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Reports - PO Mgmt

1. To access the reports, depress the Print  button at the top of the screen.  The report screen will appear.

2.  Select the output you desire by selecting one of the output radial selections at the top left of the screen, Screen, Printer, XL File, TXT File, or PDF.
3.  Highlight the report desired and click on the option tab.   

If you want all line items & scheduled quantities to print, check that box.

Select the number of copies you want by toggling the up and down arrows.

Select one of the following options:  Unprinted PO, Open PO, Close/Cancel PO, New Orders, Reprint Last Batch, Single PO #, In Store Orders by clicking on the radial. 
NOTE:  Depending on which one of these options you select will depend on what will be displayed on the report.   For Example:  If User selects Open/Active the report will have "APPROVED" at the top of the report (as displayed below) and prints out the Purchase Order form AFTER some receiving has occurred against that PO, then ONLY the un-received still open amounts will print on this form.  Any line items COMPLETELY RECEIVED or CANCELED will NOT display on the PO form.  If User selects Close/Cancel PO  the report will have "CLOSED" at the top of the report and will display the original scheduled balance.   

Highlight the PO of interest and depress the > button.  To select all POs, depress the >> button. 

Check the "Show All MPNs for the Parts on the PO" box if you want all MPNs listed on the report.
Check the "Show Item Master Note" box if you would like the Item master notes to be displayed on the report.
Check the "Print BOM Addendum for all "MAKE" parts on the Selected PO"  When the users add a Make/Buy part to a Suppliers PO, and checks this option the system will then print a "BOM Indented with AVL" report as an addendum to the PO form.  Each BOM will be printed as a separate report and will reference PO and item on the PO.  If the AVL on the approve vendor list for any of the items on the BOM happens to be checked as "disallow to buy" this AVL will not be included within the addendum to the PO.     
Depress the OK button
When this report is printed is will display the Approval status of the order, it will  also display the Supplier Part Number if entered in the ICM module. 
  • If purchase order status is "NEW" report will print "NOT APPROVED"
  • If purchase order status is "OPEN" and has been approved, report will display "APPROVED"
  • If purchase order status is "EDITING" meaning order was once approved but now in edit status, the report will display "EDITING PENDING APPROVAL"
The following report will be displayed:


This report is exactly the same as the Purchase Order Form report above, except that this report will also show the Required Date information.

If you want all line items & scheduled quantities to print, check that box.

Select the number of copies you want by toggling the up and down arrows.

Select one of the following options:Unprinted PO, Open PO, Close/Cancel PO, New Orders, Reprint Last Batch, In Store Orders by clicking on the radial.

Highlight the PO of interest and depress the > button.To select all POs, depress the >> button.
Check the "Show Allocation Information" if you want this information printed on the PO
Check the "Show All MPNs for the Parts on the PO" box if you want all MPNs listed on the Report.
Check the "Show Item Master Note" box if you would like the Item master notes to be displayed on the report.
Depress the OK button.
This report will display the Supplier Part Number if entered in the ICM module.

The following report will be displayed:



At the bottom of the screen, highlight the Detail Report, By Supplier, By Part Number, By Part Number with Where Used or By Due Dates.

Note: If you select ANY of the Detail selects other than “By Supplier” then you can click directly on the OK button and ALL open PO's will be displayed.
The “Open Purchase Order Detail” report shows only items that still have balance. So if you have an open PO with three items and only one of those items have a balance the report will only show the one item with the balance.
Note:  When exporting to Excel there will be an additional column displaying the Unique ID #.
 If user selects “By Supplier”, the Options screen becomes enabled.

Enter the desired Date Range to filter the search more. 

Highlight the Supplier of interest and depress the > button.  To select all Suppliers, depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button.


The following report will be displayed: 


Enter in the desired Date Range.

Depress the OK button.
The “Summary” report shows all open orders based on the status of the PO.   If the open PO has no items with balance left the "Open Purchase Order Detail" report will not show this PO at all, but the "Open Purchase Order Summary "report will.


The following report will be displayed


Enter in the desired Date Range.

Highlight the Supplier and select by using the > button.For All Suppliers, depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button.
Note:  When exporting to Excel there will be an additional column displaying the Unique ID #.

The following report will be displayed



Enter in the desired Date Range.

Depress the OK button.


The following report will be displayed



Select one of the Group By options: Supplier, PO Date, First Schedule Date by clicking on the radial.

Depress the OK button.


The following report will be displayed



Select Project # or Work Order # by clicking on the radial.

Select for: Customer, Open, Single, or All by clicking on the radial

If select by customer, then choose the customer from the pull down menu.

Highlight the Project and select by using the > button. For All Suppliers, depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button. 


The following report will be displayed



Article ID: 523