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PO Query - Purchase Price Variance by Project

SQL Syntax that could be used for creating a listing by project of all Purchasing Variances for items purchased ON THE PO to the project.



ldbegdt = {^2007/01/01}  &&& Oldest date to include information


SELECT pur_var.ponum, pur_var.itemno, pur_var.part_no, pur_var.acpt_qty, pur_var.costeach, pur_var.stdcost, pur_var.variance,;

      poitems.uniqlnno, poitschd.requesttp, poitschd.woprjnumber;

      FROM pur_var, poitems, poitschd;

      WHERE trans_date > ldbegdt;

            AND pur_var.ponum = poitems.ponum;

            AND pur_var.itemno = poitems.itemno;

            AND poitschd.uniqlnno = poitems.uniqlnno;

            AND poitschd.requesttp = "Prj Alloc";

      ORDER BY woprjnumber, pur_var.part_no;

      INTO CURSOR pvlist



Also, in order to see this information, the PO Reconciliations must have been completed, and the information transferred to Accounts Payable
Article ID: 3171