Why is MRP instructing me to release two PO’s on the same day, because the demand for 55 on 10/06/08 can use either AVL?
The MRP processes the records in date order. In this case this is how the records were processed.
date Qty Req Order Amt Excess Release PO's for AVL's Approved AVL's
09/29/08 45 100 (Min Qty) 55 AVX CR21-181JT AVX CR21-181JT
09/29/08 25 --- 30 AVX CR21-181JT AVX CR21-181JT
10/06/08 55 100 (Min Qty) 75 AVX CR21-181JT AVX CR21-181JT & AVX CR21-181JP
10/06/08 35 100 (Min Qty) 65 AVX CR21-181JP AVX CR21-181JP
Note that orders for the same day are sorted with the highest required quantity being processed first, this is because of the way the program processes the data for the most efficient use of inventory and excess from minimum orders and POs. We can only process one item at a time and because of that.
Many years ago we tried to look at all of the requirements for a part at the same time but we found that this meant that we were processing every record many times, in the case above each item would have had to be process 16 times to get the desired results ( The reason is that each record must be processed against every other record to see if the dates, AVLs, minimum orders and order multiples can be matched, if there were 5 items it would be 25 times, 6 items - 36 times, just take the square of the number of items.). We found that the MRP became very very slooooooooow even on a small data set, so we went to this method of processing each record only once.