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ICM Query - Item Master Report Query
Report layout information that was provided
Item Master Report - Customer part number, EMI part number, part description, supplier name or supplier code, mfr name, mfr part number, currency, unit price, lead time, MOQ, SPQ (order multiple), period order (order frequency), quoted date
Suggested report query to apply
This is a complex request. The main table for inventory is in the INVENTOR table. However, this is a little complex, as we will have one record for the Internal Part Number, and may have many records for multiple customer part numbers for the same part. The Customer part number is maintained as a consigned part type in the same table. The link between the internal part number record and the customer part number record is found in the Int_uniq field of the consigned part number, which refers to the uniq_key of the internal part number.

 The Manufacturer name and part number are contained in the INVTMFHD table. Records in this table are linked to the internal part number records in the INVENTOR table by the uniq_key.

 The Supplier information is kept in the INVTMFSP table, and is linked to the Manufacturer in the INVTMFHD table by the uniqmfgrhd field.

The unit price, lead time, minimum order quantity, order multiple, MRP Order Policy Code are all in the INVENTOR table.  We do not have a field for currency.

The“quoted date” is not readily available. It is assumed that this means the date that the component was quoted within the quote module. But this depends on a large number of factors, such as which assembly the part is being used in, which customer, which sales order, which version of the quote, and which supplier quote
Article ID: 3170