Find a Supplier Contact |
Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/SQLMANEX_EXE.png) |
The following screen will be displayed, select Material Planning/Purchase Setup/Supplier Contacts Information
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/MatlPlanning_Menus/SQL_Supplier_Contact_Info.png) |
The following screen will be displayed:
There are two ways to Find Existing Supplier Contacts:
1. By using the Find button located in the tool bar at the top of the screen. The following screen will appear: Select the desired Filter: by selecting the appropriate radio button - Active, InActive, or All. Select the desired Find: by selecting the appropriate radio button - Last Name, First Name, or Supplier
Enter the information into the red box, depress the Enter key and the information will populate the screen.
2. Depress the Lookup tab. This screen allows the user to locate a supplier contact alphabetically. Double click on the supplier contact name will bring the associated data into all screens without having to use the FIND action button. This screen will list all of the supplier contacts entered beginning with the Last Name, First Name, Company, Title and Contact Phone number (not the company phone number).
Article ID: 4452 |