There are additional security options available within some of the line items. Please note that ALL users with a Supervisor’s Password automatically have such rights and that they do not have to be individually assigned.
Highlight the Inventory Control line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Checking the first box will allow a user to update the Standard Cost fields within the Inventory Control Management module and also within the Standard Cost Adjustment Management module. Checking the second box will allow a user to lock and unlock an inventory part within the Inventory Control module.
Checking the third box will allow a user to serialize or un-serialize an inventory part within the Inventory Control module.
Checking the fourth box will allow a user to Auto Create a Location for an inventory part within the Inventory Control module.
Highlight the Bill of Material & AVL line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check this box if you would like to allow this user to Lock or Unlock BOM.
Purchase Order Management
Highlight the Purchase Order Managment line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check this box if you would like to allow this user to Add or Remove the Exception Code from PO.
PO & Dock Receiving
Highlight the PO & Dock Receiving line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check the box if you would like to allow this user to override the percentage as entered in the Inventory Control Item Master, override the Early Delivery restriction setup in Purchase Setup and Banned/Blocked MPN's in the PO Receiving Module.
Kitting & Shortage Management
Highlight the Kitting and Shortage line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check the box if you would like to allow this user to be able to issue Non Approved AVL items to the Kit.
Inventory Cycle Count
Highlight the Inventory Cycle Count line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check the box if you would like to allow this user to post any adjustments to inventory within the Cycle Count module.
Highlight the Engineering Change Order line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Checking the first box will allow this user to to Lock or Unlock an ECO. Checking the second box will allow this user to view the ECO Price information.
Physical Inventory
Highlight the Physical Inventory line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
There are specialized procedures for the Physical Inventory module: The selection to post the Inventory adjustments requires either a Supervisor’s password or specific rights. Also, there is the option to print out the work sheet showing quantity. The specific rights are set up as follows:
Checking the first box will allow this user to be able to update the inventory count. Checking the second box will allow this user to be able to see the existing quantities on hand when printing the Physical Inventory reports. Note: This is NOT a recommended procedure. Usually you would want your counters NOT to know what’s expected. However, there may be occasions when the user wants a specific employee to have these. However, we stress that CAUTION must be exercised here.
Product Routing
Highlight the Product Routing line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check the box if you would like to allow this user to Release Traveler.
Product Data Management(PDM)
Highlight the Product Data Management(PDM) line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Checking the first box will allow this user to Release Tools and/or Fixtures. Checking the second box will allow this use to Release the PDM.
Work Order Shop Tracking or Bar Code Utilizations
Highlight the Work Order Shop Tracking or Bar Code Utilizations line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Checking the "Allow Skipping Work Center Forward or Backward" box will allow this user to skip Work Centers and move product Forward or Backward.
Checking the "Allow Changing Default Work Center for Serial Number Transfer" box will remove the restriction for this user and allow user to transfer serialized material from any Work Center with in "Shop Floor Tracking by Work Order" and "Shop Floor Tacking by Bar Code" modules, if a work station is restricted to a default work center in the Production Work Center/Activity Setup module. After a user with this options password is entered, the default work center will be changed to the one that this user entered password for. For Example: the workstation is assigned to use “TU” as default work center, now if this user chooses to use “AI” to transfer, the default work center will be changed to “AI”.
Highlight the Defect Code Entry line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Checking the first box will allow this user to exceed the number of inspections defined in Quality Defect Codes setup module.
There is a special right for “defect code entry” within the Shop Floor Tracking module. Checking the second box will allow this user to be able to edit “closed” Work Order SQC data.
Checking the third box will allow this user to change the default work centers for serial number transfer within the Work Order Traveler Setup module.
Sales Quotation and Estimating
Highlight the Sales Quotation & Estimating Line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check the box if you would like to allow this user to transfer the Sales Quotation data into the other applicable modules.
Sales Order Management
Highlight the Sales Order Management line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check the box if you would like to allow this user to Approve Sales Orders.
Packing List
Highlight the Packing List line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Checking the first box will allow this user to Edit a shipped revision number. Checking the second box will allow this user to Approve Over-credit Packing List.
Credit Memo
Highlight the Credit Memo line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check the box if you would like to allow this user to Approve Credit Memos.
Order Configuration
Highlight the Order Configuration line item as illustrated below:
Depress the Options tab and the following screen will appear:
Check the box if you would like to allow this user to Transfer Configuration to Item Master.