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ICM Query - Find serial #’s that exist in stock currently for all parts/product
The following query will display which serial numbers exist in stock currently for all parts/products. 


from inventor;

INNER JOIN invtmfhd ON inventor.uniq_key = invtmfhd.uniq_key;

inner JOIN invtmfgr ON invtmfhd.uniqmfgrhd = invtmfgr.uniqmfgrhd;

inner JOIN warehous ON invtmfgr.uniqwh = warehous.uniqwh;

left OUTER JOIN invtser ON invtmfgr.w_key = invtser.id_value;

WHERE inventor.status = 'Active';

AND invtmfhd.is_deleted <> .t.;

and invtmfgr.is_deleted <> .t.;

AND qty_oh <> 0.00;

AND serialyes = .t.

Article ID: 5136