
To clear the part range, check the Clear Range Entries box.
Enter the desired date range From and To. To clear the date, check the Clear Selection box.
If you want the reason to appear on the report, check the With Reason? box.
If you want the Serial numbers to appear on the report, check the box. (Note: Leading Zero's will not be displayed on report).
Select the Inventory Type, either Internal, Internal & In Store, In Store or Consign by clicking on the appropriate radio button.
Depress the OK button.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_DetailLog_Op.png) |
The following is printed: This report displays all inventory movement transactions for the selected criteria for the report. Issued qty's are displayed as negative, and Received qty's are displayed as postive.
Note: The reference field as entered in the Inventory Handling module will display on the Transaction Detail report.
Part Transaction Log With Balance Report - Lists all transactions for a specific part from date selected.
Select the Inventory Type, either Internal, Internal & In Store, In Store or Consign by clicking on the appropriate radio button.
Enter the Internal Part Number/Revision.
Enter the From Date, (the To Date is todays), Part Number/Revision.
If you want the reason to appear on the report, check the With Reason? box.
If you want the Serial numbers to appear on the report, check the box. (Note: Leading Zero's will not be displayed on report).
Depress the OK button.
Note: The beginning balance is a calculation based on transactions. It is not associated with the GL, nor has any effect on it. If the beginning balance is being displayed as anthing other than "0" it may be caused by the UOM being changed with qty on hand. See Article #3414 for further detail.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_Part_TransLog_wbalance_Op.png) |
The following is printed: This report displays all transactions for a specific part from date selected. Issued qty's are displayed as negative, and Received qty's are displayed as postive.
To read this report you need to start from the bottom and work your way up.
We use the current qty OH, then get all the receiving, issue, transfer... records, and go backwards to create the transaction with balance report. For example, I have a new part like this:
Starts with a 0.00 balance:
01/05/09 receiving 230
01/08/09 issue 15
01/15/09 receiving 75
The Qty OH now is 290, the report gets all the receiving, issue, transfer records and sorts the data by date from latest to oldest to get the beginning balance.
Qty OH: 290
+75 balance: 215 (by -75 from the 290)
-15 balance 230 (by adding 15)
+230 beginning balance: 0 (by -230 to get the balance)
Inventory Valuation Report - This Report lists all inventory by part class and summerizes the inventory value of the parts selected.
To select class, highlight the Class and depress the > button. If you want all classes, depress the >> button.
To select warehouse, highlight the warehouse and depress the > button. To select all warehouses, depress the >> button.
Enter Part Number range, if desired. If left blank it will check all records.
To clear the part range, check the Clear Range Entries box.
Select the type of Cost you want to appear on the report: Standard, Purchase or User Define by depressing the appropriate radio button.
Select status of parts: All or Active Only by depressing the appropriate radio button.
Depress the OK button.
NOTE: The Last Paid information is calculated from the Last Change date not necessarily the PO Date that is displayed in the Purchase History box. If a user happens to edit an older PO (that does not match the Purchase Order History screen) and saves the changes the Last Paid will be updated based on the last change order recorded and the PO History screen will still remain as is. (Example: If a PO was originally created in 2002 , but edited and saved today, it would then be included into the Last Paid record from the date it was modified).
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_InvtValuation.png) |
The following is printed: This report displays all inventory by part class and summerizes the inventory value of the parts selected.
Inventory and WIP Valuation Report
Check the box if you want to suppress 0 quantity on hand.
Check the box if you want to round quantities to Integer.
Select the part class by highlighting the one you wish and depressing the > button. If you want all classes, depress the >> button.
Enter Part Number range, if desired. If left blank it will check all records.
To clear the part range, check the Clear Range Entries box.
Select the type of Cost you want to appear on the report: Standard, Purchase or User Define by depressing the appropriate radio button.
Select status of parts: All or Active Only by depressing the appropriate radio button.
Depress the OK button.
The following is printed:
See Article #1777 "How WIP Qty and WIP Value is Calculated".
See Article #913 "How Manex tracks and values the dollars in WIP".
See Article #3068 "Why the Accounting Values do not always match the Inventory reports".
Inventory WIP Valuation Report by Work Order
Check the box if you want to round quantities to Integer.
Select the Part Class by highlighting the one you wish and depressing the > button. If you want all classes, depress the >> button.
Select the Work Order by highlighting the one you wish and depressing the > button. If you want all classes, depress the >> button.
Enter Part Number range, if desired. If left blank it will check all records.
To clear the part range, check the Clear Range Entries box.
Select the type of Cost you want to appear on the report: Standard, Purchase or User Define by depressing the appropriate radio button.
Depress the OK button.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_InvtWIP_Valuation_WO_Op.png) |
The following is printed: Every new WO will start on the new page.
Inventory List With No Assigned BOM Report - All material on hand with no parent assembly associated with it.
This report displays all material on hand with no parent assembly associated with it.
Select the Part Type to Display: All, Internal, or Consigned Only by depressing the appropriate radio button.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_InvtNoAssignBOM_Op.png) |
The following is Printed: Note: The first letter of the Status is displayed to the left of the "Part Number" column (A for Active and I for In-active).
Unused Inventory List Report - All inventory for which no transactions have occured since a selected date.
Select Inventory Type: Internal, In-Store, Internal & In-Store, or consign by depressing the appropriate radio button .
Select the part class by highlighting the one you wish and depressing the > button. If you want all classes, depress the >> button.
To select warehouse, highlight the warehouse and depress the > button. To select all warehouses, depress the >> button.
Enter Part Number range, if desired. If left blank it will check all records.
To clear the part range, check the Clear Range Entries box.
Enter the desired date.
To Clear selection, check the Clear Selection box.
If you want to suppress records with a zero, check the box.
Depress the OK button. Note: The search for the un-used parts will be based on the MFGR/ MPN level.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_UnusedInvt.png) |
The following is printed: This report displays all inventory for which no transactions have occured since the selected date based on the MFGR/MPN level.
Part Cross Reference Report
Highlighting the Part Cross Reference report brings up a further selection:
Select the type of Cross Reference desired.
This will display the relation between Mfgr part number and Internal part number.
Choose Sort By selection, either Manufacturer Part Number or Manufacturer by clicking on the radial.
Depress the OK button.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_PartCrossRef.png) |
The following is printed: This will display the relation between Mfgr part number and Internal part number.
Part List by Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number Report - Lists by manufacturers, all part numbers by manufacturers part number, user type, class, description and part number, along with quantity in stores.
Highlight the manufacturer of preference and depress the > button. If you want all manufacturers depress the >> button.
Depress the OK button.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_PartListMfg.png) |
The following is printed: This report displays all part numbers by manufacturers part number, user type, class, description and part number, along with quantity in stores.
Physical Inventory Work Sheets Report - Work sheets to be used to take physical inventory.
Select Inventory Type: Internal, In-Store, Internal & In-Store, or consign by depressing the appropriate radio button .
Select the part type: Make, Buy or Both by depressing the appropriate radio button.
Select either With Book Quantity or Without Book Quantity by depressing the appropriate radio button.
Select to sort by: Warehouse/Location or Part Number by depressing the appropriate radio button.
Enter Part Number range, if desired. If left blank it will check all records.
To clear the part range, check the Clear Range Entries box.
Depress the OK button.
The following is printed: This is the Worksheets to be used to take physical inventory.
List of Duplicate Descriptions - This report displays all part numbers with duplicate descriptions
In Store Items Without Contract Report - This report displays all part numbers from Invt mfgr Instore without contract
In Store Issued Items Without Contract Report - This report displays a list of items issued from in-stores without contract
Customer Reference Report - This report lists by customers, all customers part number along with quantity in stores
Part Class and Type List - This report is a listing of Part Classes & Types
Print Inventory Labels
The Print Inventory labels report requires that the Barcode Font be installed.
Highlighting the Print Inventory Labels brings up a selection of printers to be used:
Laser Printer (sheet): Avery Label # 5163, 4" x 2", 2 accross, 5 down, printed portrait
Portable Printer (roll): Redline Solutions, Zebra QL DT Labels 4x3 PN 81475
Portable Printer (roll): Zebra Printer (roll): Label size 2" x 3" (for Zebra printers Part #10000286 (or equivalent)
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_Invt_Rpt_Detail.png) |
Select Inventory Type: Internal, In-Store, Internal & In-Store, or consign by depressing the appropriate radio button .
Enter number of Labels to Print (1-99).
Enter Part Number range. (This field is required).
To clear the part range, check the Clear Range Entries box.
Enter the Warehouse and location, if desired.
Depress the OK button.
The following is printed.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_Invt_Label.png) |
Allocated Report for Closed and Cancelled WO - This report displays a listing of Part Classes & Types
Allocated Report by Part Number Report - This report displays a listing of Allocated Part Numbers
Allocated Report by Work Order Report - This report displays a listing of Allocated Part Numbers by Work Order
Material Type Change Report - Listing of the parts that have their material type changed since given date.
Enter the From Date, (the To Date is todays).
To clear date check the clear box.
Depress the OK button.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_MatlType.png) |
The following is printed: - Listing of the parts that have their material type changed since given date.
Material Type Change Log Detail Report - Listing of the parts that have their old and current material types changed since given date.
Enter the From Date, (the To Date is todays).
To clear date check the clear box.
Enter in a Part Range, if desired. If left blank it will check all records.
To clear the part range, check the Clear Range Entries box.
Depress the OK button.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Reports/ICM_MT_Change_Op.png) |
The following is printed: This report displays the history of the Inventory Material Type Changes.
Inventory and AVL Material Type Validation - This report goes through the inventory part numbers to check and lists if the Inventory and AVL material types are not in sycn. It does not update the inventory material types.
Depress the OK button. User will receive the following popup to warn them that the report could take a while to run. So at this point you have the option of continuing or aborting the procedure.
Depress Yes and the following report will appear: This report compares inventory material type with AVL calculated material type and lists those part numbers which have different material types in inventory and AVL levels.